Fire extinguisher operating certificate

Each person upon reaching adulthood receives an identity card, that is, a passport. Not only people have such a document, but also objects. For example, the most famous fire fighting equipment. Let's look at the features of the operating certificate for the fire extinguisher, and also find out who should fill it and how.

What types of documents does a fire extinguisher have?

Fire safety is vital to any institution. However, people tend to simplify or ignore things that seem insignificant. And in order to at least somehow fight against such negligence, annually claiming thousands of lives, legal norms provide for the presence of a whole package of documents for fire extinguishers. They help organize multi-stage control.

how to fill out a passport for a fire extinguisher

These include:

  • Technical certificate. In fact, this is a factory instruction. Here are all the data on the device of the fire extinguisher, its specifications and maintenance. This document also acts as a warranty card.
  • Label. It contains in simplified form the same specification data as the data sheet, and also in an accessible form illustrates how to use such a device.
  • An additional label, it is a tag or a card for recording the status of the device. Attaches to it after the first inspection and contains data about it and all subsequent checks and recharges.
  • Operational certificate for a fire extinguisher (EP).
  • Logbook. Unlike all previous documents, one is started for all devices in the enterprise. It contains complete information about the "life" of not only all fire extinguishers, but also other fire safety equipment.

What is a maintenance certificate for a fire extinguisher?

The title of this document speaks for itself. After all, this paper, which records all the data on the operation. Each such device has its own document of this kind. He follows the fire extinguisher during his inspection or refueling in the service.

According to the current GOST, EP provides for the fixation of the following information:

  • serial and inventory number (given at the institution);
  • date of manufacture and date of commencement of operation;
  • typology and manufacturer data;
  • equipment;
  • type of active substance;
  • place of installation at the enterprise;
  • the presence of seals and an additional label;
  • all carried out periodic inspections and their results;
  • recharge;
  • Damage received and methods for their elimination.

While the EA is not started, it is strictly forbidden to use the device. All data from it is necessarily duplicated in the logbook.

How does it differ from the technical passport?

If you draw parallels with human documents, then the data sheet is something like a birth certificate, and the operational passport for a fire extinguisher is just the analogue of an ID card plus a medical card.

The first paper indicates how the device was "born". In the second, all his “life” is recorded from the moment the institution is registered to the write-off.

As in a person’s passport and medical record, all important events and data are recorded in the device’s EP. And if for people it is a residence permit, blood type, marital status, the presence of children, illness and their treatment, then for a fire extinguisher it is a check of its condition and refueling.

Fire extinguisher passport sample form

The content of electronic documents is regulated by two basic documents. It:

  • GOST R 51057-2001;
  • set of rules SP 9.13130.2009.

In each of them there are no strict requirements regarding appearance. There are only recommended samples of how to fill out a passport for a fire extinguisher.

According to Appendix "G" of the code of practice, such a document should consist of two parts:

  • input data about the device;
  • maintenance results.

Otherwise, these parts can be printed (recorded) both on two sides of one card, and together on one sheet, as in the example below.

sample fire extinguisher operating certificate

All data entered in the electronic signature is always duplicated in the logbook. Checks and charges are additionally recorded on the tag. Any such entry is accompanied by the signature of the person in charge, possibly supplemented by a seal.

Who fills out this document and how?

In conclusion, we consider a sample filling in the operating certificate for a fire extinguisher. There he is:

fire extinguisher data sheet filling sample

In this case, all entries are made on the computer. This is acceptable, as is handwriting. The main thing is that the signature of the person in charge is “live”, just like the wet seal of the institution issuing this paper.

As can be seen from the sample filling out the operating passport for the fire extinguisher, the language of entries is only Russian. Even if the device was purchased abroad, all data on it must be translated.

how to fill out a passport for a fire extinguisher

EP maintenance, as well as other documents for a fire extinguisher, can be engaged in:

  • Head of the enterprise.
  • Authorized Responsible Person. Any employee of the institution who has undergone a brief training on fire safety rules and passed a qualification exam can become such. After that, he receives an appropriate certificate and agrees to keep records of all documentation for fire extinguishers.

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