Running on the steps to lose weight: benefits, harm, training plan and recommendations

Run-ups have long been a popular sport, the development of which was facilitated by civilization. The emergence of vehicles, elevators and more mental professions led to this. But running up the stairs is not only fashionable, but also useful. Consider what such a sport is good and how to start doing it.

The benefits of running stairs

First of all, the stairs attract runners in that it is an anaerobic load. When performing steps, you have to raise the body to the height of the steps. With such a training much more effort is spent than when riding a bicycle. No wonder an unprepared person is difficult to climb to the fifth floor in the absence of an elevator. After that, he regains consciousness for a long time, trying to catch his breath.

run up stairs

However, such training helps the heart to better pump blood. With each step, a portion of the life-giving liquid enters the vessels. It is proved by reviews - running on the steps for losing weight is simply invaluable. If you do it regularly, then excess fat, cellulite and hated kilograms begin to disappear. It is also the production of adrenaline, strengthening the skeletal system and the prevention of nervous disorders.

Strengthening the body and muscles

During the run up the stairs, a lot of processes take place in the human body that positively affect the general well-being. All systems are strengthened and their work is being improved. In addition, the immune function improves, and the body begins to better resist various viruses. As a result, a person is less sick.

What muscles work when running up the stairs? During this training, various groups work hard:

  • Thigh muscles. They are responsible for bending the knee and are located on the back of the legs.
  • The calf muscles. Regulate the rise of the housing.
  • The muscles of the buttocks. Stabilize the body in an upright position.
  • The iliopsoas muscles of the pelvis. Help in flexion and rotation of the thigh.
  • Intercostal muscles, back, shoulders and abs are also being worked out.

Slimming ladder

run on stairs

To always stay in shape, you must constantly work on yourself. A run on the stairs can help. With regular exercises, muscles are gradually strengthened and excess calories are burned. However, in order to get a good result, you will have to follow a diet and daily routine in parallel.

Does running on stairs help you lose weight? You can definitely answer yes. In about an hour of such a training, the body loses up to one thousand kilocalories. For an average person, this figure is approximately 650 kilocalories. In one minute, when climbing, you can walk about seventy steps. And this is 0.14 kilocalories per kilogram of weight. For example, a girl with a body weight of 70 kilograms will spend almost six hundred kilocalories per hour. This is quite an impressive figure, so many refuse to use the elevator in favor of the stairs.

It is advisable for beginners in such a training to start walking on the stairs with ten minutes and only then go on to the run, gradually increasing its duration to forty minutes. But first of all, it is worth evaluating your moral and physical preparation, since such a sport is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to running up the stairs

In some cases, caution should be taken when running on stairs.

jogging reviews

Exercises on the stairs can cause irreparable harm to people who have injuries to the knees, hips, ankles or spine. Contraindications are joint diseases, varicose veins and severe scoliosis. It also includes hypertension and other heart problems. Excessive activity, which can occur with frequent steps, can accelerate the pulse to two hundred beats per minute, but for the health of some people this is not very good.

From this we can conclude that, despite all the benefits of running on the stairs, it can be harmful. Therefore, before starting training, you must consult a doctor on this issue.

What stairs are suitable for classes?

Most people live in apartment buildings, which have many steps. Therefore, they often become a place for anaerobic training. This is convenient because you do not need to go far from home, there is no extraneous noise, it is unlikely that someone will see a workout, you can do it in any weather without being afraid to freeze or get wet. However, the apartment building also has negative aspects. Entrances usually have odors, drafts, due to which you can quickly catch a cold. Also, not all residents approve of athletes running around the house.

run on the stairs which muscles work

For these reasons, it is recommended that you practice outdoors. It is better to choose cool weather when it is neither hot nor frosty. On the street of any city you can find several places that are suitable for running on the stairs. This descent to the embankment, the stands of the stadium, parks with stairs and other cultural areas. It is full of space, there is fresh air and a chance to meet like-minded people.

Execution technique

No need to try to make walking the main load. Let it be a useful addition to regular jogging around a stadium or park. Also, such exercises are useful to include in strength training, if they take place.

When climbing up the stairs, you need to know the appropriate load. Each person will have their own norm. It is best to have running experience on a horizontal path. In this case, there will be an idea of โ€‹โ€‹which pulse the body can withstand.

Athletes usually use the common formula (220 minus age). The resulting number will be the optimal heart rate. However, such a calculation is not an axiom. The load should be checked on yourself, measuring the pulse and gradually increasing the intensity of the classes. Remember one simple but important tip. When running up the stairs, do not try to reach the maximum number of hits. It is much more beneficial for the body when, after an active recovery, it is possible to catch your breath and take a few more approaches.

run on the stairs for weight loss

Recommendations for training:

  • Before running, be sure to warm up, focusing on the lower limbs.
  • Exercise regularly - at least three times a week.
  • Alternate walking and walking for the best effect.
  • Breathe correctly during exercise. Inhale with your nose, and exhale with your mouth.
  • Gradually increase the number of approaches.

Also, experienced athletes give beginners tips on the performance technique itself. It is best to choose a ladder along which you can run continuously for at least fifteen seconds. When lifting up, lean forward a little and work more actively with your hands. If possible, take a step wider and push off the ground with the front of your feet. When going down the stairs, direct the load to the gluteal muscles, but to a lesser extent to the knees.

Classes in the complex

As numerous reviews show, running on stairs for men gives excellent results if you combine it with sports equipment. All kinds of exercise equipment and dumbbells for the strong half of humanity are simply a necessity. It is enough for women to use the ladder to maintain a good figure. If there is excess weight, then girls can also connect sports equipment to training.

slimming run reviews

Go up the steps with some weighting material. As it is possible to take dumbbells or a can of water. In this case, all the main muscles will work, so you should not switch to running. It is wiser to continue with additional exercises. Train with dumbbells or go for a long distance.

Approximate training plan for the week:

  1. Monday. Running and walking up and down stairs for 15-20 minutes with smooth alternation.
  2. Tuesday. Twenty-minute walk on the stairs of a multi-storey building (five floors up and the same down).
  3. Wednesday. Add strength exercises with dumbbells to a twenty-minute run of stairs to burn extra calories.
  4. Thursday. Start homework. Make 25-50 lunges with alternating legs and 10 push-ups from the bed or floor. Continue training on the staircase. Within half an hour, make 20 lunges on each leg.
  5. Friday. Perform a set of strength exercises with weighting.
  6. Saturday. In the fresh air, alternate an active descent ascent along the stairs with a run at a distance of 500-1000 meters. Train for 30-40 minutes.
  7. Sunday. Take a break and just walk around the park.

Of course, this is only a rough plan, it may look completely different for you.

Important points

run up the stairs

Even if the classes consist of one run on the steps for weight loss, the body should still receive a sufficient amount of food. Therefore, you do not need to get involved in strict diets and generally resort to them - this is fraught with weakness and dizziness.

Be sure to pay attention to the shoes. Wear running shoes with a sole that provides good traction. Always check if your shoelaces are tied. Try to look at the surface of the stairs, they are not always smooth. Some steps are made of poor materials, so I can cause injuries in the winter season or rainy weather.

If pain occurs during training, stop exercising. And don't forget to consult a doctor about running up the stairs!

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