Pineapple Diet: Truth and Fiction

As its name implies, the pineapple diet involves eating these fruits several times a day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Its simplest option is a unloading mono-diet designed for one day. Pineapple "unloading", in the absence of contraindications, can be carried out weekly. Moreover, during the day it is allowed to eat only a kilogram of pineapple, dividing it into four doses. A short-term pineapple diet allows you to lose 500-700 grams of weight at a time. Regularly using this method, you can get yourself in shape almost painlessly in a few months. There is a lighter version of this “one-day” diet: in addition to pineapple, it is allowed to use juice from this fruit (one liter), which must be drunk in small portions throughout the day.

The second option is a protein-pineapple diet: you can "sit" on it for two weeks. It is allowed to eat meat, mushrooms and vegetables (except for starchy potatoes and sweet carrots). Pineapple can be eaten separately or combined with them - for example, in salads. It is allowed to use black pepper and lemon juice as a dressing. With this diet, you can eat up to 700 grams per day, lean meat - no more than 300. The amount of other foods is not so important, the only rule is that you can’t use any oil, even vegetable, for cooking. Having sustained this diet for two weeks, you can get rid of four to five kilograms of excess weight.

There is also a five-day pineapple diet: its diet is quite diverse. There is only one rule - pineapple must be present in every meal: for breakfast and dinner it is supposed to eat 100 grams of it, and for lunch - 150. Three meals a day with this diet. At breakfast, in addition to pineapple, you can eat a dried slice of bread and a slice of cheese, or two eggs, or 150-200 grams of boiled ham. Another option that is extremely tasty and healthy is oatmeal with pineapple: muesli (2 tbsp.) Is filled with natural yogurt, without flavorings and preservatives, and seasoned with pineapple puree (50-100 grams of each product). Lunch options are as follows: 200 grams of boiled meat or 300 grams of low-fat fish and a vegetable dish (vinaigrette, caviar or carrot salad seasoned with vegetable oil). Finally, at dinner you can eat fruit salad or stewed vegetables, or drink 0.5 liters of natural yogurt - in this case, it completely replaces food, except pineapple. This pineapple diet is quite diverse, but low in calories. Nevertheless, it is tolerated quite easily and there is usually no episode of hunger in those who "sit" on it. If desired, it can be repeated, extending to ten days - however, only if you feel good. Such a pineapple diet (reviews confirm this) will allow you to "lose" from five to eight kilograms.

The pineapple diet, like this fruit itself, has long been attributed unique properties. They were associated with the ability of the substances contained in it to break down fats. On the basis of pineapple, the herbal preparation Bromelain was created, containing a natural enzyme obtained from its pulp. The annotation to him says that he is able to improve metabolism, break down fats and proteins. A recipe for a “magic” alcohol (!) Tincture on pineapple, supposedly effectively combating excess weight, wanders from hand to hand: it is advised to drink a tablespoon a quarter of an hour before meals. At the same time, it is alleged that everything can be done - pineapple tincture will successfully smooth out any errors in nutrition, just in this case you will need to take an extra spoonful of a miracle remedy.

However, some researchers believe that the role of bromelain in the breakdown of fats is not proven. Pineapple really contributes to weight loss - they claim, but only due to its low calorie content (48 kcal per 100 grams). Therefore, you should not count on the miraculous effect of eating this fruit: without limiting yourself to flour, fat and sweet, you are unlikely to succeed.

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