We comprehend the laws of cinema: what is a trailer?

Today, more and more often you can see an invitation to watch the trailer on the network. But still not all of us know what a trailer is. Meanwhile, we meet with them quite often.

what is a trailer

A small digression into history

The time has come to deal with this mysterious phenomenon and give it a clear definition.

Some time ago, the word "trailer" was used only in construction and meant temporary housing - a kind of barracks on wheels. Today it has gained a new meaning and is used most often in cinematography. Although its scope cannot be limited only to the film industry, it is found both in videography and in computer games. But it's time to open the veil of secrecy and tell what the trailer is. After all, this English name is found quite often today.

What is a trailer?

This is a kind of short video, which consists of several frames. It is used for announcements. After all, each of us, having heard about the imminent premiere of the film, is burning with the desire to find out what he is talking about. For such purposes, trailers are created. They are posted on the Internet, played on video screens in cafes. As practice shows, these short films perform their task brilliantly. Viewers are interested and decide to spend time and money on the upcoming novelty.

movie trailers

The thing here most often is that for the trailer, as a rule, the most spectacular and spectacular scenes are used. Often they are built on the principle of a kaleidoscope. That is, the action in such frames may not be interconnected at all. Sometimes the chronological order is even disturbed. The person who watched the trailer, trying to put together a complete picture in his imagination, he lacks many cause and effect relationships, facts. Have you already guessed what the result will be? Well, of course, he will definitely go to the premiere to dot all the i.

Features of creating trailers

In the modern film industry, movie trailers become almost an independent work of art, a separate kind of it. On the Internet, some sites even began to take a second countdown to their premiere. This is not surprising, because in order to create a high-quality trailer, you need to have certain skills. You need to choose the most spectacular scenes, make the right video sequence, choose the appropriate music. But few of us, ordinary viewers, realize that the trailers are not created by the directors of their films, but by companies that have nothing to do with the future novelty.

Trailer structure

To make a high-quality video, it’s not enough to know what a trailer is, it’s important to understand the structure by which this kaleidoscope of frames from a future film is created.

trailer genre

Several parts can be distinguished:

  • The plot, in other words, the introduction.
  • The following is the part that briefly explains the plot without revealing the background of the events.
  • The third part is a game of emotions and eyeliner to a climax.
  • The final part is the action part. It should be the brightest so that the viewer has a strong desire to watch a movie.

As the creators of the trailers themselves say, much in their business depends on the music. It is written by special groups, but there are frequent cases when the tracks of currently popular artists are taken for videos.

To make a successful trailer, the genre of the movie must be taken into account. The hardest thing to do is video announcements for comedies. The simplest genres are action and dramas. Medium in complexity - action films and thrillers.

As you can see, trailers are not only movie ads, they are also help to the viewer. Indeed, even from a kaleidoscope of disparate frames, we can conclude about the actors' play and the quality of the shooting.

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