Raising testosterone levels is easy!

Every girl probably dreams of her boyfriend being the strongest, most beautiful, brave, attractive, possessing a beautiful body, and, of course, excellent potency. Few people know that all of the above characteristics depend on the presence in the man’s body of a sufficient amount of the hormone testosterone, and if it is not enough, then you can forget about compliance with the standards of the “ideal guy”. However, there are no irreparable situations, and it is quite simple to increase the level of testosterone in the body of a man. Believe me, following simple recommendations, your young man will quickly regain his lost masculine appearance.

So, how to increase testosterone production in a man’s body? It is important to remember the abbreviation of the four letters - NPTS. We will tell you in more detail about what each of these letters means.

H - mood. Oddly enough, the psychological state greatly affects the production of male sex hormone. For the level of testosterone production to be higher, it is necessary to maintain a good mood, and both the man himself and those who surround him should be interested. It is necessary to create the most pleasant and positive atmosphere. Remember to smile more often to increase testosterone levels.

P - nutrition. The organization of proper nutrition should pursue two goals: firstly, stimulating the production of male sex hormone by eating nuts, seafood, celery, animal and vegetable protein, and secondly, reducing excess weight, which slows down the production of testosterone . The optimal diet should be selected with a dietitian who will help to create such a nutrition complex, thanks to which the body will receive a sufficient amount of energy, but at the same time, fat cells will be burned.

T - training. Nothing can help increase testosterone levels like good exercise. It helps to accelerate the processes of hormone production not only physiologically (during physical exertion, the pancreas receives a kind of “command” to process cholesterol into testosterone, due to which muscle mass will increase), but also serves as an excellent psychological stimulant - pleasant muscle pain after training once again will convince the athlete that he is a real man.

C is sex. If you want to increase testosterone levels - let the body understand why it needs this testosterone! Regular sexual intercourse will form a kind of reflex, and the brain, waiting for a “planned” copulation, will command the glands responsible for the production of the hormone to provide the necessary amount until the onset of X. And yet - even if a girl didn’t like sex, she should by no means talk about it to a guy, at least until the guy’s testosterone level is not high enough. The realization that the girl is satisfied is guaranteed to add several units to the testosterone indicator.

This article describes only the most general recommendations on how to increase testosterone in the body. We intentionally did not mention injections of testosterone as a too risky way to correct hormonal levels. We consider it our duty to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the decision to adjust the level of testosterone in the body should be made only on the basis of the results of relevant analyzes. In addition, before starting active actions to increase the level of sex hormone, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor. Remember that an excess of testosterone is even more dangerous than its lack - hypersecretion is fraught with the development of cancer of the testicles and prostate, as well as mental disorders.

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