What is judicial representation based on?

Judicial representation is of great importance in the modern judicial system. Under current law, in civil matters, the interests of people can be represented by almost any competent person. Should a lawyer have a law degree? Even it has absolutely no meaning here.

judicial representation

Types of judicial representation

It can be ordered or contractual. Also, in certain cases, it may be mandatory. When does this take place? For example, when one of the parties is a legally incompetent or minor citizen. The obligation to represent the interests of these individuals lies with the guardians, parents or guardians. In this case, the so-called legal representative will participate in the case. A curious fact is that he can delegate to represent the interests of a legally incompetent or minor person to another person.

As we have already said, restrictions on representation in civil law are the most minimal (incapable and some other persons cannot represent the interests of principals). For all this, it is worthwhile to clearly realize the fact that in most cases only a person with experience in court cases and a good legal education can correctly state the position and win the case.

types of judicial representation

Judicial representation is common, as it is as accessible as possible. It is important, by the way, to know that the principal is free to attend court hearings in which someone else represents his interests. In general, his presence does not matter.

How to get a legal representation? This question should be dealt with very carefully. The fact is that you need a power of attorney. In previous years, her notarization was also necessary . What has changed now? Now it is drawn up much easier: the principal certifies and signs it, and a certain organization assures that it is precisely his signature on this document. What kind of organization? According to the Civil Procedure Code, it can be assured at the place of work or study, in the HOA and so on. In fact, there are plenty of options. If none of them fits, then go to the notary public. The standard cost of the service is one thousand rubles.

legal representative

Is judicial representation possible without issuing a power of attorney? Yes it is possible. It is simply necessary that the plaintiff or defendant during the meeting make an oral request, which will be further recorded in the minutes. Everything is elementary simple!

Is court representation expensive? It all depends on what qualifications your chosen representative has. The cost of this kind of service can be prohibitive, but the winner can demand that the loser not only satisfy the basic claims, but also fully compensate the costs of the representative. In principle, if everything is done correctly, you won’t have to spend money at all. The main thing is that the case be decided in your favor. We also note that the court has the right to cut back the cost of representation services.

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