"Clomid" in bodybuilding: use, side effects

When taking steroids, each athlete must understand that he does some harm to his body. Of course, with a well-designed course, the risk of side effects is minimized. We will talk about this in our article. “Clomid” in bodybuilding is used to prevent the secretion of estrogens - female hormones that negatively affect the body of men. Further, a little more about everything.

Clomid in bodybuilding

What is Clomid?

This tool is also known under other names: clomiphene citrate, "Klostilbegit" and actually "Clomid". The drug we are considering is an antiestrogen belonging to the group of triphenylethylenes. It is classified as a selective modulator of estrogen receptors with a mixed agonistic and antagonistic effect. The main reason Clomid has found widespread use in bodybuilding is its ability to block the action of estrogen, which is achieved by binding the active substance to receptors in certain tissues. At the same time, Clomid can behave very differently in bone tissue, where, on the contrary, it activates estrogen receptors, which increases their concentration.

Clomid price in pharmacies

In men, “Clomiphene” (the most common trade name) acts as an antiestrogen, preventing the appearance of negative feedback from female hormones on the hypothalamus. In addition, it stimulates increased secretion of GnRH (gonadoliberin). All this increases the production of testosterone (the main male hormone) by the testes. The listed properties of Clomid prevent the risk of gynecomastia (growth of the mammary gland in men) and fluid accumulation.

Disadvantages of "Clomid"

Like other medicines, Clomid has its drawbacks:

  • it inhibits the production of insulin-like growth factor-1;
  • significantly inhibits testicular function;
  • increases the secretion of globulin, which binds human sex hormones;
  • the possibility of increasing the concentration of estrogens with the systematic use of "Clomid" (it is worth distinguishing the concept of blocking the action of estrogens and increasing their concentration);
  • may impair vision in the long term.

As you can see, “Clomid” (this tool is used quite often in bodybuilding) has very unpleasant side effects, which each person can manifest in different ways. As for increasing the concentration of estrogens, there really can be a lot of them (in the blood test), but most of them will be inactive.

clomid how to take

Aromatase inhibitors

While taking a steroid course, the use of aromatase inhibitors may be the best option. In the post-Soviet space, Proviron is especially popular. Why? The fact is that it does not adversely affect the production of growth hormone, and also helps to increase the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood by suppressing aromatization. Along with this, it has a relatively low price. Remember also that if you take steroids that are not subject to aromatization, then there is simply no need for taking aromatase inhibitors. A more expensive analogue of Proviron, but also much better, is Anastrozole.

Clomid: how to take and when?

The last week of the course and two more after it should be marked by the reception of Clomid, which acts as the main component of the PCT. If for some reason you were unable to purchase Proviron, you should start using Clomid from the second week of the steroid cycle, and finish 2-3 weeks after the course. Among beginners, there is an opinion that antiestrogens should be used only after the course, but this is a misconception. The fact is that the level of estrogen in the blood rises after the first week of the course, so Clomid in bodybuilding should be taken from this moment. The average daily dose ranges from 10 to 20 mg. You can use this drug in the morning or before bedtime.

clomid application

Course Example

Now we will provide several popular courses that contribute to the rapid buildup of muscle mass and strength indicators. Moreover, in each of them will be present "Clomid" as an essential element of the steroid cycle and PCT.

One of the most popular combined courses is a combination of Stanozolol (a tablet form of Winstrol) and testosterone. What is a similar scheme (suitable for more or less experienced athletes who have 1-2 years of experience in bodybuilding) will show the table.

Stanozolol + Testosterone Propionate
A week"Testosterone Propionate""Stanozolol""Anastrozole"Clomid
1100 mg three times a week30 mg-
23 x 100 mg30 mgThree times a week, 0.5 mg
33 x 100 mg30 mg3 x 0.5 mg
43 x 100 mg30 mg3 x 0.5 mg
53 x 100 mg30 mg3 x 0.5 mg
63 x 100 mg30 mg3 x 0.5 mg
eight20 mg
nine20 mg
ten10 mg

The above course will help to build high-quality muscle mass with a minimum percentage of subcutaneous fat. Moreover, if you adhere to proper nutrition and train hard, the rollback effect will also be at a fairly low level. "Anastrozole" in this course acts as an aromatase inhibitor. Finally, Stanozolol and Clomid tablets must be taken daily in the weeks indicated in the table.

We move on to the next course, where you will need Clomid, the use of which will prevent the consequences associated with estrogen.

clomid after the course

As you can see, this course is much longer and more serious. With the sustained mode, you can gain up to 8 kg of muscle mass with excellent venousity, which gives Primobolan.

Primobolan + Testosterone
A week"Testosterone Etanthate"Primobolan"Anastrozole"GonadotropinClomid
1250 mg per week400 mg per week-
2250 mg400 mg-
3250 mg400 mg0.5 mg twice a week
4250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg
5250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg
6250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg
7250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg2 times a week for 250 IU
eight250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg2 x 250 IU
nine250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg2 x 250 IU
ten250 mg400 mg2 x 0.5 mg2 x 250 IU
eleven2 x 0.5 mg2 x 250 IU
fourteen40 mg
fifteen20 mg
1610 mg

Clomid tablets are used, as before, for PCT (post-cycle therapy). In the end, we’ll clarify that the above course is suitable for those athletes who begin to “dry”.


"Clomid": the price in pharmacies and legality

Unlike steroids, which are illegal in our market, the purchase of “Clomid” will not cause problems, since its sales are completely legalized. As a rule, this drug is prescribed for women whose ovulation function is impaired. As a result, the use of "Clomid" allows you to activate egg maturation.

We figured out the legality, but how much does the Clomid cost? The price in pharmacies starts at 800 rubles for 20 tablets of 50 mg each. Today on the market there are many brands that produce the drug. Among bodybuilders, the most popular are Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Vermodje and others.

clomid tablets


Upon reaching a training plateau or an irresistible desire to speak at international bodybuilding tournaments, many athletes begin to use steroids, which greatly increases the effectiveness of muscle building. “Clomid” after the course will allow you to minimize side effects associated with the activation of estrogen - female hormones that can negatively affect the body of men. Use anabolics wisely, excellent results in sports!

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