Fire-technical minimum: passing, knowledge testing

Familiarity with fire safety regulations is one of the main elements of a common safety culture. Education of people in the field of safety measures allows us to hope that the number of fires that occur due to careless attitude of individuals to the safety rules, careless handling of fire, neglect of installation rules, use of electrical equipment and household appliances will decrease.

fire-technical minimum

The goal and objective of training in the field of fire safety

Familiarization of employees and heads of various institutions with safety measures is carried out in order to increase the level of fire fighting culture, which will have a beneficial effect on the stabilization of the situation in the field of safety measures both in production and in everyday life.

The tasks that this kind of training solves are manifested in the desire:

  • to give people as much knowledge in the field of safety as possible;
  • master the skills and abilities to act in the event of an uncontrolled fire;
  • develop skills that will help save life, health and property in case of fire.

Fire drill: introductory

Fire briefing (as well as the fire-technical minimum) is a way to convey the requirements for industrial safety to workers of various objects, which gives them the opportunity to study the fire hazard of technological processes in production, learn about fire protection equipment and the necessary actions required in case of uncontrolled fire.

verification of knowledge of the fire-technical minimum

Introductory fire briefing should be carried out:

  • with employees who have just been hired, regardless of their education, experience in this position or profession;
  • with employees hired on a temporary basis;
  • with business travelers;
  • with trainees who arrived at the field trip.

Primary fire drill

fire-technical minimum frequency

Initial fire training at the place of work should be carried out:

  • with all new employees;
  • with employees transferred to another unit of the same organization;
  • with employees embarking on new duties unfamiliar to them;
  • with employees working on a temporary basis;
  • with builders who perform construction-type work on the premises of the institution.

The briefing may be provided by the person responsible for the maintenance of safety in the unit.

This type of briefing is carried out individually with a practical demonstration of actions to prevent and extinguish a fire. A briefing can be a group if a group of persons serves the same equipment at a common production site.

Repeated fire drill

Such briefing is carried out among all people involved in the work of the organization, without exception, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, nature of work performed. Repeated briefings are held every six months. In the process of inspection, knowledge of the rules and regulations on safety measures is tested.

Fire drill: unscheduled

The need for such briefings arises:

  • when new ones are introduced or changes are made to the old rules and regulations of the BOP;
  • when changes occur in the technological process of production, in case of replacement or modernization of equipment, source material and other circumstances affecting the fire-prevention state of production;
  • when a fact of violation by employees of safety requirements was noticed, as a result of which a fire could have occurred or occurred;
  • when information is received about fires, accidents or incidents at such facilities;
  • when the fact of poor knowledge by employees of the measures and requirements of safety measures was established.

fire technical courses

What will be included in the contents of this briefing, to what extent, is determined depending on the grounds that led to the need for it.

What is a fire-technical minimum

The fire-technical minimum is the process of familiarizing facility managers and workers with safety measures in order to increase the level of fire fighting culture among the working population, acquire skills and techniques for extinguishing a fire, saving lives, property, and health.

When organizing training, focus should be on the contingent of instructed. So, the fire-technical minimum for managers and people responsible for safety measures should pay special attention to their personal responsibility for observing safety rules and regulations, fire hazard of specific objects.

The fire-technical minimum courses for workers with different specializations should focus on the professional orientation with a practical component, where the skills to use primary fire extinguishing agents are tested or acquired , the rules of behavior during fire in specific situations are studied, and actions are taken during evacuation from the facility due to fire . There should not be any difficulties in the presentation of the material.

passing the fire-technical minimum

Testing the knowledge of the fire-technical minimum is to verify the correctness of the steps taken in case of fire.

The process of teaching the minimum safety requirements is carried out on the basis of production on the basis of training educational institutions of a fire-technical profile, in training centers, territorial divisions of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia and other legal entities and individuals who are licensed to conduct this training.

Teachers, teachers, officials who, within the framework of their authority, provide training on safety measures, must first take a course of such training on the basis of specialized educational institutions and receive an appropriate certificate confirming their knowledge.

Fire Safety Training: Frequency

A person selected and appointed by the head of the enterprise has the right to teach a fire-technical minimum. The frequency of training for employees and managers of organizations not dealing with explosive materials at work is 3 years. If the enterprise is associated with explosion or fire hazardous production, then training in the fire-technical minimum should be carried out once a year, at least. The knowledge gained in the courses will help employees in an emergency to prevent a fire or eliminate its cause.

Testing knowledge: how and by whom

A specially created commission checks the fire-technical minimum. The order of the facility manager agrees and approves the composition of the commission, which should include at least 3 people. It may include a leader, chief specialists and people responsible for safety measures at the facility, can also invite representatives of the state fire control authorities.

Testing of knowledge of the fire-technical minimum should be carried out in accordance with the schedule previously created and agreed upon by the manager. Audited persons must be familiar with it in advance. It should include verification of theoretical and practical knowledge.

fire-technical minimum for managers

Test questions for testing knowledge among employees of objects of federal authorities, taking into account the specifics of production activities, are compiled by ministries and departments. The heads of other facilities and organizations or persons responsible for the safety requirements in this institution can independently draw up control questions. But then they must be agreed with the territorial bodies of state fire supervision. Also, company managers can independently conduct a course re-reading and create a list of student listeners.

Verification can be done through tests or software.

The results and the passage of the fire-technical minimum are recorded in the protocol, which is certified by the chairman and members of the commission.

People who have not passed the test of knowledge due to poor training should conduct re-testing and training within the next month.

Workers who successfully pass the fire-technical minimum receive a certificate with the signature of the chairman and members of the commission, with the seal of the institution that issued the certificate, and the date of the next inspection, indicating the qualifications obtained.

Specialized Fire Safety Training Programs

Curricula can be developed by legal entities and individuals. The training programs for federal executive bodies are approved by the heads of organizations after they have been agreed in the prescribed manner with the chief state inspector of the Russian Federation on safety measures.

Training programs for other facilities are approved by the state fire supervision authorities to which the facility belongs territorially, taking into account all methodological recommendations.

fire-fighting minimum order

Who is required to attend PTM training

Required courses must be:

  • For managers of facilities associated with explosive production.
  • For employees responsible for safety management at various facilities.
  • Teachers working in preschool and school educational institutions.
  • For workers engaged in round-the-clock protection of objects.
  • For citizens actively involved in the prevention of fires.
  • For employees who are often involved in explosive and fire hazardous work.

The fire-technical minimum and the corresponding training aimed at passing it allows us to hope that the number of fires at work and at home due to neglect of the fire will decrease every year.

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