How to grow watermelons in the open field to achieve a good harvest

how to grow watermelons in the open ground
Many summer residents are interested in the question of how to grow watermelons in the open ground, so that they can ripen in our not very long summer. And this is understandable. Still, we in Russia do not have such a hot climate as where watermelons are grown , which are sold in markets and in shops. And yet there is such an opportunity.

Before figuring out in practice how to grow watermelons in open ground, decide on the selection of suitable varieties. In Central Russia, only ripe varieties of watermelon manage to reach maturity. The fewer days must pass from fruit setting to full ripening, the better. It is better to refuse large fruits - they can ripen only in the south. Seeds for seedlings should be planted no later than the last week of April - the first week of May, in plastic or peat pots having a diameter of 10 cm. It is advisable to place them on the window sills of the windows facing the south side so that no lighting is required. Watermelon seeds begin to germinate already at a temperature of 17 ° C, but the recommended temperature is 25 - 30 ° C during the day and about 19 ° C at night. While the plants remain on the windowsill, it is necessary to carry out two dressings. Use complex mineral fertilizers for this.

where are watermelons grown
Small watermelons should not touch each other leaves, so if necessary, open the pots. Seedlings are planted when plants already have three to five true leaves (which corresponds to a 25- to 35-day-old potted seedlings). A week before landing in the holes in the open ground, watermelons should undergo hardening. To do this, reduce the temperature during the day to 15 - 17 ° C, and at night - to 12 - 15 ° C, at the same time increase the ventilation of the room.

How to grow watermelons in open ground? It is best to choose a site where legumes, cabbage or potatoes used to grow. They are the best predecessors for watermelons. Seedlings are planted on the ridges, in the holes, according to the planting scheme from 140x70 to 140x140 cm, 1-2 plants per hole. If two watermelons are placed in the hole, their lashes are bred in different directions over time. First, compost should be added to each well and water well. Seedlings are planted in the resulting slurry, sprinkled with dry earth on each side so that a hard crust does not form. If the plant was grown in a plastic pot, it is carefully removed, trying to leave an earthen lump intact with roots. If seedlings grew in peat pots, watermelons are planted in the ground right in them.

how to grow good watermelons
The first ripe watermelons appear in late July - early August. Gradually, a matte coating, characteristic of immature still fruits, disappears from the bark of the fruit, the bracts dry out, the stalk hairs fall off. If you tap with your finger on the ripened fruit of early ripe varieties, you hear a dull sound. All these signs indirectly indicate that you can already enjoy the cherished juicy pulp.

Even experienced gardeners who know how to grow watermelons in the open field, not every season can get a crop. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions of the middle lane do not contribute very much to this. So in response to the question: "How to grow good watermelons?" one can only advise planting them in heated greenhouses.

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