How to get rid of parasites

Most often people call parasites worms. The disease is characterized by latent symptoms, a chronic course with a long period of remission. When infected, larvae, cysts or helminth eggs enter the human body. Their source may be animals.

Getting rid of parasites occurs already in the oral cavity, special enzymes are produced that destroy the cells of the worms immediately upon their penetration. Partially, the eggs enter the acidic environment of the stomach, where they usually die. Only in the case of weakened immunity, the larvae that have passed through the enzyme and acid barrier are able to develop in the intestine and tissues. Indeed, in a healthy body, local immunity works, based on the production of antibodies to worm antigens.

Before you remove parasites from the body, you need to clarify their appearance, which even in modern developed medicine is a complex process. Fecal analysis is often not accurate. Eggs may periodically be absent in the blood, therefore, the study requires repeated execution. Depending on the type of helminth, treatment can be short or long.

How to get rid of parasites with pine cones

In the spring, when the pine tree just stopped flowering, small cones appear in the place of inflorescences, the size of a hazelnut. Inside them is a pulp capable of letting juice out. When the cones reach the size of a walnut, they stiffen inside. Pine-based medicines treat many diseases in the forest belt. Healers use summer cones with a white tar coating for healing worm jam. Fresh cones are poured into a saucepan, poured with water in such a way as to cover 20 cm. The fire on the stove is minimized, the raw materials are boiled for 6 hours, periodically removing the accumulated foam, then they are thrown into a colander. The drained broth is filled with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1, boiled for an hour. Order of administration: in the morning on an empty stomach in a tablespoon.

How to get rid of parasites with wormwood

  • Substances contained in wormwood adversely affect pinworms and roundworms. The wormwood infusion was used by ancient ancestors. Dry grass was crushed, in the amount of 1 teaspoon was poured with boiling water (2 cups). The order of administration: chilled before meals, two tablespoons three times a day.
  • To expand the spectrum of action of alcohol tincture of wormwood, the grass is pre-mixed with grated pumpkin seeds. It is recommended to maintain a ratio of 1 to 1. A third of the vessel, for example, a bottle, is filled with a dry mixture, after which it is filled in full with vodka. The helminth remedy matures in warmth, if possible, in the sun for a whole week. Order of administration: 50 g before meals twice a day for several weeks.

How to get rid of parasites with ginger

For treatment, ginger is used in dry form, ground into powder. Pour 1 teaspoon of ginger dust in boiling water or hot milk in an amount of 50 g. Drink shortly before meals.

How to get rid of parasites with proper nutrition

Each treatment begins with the correction of culinary preferences. For example, distant human ancestors carefully seasoned food with bitter spices, protecting their body from parasites of various types.

The purpose of dietary nutrition for helminthiasis is to create an environment that is unfavorable for the living and reproduction of worms. Suitable plants containing a sufficient amount of bitterness and acid. Therefore, the use of garlic, barberry, cloves, coriander, mustard, horseradish, pepper, salads with fresh onions is so important in cooking.

Simple carbohydrates, especially sugar , are excluded from the diet. The sweet fermentation medium of the intestines is ideal for the rapid activity of parasites. During the period of exacerbation of the patient's condition, fat intake should be minimized.

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