What tricks people do not go to lose extra pounds! They eat various mosses and berries, drink laxative teas and chocolate. But the main thing is that promising means for losing weight do not always work out. And vice versa, drugs used to treat other ailments may well cope with this task.
A striking example is the drug Yohimbine. For weight loss, they began to use it recently. However, his main task still remains connected with the restoration of male potency. What is the secret of this tool? And why is it used for other purposes?
What is it and what does it eat with?
To get started, let's get acquainted with this drug. Yohimbine, also called quebrachin, is considered one of the most powerful alkaloids and aphrodisiacs. It is obtained from an exotic plant that has the same name as the medicine itself. This tool is used to restore the function of the male genital organ and increase sexual desire. Many women use yohimbine for weight loss. What is the reason for this, we will talk further.
Reasons for using the product for other purposes
As practice has shown, the drug contributes to active weight loss. This happens due to the blockade of special adrenergic receptors. Recall that they allow them to freely accumulate fat cells that we hate. Moreover, the more impressive the accumulation of these receptors, the more fat can be deposited, so to speak, in reserve. It is said that the largest number of these receptors is concentrated in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Therefore, in these areas very often the largest amount of excess fat is collected.
As many adherents of sports nutrition say, if your centimeters at the waist suddenly ceased to suit you, you should use yohimbine. For women This is an ideal tool to eliminate the accumulation of fat in problem areas by blocking receptors and converting fat into energy. And this happens because of increased blood flow directly in the adipose tissue itself. As a result, its cells seem to wake up and begin to move more actively, smoothly shifting to their final cleavage sites.
In other words, the drug reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat and removes it even from the most problematic places in a short time.
Who uses the product as a fat burner?
In addition to ordinary women and girls who want to lose weight, this miracle fat burner is used by people with excellent physical fitness. Athletes and athletes are simply delighted with yohimbine. For weight loss It is used not only by women, but also by men. With it, you can reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, which is important when "drying". Therefore, to achieve a beautiful and sculpted body is much easier.
In addition, if you use this tool immediately before training in the gym, athletes say, then it is quite possible to extend the total time of classes. According to preliminary data, with this tool you can easily deal with 2-3 hours and at the same time do not feel tired.
Who produces the drug: countries
Yohimbine is produced by manufacturers from different countries. For example, you can find tablets of Chinese and Russian origin. The Ukrainian version of this drug is called "Yohimbine hydrochloride." Such a product is sold in a small plastic box in which there are 50 white rounded tablets weighing 5 mg. A plastic container is usually packaged in paper containers. It contains yohimbine itself and instructions.
In what forms does it happen?
The drug or biological supplement, which has recently been so often used in sports nutrition, is found in the following forms:
- Powder.
- Tablets.
- Capsules
- Tea.
According to those users who have chosen yohimbine for weight loss, there is no fundamental difference between these forms. All of them contain a kind of squeeze from the valuable bark of an African plant.
What is included in the product?
Together with yohimbe extract, the following substances are included in the composition of the product:
- Licorice root and damiana leaves.
- The fruits of the dwarf palm and bark of Muira puama.
- The roots of eleutherococcus.
- Zinc, selenium and chromium.
- Ginseng and many others.
The composition for weight loss called "Yohimbine" ( customer reviews confirm this conclusion) also contains vitamins and minerals. It is believed that all of the above herbs, berries and fruits of plants contribute to enhancing the action of yohimbe extract.
How to accept: rules and instructions
According to the stories of many losing weight women, it is recommended to take the drug about 30-40 minutes before eating. Moreover, before using it, it is necessary to carry out certain calculations.
It is most preferable to calculate the dosage based on 0.2 mg per each kilogram of your weight. For example, you weigh 60 kg, multiply this number by 0.2 and get 12, then divide the result by 3 (exactly how many weeks you will need to drink the full course). In our example, this is 4. Round up to 5 mg, since 1 tablet or capsule corresponds to exactly that weight. Therefore, at one time you can take 1 capsule or tablet. After about 2-3 months, the weight loss course with Yohimbine (the price does not bite at all ) is recommended to be repeated.
For the best effect, users say, you can safely take up to 10 mg at a time and up to 20 mg per day. Gradually, this norm can actually be increased by another 10 mg. But this is at will and subject to excellent health. The same information is also confirmed by the instructions for Yohimbine. The price for it is low. Therefore, you will not spend too much money on the purchase of the drug for the whole course. You will need to pay about 200-300 rubles for a pack of 50 tablets.
When to reduce the dosage or stop drinking the drug?
According to users, sometimes a drug can cause certain side effects. For example, people taking it may experience the following symptoms:
- Mood swings and excessive excitability.
- Blood pressure jumps.
- Sleep disturbance and heart rhythm malfunction.
- Dizziness.
In a word, if there are any unpleasant sensations when using Yohimbine (the reviews of athletes are talking about this), it is recommended to reduce the daily intake of the drug. In severe cases, fitness trainers say it is better to refuse it altogether. Do not forget that the drug has a slightly different focus. Therefore, in the presence of any deviations from the norm, it is better to remove the drug from your diet.
What to consider when taking funds?
According to user stories, if you are not involved in sports, you will not lose much weight from this drug. In addition, you need to understand that you need to use it in compliance with a certain diet. In this case, it is enough to eat and drink plenty of water. If you eat fatty foods and take yohimbine at the same time, this can lead to the opposite effect or its complete absence.