Quite often, on various Internet resources devoted to medical topics, one may come across the following question: “Bones on my feet, how to get rid?”. This indicates the relevance of this problem. To begin with, let's figure out what these very bones on the legs are. Most often, they appear on the toes of both legs and are also called “bone cones” or in the Latin transcription of Hallux Valgus. The basis of these bone tumors is the process of bone growth , the so-called arthrosis, which develops as a result of exposure to various unfavorable and traumatic factors on the legs. The most frequent and significant of them is wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. In combination with overweight or endocrine metabolic disorders, the traumatic effect of too narrow shoes, when the toes are tightly pressed against each other, as well as a high heel that transfers the load center to the forefoot, can become a trigger for the appearance of pineal growths. That is why you should not abuse the wearing of, for example, model high-heeled shoes - these are by no means casual shoes.
But if there are already bones on the legs, there are many ways to get rid of them. Medicine in these cases offers several directions on how to treat bones on the legs. The fastest and most radical, of course, is the surgical removal of growths, which deals with both conventional and plastic surgery. But here there are some nuances - the bones can quickly appear again, since the very reason for their occurrence is not eliminated. Therefore, surgery must necessarily be subsequently combined with the prevention of relapse. This is done in the case of shoes, for example, changing it to a more comfortable one with a heel within 4 centimeters and a rounded toe that prevents mechanical injury to the bones of the fingers, as well as following a special balanced diet. Such a diet should contain a minimum of salts and only the necessary amount of protein so that excessive purine bases do not provoke a growth of cones on the toes. The problem of how to heal the bones on the legs will also help solve special absorbable healing ointments and creams that are applied to the areas of the toes affected by the growths. Advise which one can be used and how, maybe a doctor with whom you should definitely consult before starting treatment for the bumps on the legs.
When there are bones on the legs, how to get rid of them, in addition to traditional medicine, you can try folk remedies in addition to it. Judging by the reviews, compresses using propolis, for example, help well. Making it is very simple: knead a small ball of propolis with your fingers and attach the resulting plate to the growth. Secure with a dry dressing, for example, a bandage and leave it overnight. If there is no fresh propolis, you can make compresses from propolis tincture, sold in a pharmacy. You can also relieve soreness and stop the growth of cones by using one more medical and folk remedy at the same time. This is a method of alternating iodine mesh and a special ointment. The ointment is prepared as follows: in a small, 50 gram glass or stack, lay an egg with a white shell so that it rises to the bottom. Around pour 70% vinegar essence and putting t in a dark place. Be careful! The place should not be accessible to, for example, children who, out of curiosity, can try this mixture. After 2-3 days, the egg dissolves in an acidic environment. The solution must be left, and everything that has not dissolved should be discarded. In the remaining contents add 10 grams of Vaseline and the same amount of turpentine pharmacy ointment. The mixture is applied alternating with a grid of iodine-day grid, day ointment for at least 15 days.
But no matter what method is used, the answer to the question “how to get rid of the bones on the legs” always starts with the fact that, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that cause them and then the treatment will be quite successful.