In addition to large, superficial muscles, the so-called deep muscles are present in the human body, which are also responsible for such an important function as coordination of movements. Of course, all those who play sports seriously enough are working hard on it, regardless of what kind they choose for themselves. The same applies to people whose profession requires complex movements: doctors, industrial climbers, jewelers and, of course, circus jugglers. It sounds interesting, but why do you need to know this for those who work with a computer for “You”?
Coordination of movements: why ordinary people need it
Indeed, a person lives an ordinary life. Why would he load an already tired brain with thoughts of some kind of coordination of movements! But here’s the first trip to the skating rink or a walk along the icy sidewalk turns into an injury that could have been avoided if at least a little attention had been paid to this issue.
It only at first glance seems that complex movements in everyday life are not used. If you think about it, it's not quite like that. For example, a young mother will find it useful to feed her baby with one hand, and herself with the other. And time is saved, and you don’t have to go hungry.
Well, but seriously, a non-standard situation, which will fully give a feel for what coordination of movements can occur at any time. Therefore, it is better to prepare for it, especially for this it is not necessary to engage in long hours for long hours. You can do this while traveling to work, walking or sitting at home. But first you need to determine your level of "qualification" in this matter.
Coordination of movements: is everything all right with her
Testing is easy enough. There are a lot of exercises to determine how good coordination of movements is in a person. A couple of options are described below.
"Swallow". An exercise familiar to many since childhood, which consists in tilting the body and raising the leg to a condition parallel to the floor, and spread your arms to the sides. If you manage to stand like that for 10 seconds or more, well, you can close your eyes and continue to stand. Happened? Bravo. A similar task should be done with the other leg.
"Drawing the letter" B "in space." Sitting on a chair, the right foot needs to make rotational movements clockwise, and with the right hand - draw the letter "B" in the opposite familiar direction.
If the tests are successful, excellent, you can continue to improve further, and if the test results leave much to be desired, you should seriously think.
Motion coordination: exercises to improve it
Even in everyday life, you can do a number of exercises aimed at training coordination. Firstly, you can train in the subway car or bus, and for this you can simply remove your hand from the handrail, putting your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Only need to engage in without fanaticism, so as not to fall and not cause harm to others.
Another option: to recall childhood and to walk along the curbs of the sidewalk, it turns out that in the adult state for many this exercise is quite difficult to perform.
You can recall the jugglers already mentioned and start with a simple one: throw the ball with one hand and catch the other. If it is heavy enough, you can also train your arm muscles.
Well, if you have time to look at a nearby fitness club, you can visit special classes, such as Body Balance. Many combined workouts also include a lot of coordination exercises: BOSU (you have to learn to jump and run in the hemisphere), "Functional", CrossFit and so on.