How to get rid of herpes forever

Causes of the disease

The herpes disease is caused by a virus, and once infected, you will become a carrier of this virus. Therefore, the question: "how to get rid of herpes?" - It doesn’t make much sense, while medical science is struggling with it not very successfully.

Like any other virus, herpes simplex coexists with the human body quite peacefully, and problems appear only when the immune system for some reason weakens or starts to fail. Colds, hypothermia in winter, stress, abuse of nicotine and alcohol, overheating, lack of a normal daily routine and the resulting chronic fatigue and many other reasons - all this can become a trigger for the appearance of unpleasant and very painful vesicles in the corners of the lips.

In women, the hormonal restructuring of the body during menstruation and during pregnancy is added to this already rather big list.

How to get rid of herpes on the face?

Since, as we have already found out, fighting the virus in the body is useless, then you should think about how to cope with the manifestations of this unpleasant ailment.

If the bubbles have already swollen and dry, the cracks can be combated by lubricating the crust with vitamin E. This treatment softens the skin very well, the lips recover quickly enough, and again will delight you with their softness.

We all want to look good, and at some moments in life even a small defect in the face can drive us into deep depression, especially the very noticeable blisters on the lip. But, alas, the rapid treatment of herpes is not yet available to doctors. So, if you have just the time when you desperately need to look “one hundred percent”, for example, today is your wedding, and in the morning you find that the insidious virus “crawled out”, as if feeling this, it means that only you will be saved cosmetics. And it should be noted that the best treatment is, of course, prevention.


From the question: "how to get rid of herpes," we turn to the question - "how to prevent it." To begin with, we recommend that you follow your schedule and what you eat and in what quantities. Try to provide your body with vitamins. The easiest way is to buy a good multivitamin complex and fresh fruits and berries for a juicer. It is very useful for health in general and for the prevention of herpes in particular, regularly walking in the fresh air. Such walks relieve stress and increase the body's immunity. Everyone is well aware of the healing properties of hardening, but a very small number of people practice it. You can start with nightly pouring cold water on your feet, even if you stop there, then in this “trimmed” form, quenching will give a good effect. You are much less likely to become bothered by colds and flu, which means that herpes will begin to bypass your lips.

Quickly cure herpes with folk remedies

In traditional medicine , aloe juice is considered a good remedy for this disease, it is recommended to cauterize vesicles with propolis, and some healers advise using fir oil. Often you can find references to the use of Kalanchoe juice for lubricating the vesicles.

And there’s a rather painful but reliable way: in a recently brewed hot black tea, lower a metal spoon and when it warms up, apply it to a sore spot on the lip. This procedure is recommended to be performed several times daily.

What can and what is not recommended for herpes.

How to get rid of herpes? You should not crush the bubbles and do not touch them at all, so you can transfer the virus to other parts of the body where it will fix and give a new crop of bubbles. Do not kiss during the active phase of the disease, thereby you risk infecting loved ones. Women are not recommended to use lipstick if herpes has arisen on the lips, since fat and other active substances contained in it can play a negative role in the development of the disease.

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