Some people are worried about a problem such as constantly cold hands. More often women are affected by this condition. This is due to less active thermoregulation in their body. And even in the hot season, a woman can have cold hands.
Lowering the temperature in the upper limbs is associated not only with weather conditions. When the feeling of cold in the hands becomes constant, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. This condition may also be associated with the presence of a rather serious disease.
Scientists have found out why cold hands become a constant feeling in many people. This is due to spasm of small capillaries of the upper extremities. As a result of insufficient blood flow, they become colder. It should be noted that capillary spasm can be triggered by various diseases.
One of the ailments in which patients have cold hands is vegetative-vascular dystonia.
This disease is more common for residents of large cities than rural areas. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by an irregular contraction of capillaries and blood vessels, which, in turn, causes a disorder in the flow of blood to organs and tissues.
Cold hands are a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. With a low iron content in the body, a person loses heat quickly enough.
Many diets, which are so popular among the female population, involve the use of low-calorie foods that contain a small amount of fat. With insufficient intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, its normal functioning, including thermoregulation, is disrupted.
In diseases of the thyroid gland, hormonal failure occurs. As a result, the amount of hormones produced is not enough to provide energy to the entire body.
Cold hands may indicate the presence of cardiovascular and immune diseases, pathologies in the digestive tract. In addition, specialists often associate a violation of thermoregulation with taking certain medications.
Lowering the temperature of the upper limbs in a child indicates that he is either sick or frozen. Cold hands combined with lethargy and fever indicate flu or acute respiratory infections. As a rule, after recovery, such symptoms are eliminated.
In newborns, cold upper limbs are the norm in most cases. This is due to the weakness of thermoregulation in infants. However, if the baby's appetite is impaired, the child is inactive, drowsy, then you need to see a doctor.
In order to make hands warm, experts recommend (in the absence of contraindications) to visit the bath regularly. As practice shows, this is a great way to prevent cooling in the extremities.
Smoking is not recommended. It should be remembered that each puff causes a spasm of small vessels. This, in turn, provokes a circulatory disorder in the limbs.
It is recommended to dress according to weather conditions. In winter, you need to close your hands and head from the cold. To prevent obstructed blood flow, wear comfortable, tight shoes and clothing.
To disperse the blood through the body, it is recommended to conduct a small charge every morning.
To ensure normal thermoregulation, of course, you need to eat properly and regularly. Hot food should be present in the diet at least once a day. To improve blood circulation, experts also recommend taking ginger tea. It is proved that this plant is able to warm the body.