Subjects of parental meetings in the 6th grade. Developed parent meeting models

Parent meetings are a very common form of teacher communication with student parents. This is the most effective interaction between people interested in the process of teaching and raising children. During and after parental meetings, it is possible to ask questions, find out incomprehensible aspects, resolve conflicts, and outline an action plan for the further period of training.

subjects of parent-teacher meetings in grade 6

Theme of meetings

No teacher will go to the parent meeting unprepared. The theme is especially important: what to talk about, what to discuss, why the meeting is held at all. The subject of parent-teacher meetings in the 6th grade is diverse:

  1. Discussion of educational and behavioral activities of students.
  2. Age features of children studying in the classroom.
  3. The development of moral education of adolescents.
  4. Initial vocational guidance for children.
  5. Psychological aspects of student development.

As you can imagine, this is a completely incomplete list of topics for parent meetings.

Types of Meetings

At the beginning of the year, you can discuss with parents and the parent committee topics that should be submitted to parent meetings. Grade 6 is already teenage children, so questions of a moral nature and sexual education are beginning to arise. Therefore, it is better to work in this direction from the point of view of prevention than to resolve conflict situations later.

parent meetings grade 6

Meetings may be:

  • organizational (at the beginning of the year, before any cool event, event);
  • current (most often this is a discussion of the educational process);
  • classroom (parents can attend, sometimes students of this class) and school-wide (at such meetings issues that are important for the whole team, staff, parents and children who are studying in this institution are resolved);
  • group (there are several people who are interested in a particular situation) and individual (parents together with the child and teacher resolve disputes, conflicts);
  • current and final.

Any type of meeting will help in the short term to prepare the necessary information, it is easier to structure the meeting, to bring it to its logical conclusion.

Psychologists advise

Whatever the topic of parent-teacher meetings in grades 6-8, it is important to adhere to some of the advice of psychologists. It is worth remembering that not a single person is pleased to hear unpleasant facts about himself, especially about his child (after all, “my child is the best, most talented, the best”, etc.).

But what if there is a very unpleasant conversation? Anyway, you need to configure the parent to accept negative information. To do this, you can first discuss the positive actions of the child, his strengths of character, ask how parents instill and develop this or that quality of the student. And only then offer to discuss sensitive issues that have arisen situations.

topics of parent-teacher meetings in the 6th grade

Criticizing, scolding a child, neglecting the teenager is strictly prohibited. Firstly, the child is imperfect (even adults stumble and make mistakes), and secondly, you will set up the parent for a destructive conversation that will only exacerbate the problem.

Express your point of view on the situation from the perspective of an adult, not a parent (according to Eric Berne's theory). That is, you simply state the facts, not coloring the current situation with emotions and feelings.

Certain rules for preparing meetings

Any teacher is required to hold parent-teacher meetings in the 6th grade. Topics, discussions on them should be relevant, important, and interesting for parents. That is, the topic "Preparing for final exams for a high school course" is somehow far and blurry; but the topic “Help and control by parents in completing homework” is very useful and important for both sixth graders and parents who should not miss the moment of growing up their children.

The time of the parent meeting should be convenient for those present and announced in advance. So adults can plan their time and activities so that the meeting will benefit each of the parties to communication. The meeting itself cannot be delayed in time: people just get tired, start to get annoyed. Even if you have a lot of questions, it is better to discuss the 3-4 most important ones, transfer the rest or decide individually.

The topic of the meeting is also announced in advance, so you will facilitate the perception of the material offered to parents. The latter will be able to think over the questions that they are ready to ask you, they will want to discuss.

developed parent meeting models

Parent Meeting Models

When a young specialist comes to work in school, he has no experience, he is simply lost in a storm of lessons, in a whirlwind of communication with students and colleagues. What to do?

There are developed models for parent meetings. If there is something to push off from, then the business is built easier, you can freely add your questions, arguments, and examples.

The following topics can serve as such helper models:

  1. "Psychological and pedagogical advice on training and education of the sixth grader."
  2. “Contacts between parental and pedagogical teams in the school.”
  3. "Understanding the difficulties in the study of disciplines (enumeration of disciplines) for the child", etc.

Preparatory stages of the meeting

Before holding a meeting on a selected topic, you need to prepare for it. What can help? Let's consider.

Preliminary interviews will help you understand what the topic of parent-teacher meetings should be. Grade 6 is already a transitional step in the educational process from toddlers to adolescents, it is important not to miss it. A questionnaire will be useful, which can give a topic for reflection (if there are open questions in the questionnaire). Preliminary conversations with subject teachers will give a more complete picture of learning, problems in acquiring knowledge, etc. Visiting lessons to accurately see the problem, student success (that is, a view from the side that will greatly expand the vision of the pros and cons of learning).

Meeting outline

Any successful enterprise must be planned, draw up a plan diagram. Parental meeting in the 6th grade is no exception.

parent meetings in grade 6 discussion topics

We offer one of the simple schemes:

  1. Organizational moment (mood for parental meeting, announcement of topics, regulations, agendas).
  2. Introduction by the teacher (important aspects on the topic).
  3. Discussion of internal specific issues on the topic.
  4. Analysis, decision on the issues outlined.
  5. Summing up the meeting.

Adding and changing the scheme, of course, is possible. It is necessary to proceed from the need to communicate with the parents of the students, and not to rely solely on the topic and script, without changing anything or adding to the finished script. Some points can be removed, important questions should be added for a detailed discussion with the parents of the students.

How often should meetings be

First of all, the topic of parent-teacher meetings in the 6th grade will determine the number and time of their holding. Once a quarter will be enough. For a period of two to three months of training, material that is not very large in volume is accumulated, which is worth submitting for discussion of parental meetings. The result of the student’s work during this period is also visible. Well, the debriefing is the logical conclusion of another segment in the life of the student and all who surround him.

parent meeting topics in grade 6 8

Summing up, let us once again note how a well-conducted meeting will radically depend on the selected and well-considered topics of the parent meeting in grade 6. The psychological attitude of the teacher, the proper organization of the process of communication with parents and so on are important.

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