How to explain to a child what are objects of nature and objects of the man-made world?

The older the child becomes, the more he begins to ask questions regarding the objects surrounding him, processes, phenomena. One of the most important knowledge that a baby should receive is understanding that there are objects of nature and objects of the man-made world. This is necessary for the correct formation of ideas about the habitat, home and native land.

In order for the child to fully understand what are the significant differences between natural and artificial phenomena, parents must understand how to correctly explain and demonstrate examples of which games will help in this.

What relates to objects of nature?

objects of nature and objects of the man-made world

For an adult, an understanding of the environment is natural, but the baby does not yet have a separation. In order to explain what nature is, it is best to go out of town or go into a real forest. It is there that there are various objects of the surrounding world and nature, and objects of the man-made world are practically not found. Therefore, they will not confuse the child’s overall picture, which will later emerge as an association if they are asked questions about nature.

Trees, flying insects, birds, squirrels, grass, the sun, clouds, flowers, berries and mushrooms are all elements of the natural environment.

What are the components of nature?

When the child will accurately determine what is related to the natural elements of the environment, then we can begin to explain that there are objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Everything that breathes, eats, moves belongs to the living: cats, dogs, flies, flowers, trees, bacteria.

Non-living: stones, earth, moon, stars, snow, water.

What are the things created by man?

objects of nature and man-made world examples

Natural objects and objects of the man-made world surround us every day, however, at home, there are more things of the last category, so giving an example that the child will understand will not be difficult.

The easiest way is to choose objects located in the baby’s room: toys, bed, carpet on the floor, table or chair. Take the item in your hands and tell what it can be made of, what material is used, what role a person plays in manufacturing.

For example, a chair is made of wood, using a saw, hammer and nails. In order for the baby to understand the process itself, you can take a real bar, carnations and a hammer and hammer it with it. In this case, the child will have the idea that it is impossible to make a chair without hands, which means that he is an object created not by nature, but by man.

What games will help the child understand the difference between objects of nature and objects of the man-made world?

surrounding world nature objects man-made world

First of all, it is necessary to show certain objects in nature, but it is quite difficult to find a real squirrel in the square, so the demonstration of natural components can be limited to a very small list.

Each parent understands that it is much easier to explain a phenomenon in a playful way than to speak in common phrases.

There are many methods that will help to train the recognition skills of examples of objects of nature and objects of the man-made world.

To get started, print a lot of pictures of both natural and artificial things. Ask the child to divide them into categories or, for example, find analogues between a natural element and an artificial one according to a pattern: a birdhouse - a nest, a teddy bear - a real bear, the sun - a light bulb, etc.

Another effective technique: playing with the ball, by analogy with “hot potatoes”. The adult is listing the objects of nature and man-made. In advance, a condition is set for the baby - you need to catch the ball only if he hears, for example, a man-made object. In this game it will become clear how much the child is already versed in the topic.

Thus, in order for the child to have a correct understanding of what the objects of the man-made world and objects of nature are, parents need to pay due attention from early childhood to the questions that the baby asks daily. A child must learn to recognize what a person has done with his hands and tools, and what he cannot do. It is also advisable to constantly conduct special games in which a small family member learns to quickly find out whether an object is artificial or created by nature. Having received this skill in time, in the elementary school the child will not experience difficulties in mastering curricula around the world.

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