This summer, in all regions of Russia it is planned to introduce a social rate of electricity consumption. About what it is and what costs await a simple layman, starting in mid-2019, in detail in the next article.
Concept of social norm
First you need to understand the terminology. The concept of “Social Norms of Electricity Consumption” is disclosed in the RF PP No. 614, adopted back in 2013. In fact, it means the following: a certain amount of electrical energy is consumed every month, which is necessary to meet the basic needs of residents.
It is charged at the indicated cost. If energy is consumed above this norm, then the price increases significantly. It is believed that in this way it will be possible to stimulate citizens to save electricity. Those who want to continue to use a lot of energy, the state intends to oblige to pay more than is currently being done.
How does the new system work in pilot mode and how will it work everywhere?
This scheme has been introduced in pilot mode so far in only a few regions. It:
- Rostov region
- Oryol region
- Nizhny Novgorod region.
- Vladimir region
- Krasnoyarsk region.
- Transbaikalia.
- Sevastopol
- Crimea.
The main problem that arises with the introduction of an appropriate rate of energy consumption is the difficulty of its implementation. Currently, it is considered based on the number of registered persons, as well as the number of residential premises, the availability of an electric stove and other circumstances.
To better understand what is at stake, consider an example of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Here the norm is set at 103 kW / h. It is valid for a person who lives alone in a 1-room apartment where a gas stove is installed. If 2 people live in such an apartment, then the norm is 169 kW / h, and 3 people - 218 kW / h.
The social rate of electricity consumption per month in this area also depends on the number of residential premises. As indicated above, for a 1-room apartment with 1 tenant, it is 103 kW / h. If this citizen has 2 rooms, then you will have to pay 133 kW / h, and for 3 rooms - 150 kW / h.
In other regions, their own conditions are established regarding both parts of kW / h and the calculation procedure. For example, the number of living rooms is not always taken into account. Some regions have special rules for private homes.
Difficulty calculating yesterday and today
In general, for the correct calculation of the amount of power consumed within and beyond the established norm, many additional factors will have to be taken into account. Moreover, some of the information is no longer relevant or is not reliable. In this regard, additional difficulties appear.
No less confusing is the rate of energy consumption seems to the consumer. This is especially the case when calculating using a meter that takes into account two or three tariffs. Separate tariffs are provided for each zone, both within the normal range and beyond it. Therefore, to calculate for each month those kilowatts that are considered at one and the other tariffs, you will have to work hard.
All these points were already visible at a time when the authorities first tried to introduce the relevant standards in 2013. Then this scheme was tested in individual regions. But since the experiment turned out to be unsuccessful, this process was suspended, and the adoption of the appropriate decision was shifted to the discretion of the regions. On the ground, they felt that it would be better not to create unnecessary problems, and leave everything as it is.
Separately, it is worth saying a few words about Crimea and Sevastopol, which became subjects of the Russian Federation in 2014. In Ukraine, there was a gradation tariff system, which had different indicators depending on the volume of consumption. Therefore, the introduced social norm of electricity consumption per person only continued the existing practice.
What is the difference between the new standards
First of all, it must be said that only officials and the media speak about the corresponding plans. However, there is no documented data in the public domain. At the same time, no one disputes the basic facts. They are as follows:
- They prefer to call the new scheme not “social norms”, but “consumer gradation”.
- The calculation is made relative to the point of accession (house or apartment), and not the number of residents.
- The volume at the lowest price is set at 300 kW / h.
- A higher price will be set for electricity consumption from 300 to 500 kW. The highest prices, which are close to consumers of commercial organizations, will apply to those residents who spend more than 500 kW / h per month.
No specific bids have been announced yet. However, new tariffs should be set from July this year.
Beneficiaries may become less
In addition to introducing electricity consumption per person, the authorities plan to reduce the number of preferential categories of consumers. It is supposed to eliminate the benefits in respect of rural residents, as well as apartments in which there is no gas supply. Currently, they have a discount of 30%. Also going to reduce the categories that are equated with the population. These include, for example, horticultural partnerships.
What to expect for the consumer
It is still not possible to say for sure whether these social norms of energy consumption will come into force. For many people, they will look like just another ploy of the authorities, the true purpose of which is to increase fees for housing services. Should the authorities take this step, especially in light of the recent introduction of other controversial innovations of the government? The answer to this question is not obvious. One way or another, if the plans are still implemented, you need to identify the main points regarding the upcoming changes.
Who will have to pay the most?
Most of all, the costs will increase for owners of private houses, for which heating works on electricity. The power consumption of them definitely exceeds 300 kW, or even 500 kW per month. For example, currently residents of villages pay 3.71 rubles. per kW / h, and residents of cities where gas stoves are installed - 5.29 rubles. At a rate of electricity consumption at the enterprise of not more than 150 kW, the fee is 5.95 rubles.
If the owner of a house of 150 square meters in the winter months pays about 13-15 thousand rubles, then with the introduction of new rules, obviously these costs will increase to about 20 thousand rubles. monthly. At the same time, the hour may not be far off when rural residents will have to pay on an equal footing with urban residents, and urban residents who are not used to counting kilowatts as small commercial organizations.
Innovations will not affect most economical citizens
Basically, consumers do not use over 300 kW of electricity. Only occasionally can an excess be recorded, and then to a small extent. This applies to owners of ordinary apartments without installed underfloor heating and other energy-intensive equipment. Only technological innovations can significantly increase electricity bills.
300 kW are calculated according to one tariff, and in excess of the norm - in a different way. If a meter is installed that calculates at two rates (day and night), then the consumer will have to count, based on 4 rates. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account which rate of electricity consumption in the daytime, and which - at night. In addition to the calculations of consumers, it will not be easy to carry out the corresponding check.
Who needs it and why?
A completely idle question arises as to who needs it. It seems that the ultimate goal is to bring existing prices to the level that is set for commercial organizations. And the planned changes are only the first step towards its achievement.
Not everyone agrees that this step is fair. However, innovations are declared in this way. If the authorities really thought about justice, they would have to explain how compensation will be paid in respect of groups of the population for whom the corresponding expenses are an unbearable burden. But this, unfortunately, is out of the question.
Some citizens even got the impression that such innovations have the character of “noisy action”, where the result does not seem particularly important. However, if specific norms of energy consumption are introduced, then people will have to live in new conditions. And this situation will be especially difficult for those who have 3-phase meters installed.
Settlement without a counter today
Let us leave future events to the future and consider how things are today. Without a meter, the calculation of the rate of energy consumption is carried out if:
- A meter is available, but the testimony was not transmitted within the prescribed time.
- The counter does not work.
- Representatives of the electricity company do not have access to it.
- The device is damaged by the user intentionally.
- There is simply no counter.
In case of untimely transmission of evidence, the calculation is made based on the average energy consumption per month. Data is taken for the six previous months. The next month, the company takes into account existing standards.
The counter is recognized as defective after the appropriate application has been submitted to the authorized company or an inspector has drawn up an act about it. If it is not possible to identify the exact date, then consider from the month when the corresponding event occurred. From this moment, the consumer is transferred to payment according to average norms of electricity consumption per person per month, based on indications for the last six months. However, this cannot last longer than 3 months. If you do not change the situation during this time, then in the future you will have to pay according to current standards.
Inspectors should warn about the fact that an inspection of electricity meters will be carried out, if access is specifically required for this. If it was not possible to reach an agreement more than two times, then an act of denial of access is drawn up. Then, within three months, payment will be made according to the average indications available over the past six months. And if the situation does not change, then subsequently they will start calculating based on current standards.
There are also situations when the counter is missing. In this case, the calculation is performed based on the following indicators:
- The number of registered residents in the apartment.
- Standards for electricity consumption.
- Tariffs currently in force.
The result is the final cost. As a rule, it exceeds the readings that are paid when using the meter. Therefore, even from calculations of energy savings, it is recommended to install meters.
Currently, the current tariffs for electricity consumption are independent of the number of kilowatts per month. But from mid-2019, the situation may change. Most citizens living in apartments and economically using electricity, these innovations will not affect. However, the owners of private houses, as well as those who do not think about saving energy, the corresponding bills can increase significantly.