Who doesn’t go into your pocket for a word?

Phraseologisms are stable expressions that are firmly embedded in the language system, often used in creativity and spoken language. Their distinctive features are figurative meaning and the absence of specific authorship. In Russian, almost every word is part of a catch phrase. The noun "word" is no exception.

Noun "word": lexical meaning

In the beginning, as you know, there was a word (New Testament, Gospel of John). But what does it mean?

For a word does not go into your pocket

  • The main unit of speech with lexical meaning: *** consists of stressed and unstressed syllables, and syllables consist of vowels and consonants.
  • Speech, ability to speak: This good fellow for *** does not go into your pocket, do not put a finger in his mouth.
  • Speech to the audience: *** provided to the head of the Media Relations Department, Shalygin Victoria Romanovna.
  • The promise, the oath: Alexander Nikolaevich gave the workers ***, but could not keep it or did not want to.
  • The genre of a literary work written in the form of an appeal, parting word, sermon: “*** about Igor Igorev’s Regiment” is studied in the ninth grade of high school.
  • Chatter, as opposed to action: Mikhail Petrovich is only beautiful, but empty ***.
  • Lyrics: *** This song is put to the music of Dunaevsky.
  • Speech: Farewell *** moved to tears.
  • Opinion: The hero of the occasion has not yet said his ***.
  • The old Russian name of the letter "c": Teenager, the letter *** you still can’t write beautifully, train.

Phraseologisms with the noun "word"

The word "word" is the basis of a considerable number of winged expressions:

poke one word

  • In several (two) *** ah - briefly, without unnecessary words.
  • Believe on *** - believe without requiring evidence or material evidence.
  • *** and they get stuck in the throat - worry, worry, speechless.
  • Swallow *** a - speak slurredly, have poor diction.
  • Hold *** - keep these promises.
  • To know *** - to be able to do something unknown to the broad masses in a "magical" way.
  • Insert *** - add, add.
  • Do not utter a *** and - be silent.
  • Not a single *** ohm to say a word - keep silent, keep secret.
  • Do not throw *** into the wind - about a man who always tries to keep promises and reinforces what was said by his actions.
  • Give *** / bind yourself *** ohm - promise, swear.
  • *** not a sparrow - you won’t fly out - think before you say something, you can regret it.
  • Remember my *** - you will see that I am right.
  • Without superfluous *** - immediately get down to business.
  • Strong *** - obscene speech.
  • To catch on *** e - to make someone remember their often random words.
  • From *** a to *** a - in detail.
  • To have to *** y - turn out by the way.
  • Catch every *** - listen.
  • No *** - no comments.
  • Scatter *** ami - to say something that you certainly will not do.
  • Set *** is nonsense.
  • Not a word to say, not a pen to describe - inexpressible, indescribable.

"For a word does not go into your pocket": meaning

What do you think is the most common idiom with the word "word" ? Guessed? "For a word, he won’t get into his pocket!"

For a word, meaning does not go into your pocket

What does it mean?

  • Eloquent.
  • Witty.
  • A little arrogant.
  • With a well- suspended tongue.
  • Brisk.
  • Resourceful.
  • One who is difficult to confuse.
  • Sharp on the tongue.
  • Tongue out.

Examples of using the phrase "climb the word in your pocket" with synonyms

To better understand all the intricacies of using an idiom in speech, we recommend that you carefully study examples of their use in the context of sentences:

  • Do not mess with this Igor: he doesn’t go into his pocket for a word - it will be worse for you!
  • Do not mess with this Igor: he is sharp on the tongue - you will be worse!
  • What a girl - she’s not getting into a pocket for a word!
  • What a language girl!
  • The speech was so interesting: the speaker skillfully operated with special terms, inserted winged phrases and quotes appropriately - in general, he did not climb into a pocket for a word.
  • The speech was so interesting: the eloquent speaker skillfully operated with special terms, inserted winged expressions and quotes into place.

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