The allergocenter in Saratov has more than a century of history. Throughout the activity, the main tasks of the scientists and doctors of the clinic was to help patients.
Centennial history
The Allergy Center in Saratov is part of the Clinic for Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases of SKU. The department of venereology was opened at the medical faculty of the Imperial Nikolaev University in 1909. And in 1912, an educational clinical department of skin and syphilitic diseases appeared. For the educational institution, a cottage was rented where lecture halls, laboratory rooms, rooms for practical classes and a phototherapy room are equipped.
Subject medicine was mastered by students in the Saratov hospital, where there was a modest syphilidology department, in which six beds were allocated for patients with dermatological diseases. In a short time, the leadership of the new department purchased additional laboratory equipment and reagents, so that staff and students could fully carry out scientific, educational and medical work.
From revolution to modernity
The revolutionary period brought confusion to all areas of the state, including the medical one. The problem of venereology worsened, but it was difficult to solve. In Saratov, only by 1920 was the base again organized for scientific and clinical research, patient admissions. In 1921, an outpatient clinic was opened for the treatment of patients, a 60-bed inpatient department was organized, and a science club was resumed.
On the initiative of employees of the clinic and student medical club in Saratov in 1923, a venereological dispensary was opened, and enlightenment work among the population on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases was started. Then there was an impulse to identify and study the allergic reactions of the body, the search for irritants and the ordering of the data. A separate area of allergology was founded much later, but the basis for it is the entire century of experience of scientific and practical knowledge of previous generations.
Center for Allergic Diseases
The allergocenter in Saratov began its work in 1967. At the present stage, this is one of the best specialized departments in the city, the basis for the activities of which is the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology. Outpatient admission of patients is carried out by specialists with the highest category of medical qualifications.
The allergocenter in Saratov renders patients in the following areas:
- Bronchial asthma.
- Rhinitis and conjunctivitis of an allergic origin.
- Pollinosis (allergy to plant pollen).
- Allergy to drugs.
- Food allergy.
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Urticaria, angioedema.
- Immunodeficiency (primary, secondary).
Diagnostic base
The allergocenter in Saratov has a modern diagnostic laboratory where all types of studies are carried out, which allows you to establish a diagnosis with maximum accuracy, and in addition, makes it possible to identify the causes of allergies. The clinic performs the following tests:
- Skin tests to identify the spectrum of allergens (household, food, pollen, epidermal).
- Application testing on the skin using chemicals to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis.
- Immunological analyzes (the methods used are enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, linear immunoblotting (4 panels).
- Diagnosis of immunoglobulins of the general series, immune complexes.
- Definition of drug allergies.
In addition to adult patients, the clinic pays a lot of attention to babies. Children's Allergy Center (Saratov) conducts research for the smallest patients, for this an innovative method is used to determine allergen-specific agents in blood serum. This analysis allows you to determine the presence of an irritating element in any period of the disease, even with the concomitant use of pharmacological preparations. Diagnosis carried out in this way allows you to identify allergies in children over the age of two years with high accuracy, while not requiring a large blood sampling.
Diagnosis of bronchial asthma
One of the main directions is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma. Each patient with this diagnosis is guaranteed an individual approach in the diagnosis, selection of drugs and determining the course of treatment. In the process of diagnosis, specialists determine the severity of the disease, symptomatology is monitored, and an effective treatment method is determined.
The allergocenter in Saratov offers the following range of procedures:
- Diagnosis for the presence of allergens (skin tests, immune tests).
- Determination of the pattern of functional diagnostics of the respiratory apparatus, including tests carried out using bronchodilator pharmacological agents, test physical activity. The MasterScreen Pneumo apparatus is used to clarify the diagnosis, which helps to identify problems in those patients who are not able to perform the correct breathing maneuvers, for example, elderly people, young children, etc.
- Testing the patient's condition using questionnaires (AST, CAT tests).
Prevention and treatment
An equally important step on the path to health is the prevention of asthma and its high-quality treatment, for which measures are taken:
- Educational programs were developed by allergists, whose subjects include lectures on the nature of the disease, methods of self-monitoring of symptoms, a story about the use of inhalation devices that promote positive dynamics in treatment, improve the patient's condition.
- For each patient, personalized behavioral recommendations are developed, including methods for avoiding and eliminating allergens.
- For patients, individual therapy plans ("stepwise approach") are drawn up taking into account the indicators of tests and analyzes.
- The recommendations include a personalized plan of behavior and therapeutic measures for exacerbation of the disease.
Children's department
In the children's department, the specialists pay close attention to the diagnosis and treatment procedures of allergic skin diseases. Qualified specialists with extensive experience are invited to the allergy center. Saratov, Proviantskaya street, 22 - the address of the clinic where they provide effective treatment for adults and children.
Gentle diagnosis and treatment include:
- Detection of allergens in blood serum using an Immulight-200 analyzer, ELISA or using the method of linear immunoblotting, which uses a pediatric panel (20 allergens).
- Help in the selection of mixtures with medicinal properties for baby food, which serve to normalize the state of health, contribute to the harmonious development of the child.
- A lecture for parents explaining the stages of feeding a child with a concomitant pathology.
- Making an effective treatment plan that eliminates side effects and threats to general health.
Clinic specialists have sufficient experience working with small patients, a large research base. Using their advantages, aesculapians individually approach the treatment of each patient, guaranteeing the accuracy of the diagnosis and the simplicity of the treatment process.
Clinic Specialists
Each patient, having turned to the clinic for help, can count on professional service, and the allergy center (Saratov) is proud of this. Allergists and immunologists practicing in the institution have the highest qualifications, many are employees of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology. Many of them have a candidate or doctoral medical degree.
A large number of patients annually go to the allergocenter (Saratov). Reviews with positive ratings talk about quality service. Visitors who asked for help on allergies were fully diagnosed, which helped to identify what exactly the allergy appeared on. Some of the patients thank the doctors for their newfound health, their time and a large number of tips on how to cope with conditions, how to avoid allergic reactions and live a full life.
Patients with bronchial asthma note the high qualification of the clinic's doctors. Patients with this diagnosis are especially sensitive to the environment, and their condition requires constant monitoring and an individual approach, they received all this in an allergocenter. The clinic staff is attentive to everyone, almost everyone who received treatment in it speaks of a qualitative result.
But not everyone came up with an allergy center in Saratov. Reviews of patients with negative ratings talk about a certain neglect of doctors to the needs of the patient. One of the former patients indicates that she was not fully prescribed the diagnosis and, as a result, the diagnosis was incorrect. But these are isolated cases.
Other branches
Allergocenter (Saratov), address: Proviantskaya street, building 22.
Clinic of skin and venereological diseases, in addition to the services of an allergocenter, offers everyone a professional service in several areas:
- Dermatology. Ultrasound skin services, medical treatment pedicures, hydromassage procedures, ALOM therapy (hands and feet), plasmapheresis, PUVA therapy (local), and vitiligo treatment are provided.
- Venereology. The department provides advisory services, diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, colposcopy, laboratory tests), procedures using the Androgin complex.
- Cosmetology. A wide range of cosmetic procedures, which include medical services, medical procedures, aesthetic cosmetology.
- Narcology. For the treatment of addictions, the latest methods of medical, psychological, and hardware treatment are used.
- Laboratory studies are carried out in the areas of general clinical, hematological, biochemical (blood, urine), cytological, detection of tumor markers, hormonal, study of the hemostatic system and many others.
- A wide range of physiotherapy procedures (several types of phototherapy, PUVA baths, EHF, laser therapy, etc.).
Useful information
The location of the clinic is known to many - Proviantskaya, 22 (Saratov), allergocenter. How to get there:
- By minibus number 105, 82, 42, 42k, 110, 82.
- By trolleybus - routes No. 2A, 4.
- By bus - route number 248.
Allergy center in Saratov, working hours: from 8:30 to 18:30, day off - Saturday and Sunday. Registry Phone: (8452) 22-38-19.