How to study the atmosphere: description, methods and research methods. Atmospheric science

Planet Earth is wrapped in an atmosphere, like an invisible blanket. This shell protects the Earth, as well as all its inhabitants from threats from outer space. It can be argued that life on Earth is possible only due to the existence of the atmosphere.

Mankind has been interested in studying the planet’s air envelope for a long time, but instruments for measuring atmospheric indicators appeared relatively recently - only about four centuries ago. What are the ways to study the air shell of the Earth? Let's take a closer look at them.

how to study the atmosphere

Atmospheric study

Everyone is guided by the weather forecast from the media. But before this information becomes known to the public, it must be collected using many different methods. Those who are interested in how to study the atmosphere, it will be important to know: the main instruments for its study, which were invented in the XVI century, is a weather vane, thermometer, as well as a barometer.

Nowadays, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is studying the Earth’s air envelope . In addition to Russia, it includes many more countries. Since they study the atmosphere in our time with the help of special equipment, WMO staff developed special programs for collecting and processing data. To this end, the most modern technologies are applied.


Temperature measurement is now using thermometers. Degrees are measured in Celsius. This system is based on the physical properties of water. At zero degrees Celsius it goes into a solid state, at 100 - into a gaseous state.

This system is named after the scientist from Sweden Anders Celsius. He suggested measuring temperature using this method in 1742. Despite technological advances, mercury thermometers are still used in many places.

atmospheric techniques

Sediment meter

Information about how to study the atmosphere will be interesting to both students and adults. For example, it is interesting to know that precipitation is measured by meteorologists using a precipitation meter. This is a device with which you can measure both the amount of liquid precipitation, and solid.

This method of studying the atmosphere appeared in the 70s of the last century. The sediment meter consists of a bucket that is mounted on a pole and is surrounded by wind protection. The device is placed on flat areas, the best installation option is in a place surrounded by houses or trees. In the event that the amount of precipitation exceeds 49 mm in 12 hours, then the rain is considered heavy. For snow, this term is used if 19 mm falls during the same period of time.

how to study the atmosphere of grade 6

Measuring wind speed and direction

In order to measure wind speed, a device called an anemometer is used. It is also used to study the speed of directed air flows.

Air velocity is one of the most important indicators of the atmosphere. In order to measure wind speed and directions, special ultrasonic sensors (anemorumbometers) are also used. A weather vane is usually installed next to the anemometer. Also, near airfields, bridges and other places where strong winds can be dangerous, special cone-shaped bags made of striped fabric are usually installed.

atmospheric professions


We examined with what instruments and how they study the atmosphere. However, a review of all methods for studying it would be incomplete without mentioning the barometer - a special device with which you can determine the strength of atmospheric pressure.

The idea of ​​a barometer was proposed by Galileo, although his student E. Torricelli, who first proved the fact of atmospheric pressure, was able to implement it. Barometers, with which the pressure of the atmospheric column is measured, allow you to make a weather forecast. In addition, these devices are also used as altimeters, since the air pressure in the atmosphere depends on the height.

Why does air press on the surface of the earth? Air molecules, like all other material bodies, are attracted to the surface of our planet by gravity. The fact that air has weight was demonstrated by Galileo, and E. Torricelli invented the device for measuring the force of this pressure.

atmospheric science

Atmosphere professions

Representatives of two professions, weather forecasters and meteorologists, are mainly involved in the study of the Earth's air envelope. What is the difference between the two professions?

Meteorologists take part in various expeditions. Often their work takes place at polar stations, high plateaus, as well as airfields and ocean liners. The meteorologist cannot escape for a minute from his observations. No matter how insignificant the fluctuations may seem, he must enter them in a special journal.

Forecasters differ from meteorologists in that they are engaged in weather prediction by analyzing physiological processes. By the way, the term "weather forecaster" comes from the ancient Greek language and is translated - "looking at the place."

Who is studying the atmosphere?

To compile a weather forecast, it is necessary to use information collected from several points of the entire planet at the same time. We study air temperature, atmospheric pressure, as well as wind speed and strength. A science that studies the atmosphere is called meteorology. She considers the structure and all processes taking place in the atmosphere. All over the world there are special meteorological centers.

Schoolchildren often need information about the atmosphere, meteorology, and meteorologists. Most often they have to study this question in the 6th grade. How to study the atmosphere, and what kind of specialists collect and process data on changes in it?

The atmosphere is studied by meteorologists, climatologists and aerologists. Representatives of the last profession are studying various atmospheric indicators. Marine meteorologists are experts who observe the behavior of air masses over the oceans. Atmospheric scientists provide marine transport with atmospheric information.

These data are also needed by agricultural enterprises. There is also such a branch of atmospheric science as radio meteorology. And in recent decades, another direction has developed - satellite meteorology.

atmospheric scientists

Why meteorology?

In order to make a correct weather forecast, information should not only be collected from different corners of the globe, but also correctly processed. The more information a meteorologist (or another researcher) has, the more accurate the result of his work will be. Now all data is processed using computer technology. Meteorological information is not only stored in a computer, but also used to build synoptic maps, make weather forecasts for the near future.

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