Actors of the series "Concerned, or Love of Evil"

Sometimes you want to sit in front of the TV and watch it without much attention, without perceiving information from the deep layers of the brain. But many channels refuse us this opportunity. Instead, we are scared of maniacs, serial killers, the end of the world and the third world war. That's why we will always love series - in them life is perceived through the prism of someone else’s relationship, and its reality seems more pleasant. For example, the actors of the series "Concerned" have become almost our neighbors. After all, when every evening you spend in the company of the same people, then you involuntarily imbued with sympathy for them. Do they deserve attention? And why, despite the good reviews, did the series have a low rating?

cast actors are preoccupied

What are you talking about?

So, the series “Concerned, or Love of Evil” was released. Actors and roles, it would seem, coincided, and the theme, at first glance, is close and understandable to every layman. The series is declared as a comedy, but sometimes the very expected antics are not visible at all. Showing rather rude scenes of attitude towards girls. But the idea belongs to Semyon Slepakov, who, in tandem with the writer Irina Denezhkina and director Boris Khlebnikov, decided to make a story about life. The main roles were received by very controversial Maria Shalaeva and Yuri Kolokolnikov, who only recently started talking about because of their role in the series "Game of Thrones". The plot revolves around three bosom girlfriends who left their native Yekaterinburg and left for the alluring capital. All of them, of course, believe in a miracle and seek their fate in the city of great expectations. Sasha Gvozdikova wants to become a great writer. Katya Neplyueva hopes for a rich and prosperous life with her husband and son. Alena Kremlyova dreams of a beautiful and carefree life behind the mighty back of a man. You won’t get the standard sense of humor here. All the scenes are on the verge when tears break out through laughter.

troublesome cast


In the series "Concerned", the actors were not selected according to the presence of an exceptionally beautiful appearance. Rather, the actor should be multifaceted and charismatic. Like Maria Shalaeva, who played Sasha Gvozdikova. The heroine worked in a magazine and sometimes slept with the boss until he pushed her out the door in the same blanket, frightened by the visit of his wife. Here comes insight, and Gvozdikova leaves for Moscow, where she wants to publish her opuses and seek love. In Moscow, no one is waiting for her. What to do? Probably have to go back ?! But Sasha stumbles upon a young man whom he predictably instantly falls in love with. Maria Shalaeva herself says that her heroine is eccentric and humorous, but primarily a creative person.

preoccupied series or love of evil actors and roles

is he

Slava Lozovsky is the very young man with whom the heroine falls in love. He is charming and enjoys the love of many ladies. Lozovsky secured. He is extreme and cynical, but he also falls in love with Sasha, although he may not immediately recognize it. He likes her irony, her sharp thinking, but he doesn’t want a serious relationship at all. The main actors of the series "Concerned" - Kolokolnikov and Shalaeva - look harmoniously together. He is tall, she is small. Both blondes with charismatic external data, far from model standards. He recalls filming with nostalgia and a smile. He says that ordinary young people are easy to play, but a voluminous person has to live.

cast actors anxious or love evil


The most striking, but very controversial character in the series is Alena Kremlyova, a sexy, open and courageous girl, but terribly naive. From Yekaterinburg, she left for her dream of a beautiful life, leaving behind the guy she was waiting for from the army, albeit sometimes cheating on him with his friends. In Moscow, she finds a father who left his family a long time ago, but the main meeting is an age boyfriend who makes her go through many milestones of growing up. Olga Dibtseva discovered herself in a new way through the movie "Concerned" (TV series).

Actors whose photos are eye-catching are especially appealing to the viewer. Dibtseva - of these. She is beautiful, charming, but her type in the movie rarely gets a happy ending. It is so clearly striking that the heroine was initially a little sorry. Let her do very unreasonable things. Dibtseva in many ways compares herself with Alena Kremlyova. They both love life and remain true to themselves.

Another girlfriend

Katya Neplyueva managed to find a husband in Moscow and have a baby. Now she is a housewife, the wife of a former hockey player accused of pedophilia. She does not give up her husband and believes in him, but she still wants a beautiful life. Played Neplyueva Evgenia Kalinets. Actors of the series Concerned, or Love of Evil respond positively to working with Eugenia. In the course of the development of the plot, Katya Neplyueva changes greatly, becomes nervous, quick-tempered, typical hysterical with a heap of problems. This type can be recognized in many modern women who forget about themselves and vent anger on loved ones. The fragile and tender Kalinets was able to convey the despair that her heroine eats. Her wife was played by Nikolai Schreiber, a man with a very original appearance. He is much bigger and stronger than Eugenia, but at the same time she remains a “man” in the family. The actors managed to find contact and play a real married couple with their joys and sorrows.

Concerned Series Actors Photos

Words from the main creators

Actors of the series "Concerned" conveyed images, but people who remained behind the scenes had to create those very images. The main ideological mastermind Semyon Slepakov considers his brainchild a true comedy. There were some difficulties with the name, because I wanted to throw and some challenge. I liked that the actors of the series "Concerned" play not only about sex, but also about life. Thus, the name reflected the inner essence and idea of ​​the scriptwriters. When questions arise about whether the series can be considered an independent product, or is it an adaptation of a Western idea, the producers answer that there are a lot of stories about three friends, and they all will be similar in some way, since they are women with their own fate, problems, claims, loves. But specifically, this story does not copy anyone and the characters here are original and voluminous. They cannot be laughed at unambiguously, blamed for something, or sided with one or another. They can simply be understood and accepted.

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