The film ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ (2006). Actors of the youth occult thriller

In terms of beauty and gothic style, the project of Rennie Harlin, released in 2006, is not inferior to similar genre works, the narrative picture under the veil of mysticism claims to cover important social problems. IMDb feed rating: 5.30, neutral reviews prevail among reviews and reviews.

With a light hand Russian adapters

Domestic rolling version of the name The Covenant, of course, is inaccurate. The original title refers to the ā€œTreaty of Silenceā€ - an unparalleled vow adopted in 1692 during the witch-hunt era by the five clans of Ipswich mages. This obligation protected the descendants of sorcerers from fatal miscalculations up to the events covered in the picture. Actors: S. Straight, L. Ramsey, S. Stan, T. Kitsch, T. Hemingway were invited to realize the directorā€™s extraordinary idea in the film ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ (2006).

deal with the devil movie 2006 actors

Project creators

Forty-seven-year-old Finnish visionary settled in Hollywood for a long time and without any difficulty. Having achieved recognition with the help of the fourth part of the horror epic ā€œA Nightmare on Elm Streetā€, he confirms his success with ā€œDie Hard 2ā€ and ā€œRock Climberā€. For director Rennie Harlin, the film ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ is an attempt to rehabilitate itself after the commercial fiasco of ā€œIsland of the Cutthroatsā€ and the ensuing forced long creative vacation.

The tape has a number of bold visual solutions, ranked by columnists of thematic media as its undoubted advantages. But they, unfortunately, fade before the flaws of a mediocre scenario that came out of the pen of screenwriter J.S. Cardone, who had previously specialized in low-budget cinema projects. The scriptwriter showed his literary talent not bad in the horror film "Abandoned", but, as the reviews say, in the "Deal with the Devil" he made a lot of unforgivable flaws. Although scenario absurdities and sagging are not the only components of a project that has been criticized by movie experts.

the covenant


In the plot of the film ā€œDeal with the Devil,ā€ the authors tried to combine the motives of youth drama with themes typical of horror films. This technique is not innovative, it is widely used by filmmakers, starting with The Lost Guys or Carrie, continuing with the Canadian trilogy Ginger Breaks, etc. But, according to critics, Harlinā€™s attitude to the life of young magicians not lagging behind their peers in terms of entertainment, presented too pathetic and even cloying. The skill of the actors of the film ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ (2006) was skeptically appreciated. Young performers almost all do not play polls, but rather pose in front of the camera, and they do it extremely unnaturally, and therefore, unconvincingly.

deal with the devil reviews

Stephen Straight

The actors involved in the production of the film ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ (2006) were not newcomers to the big movie. For example, Stephen Straight regularly acted in films since 18 years. At such a young age, he already had experience as a model and performing skills. His debut in the film industry took place in "Aerobatics." In the project of Rennie Harlin, he played the role of Kaleb Danvers - one of the sorcerers endowed with amazing supernatural abilities. Stephen has an outstanding musical talent, he is a rock singer, sings and writes lyrics for the band Tribe.

film directed by rennie harlin

Laura Ramsey and Sebastian Stan

American actress Laura Ramsey before starting a movie career worked as an ordinary waitress in a restaurant in Los Angeles. There she was noticed by experts in casting and invited to the series The Days. After the girl had the opportunity to gain experience in the film "Dogtown Kings". In The Deal with the Devil, Ramsey embodied the image of Sarah Wenham. In 2008, Maxim magazine declared her one of the sexiest actresses. A wide audience of Laura is known for his work in the films "She is a man", "Ruins", "Irishman".

Hollywood performer of Romanian descent Sebastian Stan from all the actors of the movie ā€œDeal with the Devilā€ (2006) managed to build the most successful career. He is currently known to a wide audience as Bucky Barnes from the First Avenger trilogy. The filmography of Stan contains more than 30 paintings, the most significant of which are: the TV show "Gossip Girl", the films "Black Swan", "Phenomenon", "Ant-Man", "Martian". In the movie "Deal with the Devil," he revealed the image of Chase Collins.

deal with the devil movie plot

Taylor Kitsch and Toby Hemingway

Canadian actor and model Taylor Kitsch also got a good career start by participating in the youth horror. Initially, the performer dreamed of becoming a professional hockey player, but because of a serious knee injury, he abandoned his dream and began to build a career in the modeling business. He was the most inexperienced actor in the film "Deal with the Devil" in 2006, as he decided to try his hand at cinema in 2005, playing the role of a football player in "Friday Night Lights." Rennie Harlin's work was the second tape in his filmography. The image of Pog Perry Kitsch was a success, he was noticed by movie figures. Currently, the actor is known for his roles in the films ā€œX-Men: The Beginning. Wolverine, John Carter, Especially Dangerous, and Sea Battle.

The British actor Toby Hemingway, who presented the image of Reed Garwin to the audience in The Covenant, was born in a family of writers. Has been acting in films since 2005, initially he was invited only to episodic roles, for example, in the television series Bones and Eternal Summer. Acting as one of the key characters in The Deal with the Devil, Toby did not take off for an impressive period of time. He returned to the big screen in 2010 in Black Swan, and after Hemingway took part in the creation of the Mine Taylor Swift video. Since 2012, she has been a regular member of the Fox Seeker show.

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