What is trolling? Trolling. Spinning for trolling

Today, trolling is one of the most common fishing methods. As practice shows, there is a misconception that trolling is a fishing method that can only be mastered with serious knowledge of fishing. That is why in today's article, special attention will be paid not only to the description of the method, but also will be explained why it is suitable even for a beginner.

Basic concepts

trolling is
Let's start with the description that trolling is a fishing method that is carried out on a boat equipped with a motor and towing a bait. The main difference between this style and ordinary fishing is that it focuses only on fishing for predatory fish, usually pike.

A similar method called a track should be distinguished. Its difference from the above style is the lack of a motor in a ship.

Why exactly him?

Recently, some fishermen with considerable experience believe that trolling is an activity for lazy and β€œgreen” ones, since this method has practically no dynamics and excitement. But the one who at least once did trolling pikes probably remembers this fierce battle with a predator, when until the very last second it is not known whether you will leave today with prey or be left with nothing. And why is there only a magnificent view opening on the river, which your watercraft plows. The truth is that it’s better to try once than hear a few times. But let's continue and consider the main advantages of this method. These include:

  1. Catch, which is several times more than when fishing with spinning.
  2. The use of large and heavy baits.
  3. The ability to instantly switch to spinning fishing.

Required Equipment

If trolling is carried out, the following equipment will be required:

  1. A boat. The use of a small one (up to 4 m in length) is recommended. It can be made of rubber, wood or metal. In principle, the material of the boat does not play a special role, the main thing is that it be with a motor. Given the duration of fishing, it would be nice to have comfortable seats in it.
  2. The outboard motor can be gasoline or electric with a capacity of up to 15 liters. with.
  3. Spinning for trolling.
  4. Fishfinder. An optional, but very practical tool that determines not only the depth, but also the topography of the bottom.

Choose clothes

It is no secret that the cold, autumn season is ideal to start trolling on the river, since it is during this period that the catch can reach 10 kg or more. Therefore, you should wisely approach the preparation of equipment. You need to stop your choice on the clothes in which the bet is made primarily on functionality and comfort. Clothing on a fleece lining will not only be able to keep warm for a long time, but it’s also very pleasant to the touch. Especially worth noting is the durability of clothing on the fleece, which many fishermen have already appreciated. Of course, we should not forget about our own safety. Since fishing will take place on the river, it is imperative to have a life jacket in the boat , and it is even better to put it on yourself.


As a rule, a depth of less than 3 m is not considered particularly favorable for fishing, since here you can mainly find pikes and small perches. At a depth of up to 6 m, the picture is completely changing, as predators larger here (from pike and zander to catfish) live here. A depth of more than 8 meters is considered ideal to start trolling for zander.


spinning for trolling
Now directly about fishing gear. Spinning for trolling, as a rule, has a length of up to 2.7 m. The use of a device with a longer length is not recommended, since this method of fishing does not include casting into the distance. Therefore, it is recommended that rods are not very long, since their dimensions directly affect comfortable fishing.

According to statistics, rods of fast action or powerful casting are ideal for this method of fishing. So, for example, the adaptation of the fast system creates not only the optimal condition under which the slightest change in the movement of the bait is felt, but also allows you to make sharp cuts. A fishing rod with a slow system, on the contrary, will not only not allow you to perform the above actions, but can also lead to offensive gatherings.

But the main thing is to remember that not always power and rigidity can lead to the desired result. In fishing, everything should be harmonious. Accordingly, when going to trolling, you need to consider the weight of not only gear, but also the weight of possible prey. So, for example, if the maximum fishing depth is not very large, then light tackle will be sufficient. If fishing is planned on a deep-sea river, then there is nowhere without powerful gear.


river trolling
Good trolling is provided by a powerful reel, since only it can withstand the various loads created by a fairly large fish. Specialists have recommended the use of recoilless brake coils that can brake instantly at the right time. It is especially worth noting that a not very expensive coil may not meet all the requirements, but it is also not worth buying one of the most expensive ones. The best option would be to buy non-inertia. Such a coil will serve its owner for at least 4 seasons with intensive use.

Cord and fishing line

Trolling allows the use of both ordinary monofilament and braided cords. But most experienced fishermen still prefer braided cords. And first of all, their high strength plays a role. Also, the advantages of braided cords include:

  1. Zero extensibility, which not only creates ease of control, but also allows you to feel any, even the slightest change in the direction of movement of the bait. Especially felt the difference between woven cords and monofilament when stripping. Cords, unlike monofilament, will never stretch, thereby creating an additional chance for fish to unfasten their jaws and break off the hook.
  2. High strength and durability.

The only thing that can be attributed to the minus is their high price and low protection against damage caused by sharp teeth of a pike.


For trolling, all artificial baits used for spinning, which are now freely available, are ideal. Recently, fishing on live bait, as well as using wobblers or spinning lures, has shown itself to be quite good.


trolling pike
Rotating spinners are those that:

  1. Provide excellent interaction with the water surface.
  2. Equipped with high strength and quality wire.
  3. They have sharp and durable tees.

Important! In the process of fishing, repeatedly check sharpening sharpness. And if any defects are detected , eliminate them using a diamond file.


Wobblers are called artificial volumetric baits, which create oscillations using a special recess or blade. Today, wobblers are represented by various shapes, sizes, designs and materials.

Wobblers are:

  1. Floating. These wobblers are used only when fishing in shallow water.
  2. Diving. Their distinctive feature is the ability to dive to a depth of 7 m.
  3. Drowning. As the name implies, these wobblers are used in bottom water layers. It should be noted that without good knowledge of the bottom of the river, fishing with this type of wobbler can do a tidy sum.

Remember that the determining factor for successful fishing is the choice of the necessary type of wobbler, so before buying it is imperative to familiarize yourself not only with its weight, but also with the maximum possible depth to which it can dive.

Fishing technique

zander trolling

Before starting fishing, it is necessary to take into account weather factors, water temperature and season. If you plan to trolling on an unfamiliar river, then it will be useful to ask local fishermen about the habits of fish. Although in this case, the chance of obtaining useful information will be practically zero.

Deepwater fishing

The most favorable sections for the rich catch are the river sections, the depth of which varies between 8-14 m. It is recommended to trolling at the minimum power of the craft using especially large baits. One of the most effective methods of this method is the wave-like movement of the boat, repeating the letter S, since it is with this movement that the bait can cross the edge, then flying up, then falling into the deepest part. Do not forget that the largest specimens of pike are found in underwater springs.

Important! During fishing, casting the bait must not be done very far from the boat.

In the dumps

A dump is a section of a river bottom located after the outer edge of vegetation near the coast. Dumps, as a rule, are liked by pikes up to 5 kg. Although there are rare exceptions. The technique itself is no different from that used in deep water. The difference lies only in the weight and size of the lures; here it is more appropriate to use light and small ones. Since pikes especially like such sections of the river, you must always be on the alert and be ready to react with lightning speed at any time, not forgetting to periodically wind up and drop the line when the tension is too high.

Some tips

It should be remembered that a prerequisite for successful fishing is the presence of a hook, as they will need to crunch a large pike to the boat. It is especially worth noting that it needs to be browned in the region of the head so as not to pierce the gallbladder.

To preserve the catch, it is necessary to use kukan, which subsequently catch caught pike.

Important! When planting a pike on a kukan, pay special attention to keeping the pike tongue intact, otherwise there is a high probability that the pike will dry out.

If, for certain reasons, it is not possible to keep the fish alive, then we pierce its head, thereby preserving all its taste.

As numerous observations of experts show, the optimal temperature for starting fishing this style is 11 degrees or less.

If you plan to fish on an unfamiliar river, then you should find out in advance about the possible places of pike accumulation. And remember that trolling is primarily a relaxation for the soul, and only then fishing. Although this method of fishing is legal, it has some limitations (no more than two baits for one boat).

Minecraft trolling

Minecraft trolling

For some, this concept means fishing style, but for the vast majority of people, this word has a completely different meaning. As statistics show, more and more people are starting to communicate via the Internet: getting to know each other, discussing sore problems ... The popularity of this style is explained very simply - anonymity, since only in this way you can fully reveal all your complexes. But there are people to whom such anonymity, to put it mildly, is not entirely beneficial. They meet in discussions and begin to use trolling - phrases designed to publicly humiliate, insult, or infuriate a computer game participant or visitor to a forum. And it’s good if the interlocutors immediately determine the troll, it’s worse when a serious skirmish erupts with mutual threats of physical violence in real life. Psychologists recommend that you do not get involved in futile showdowns and completely ignore trolling (phrases of a provocative nature).

Cases of this style of communication are not uncommon in social networks or forums, but do not forget about online games. So, for example, lately trolling in Minecraft is gaining high popularity, where it becomes just a mass phenomenon.

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