What is life safety education at school? Program and study of life safety at school

The subject "Fundamentals of life safety" is being studied in educational institutions. It contributes to the formation in children of the skills of proper behavior in emergency situations, the ability to provide first aid.

Why is it necessary to study life history?

Some parents, looking at the diaries of their children, are surprised because they do not know what life safety is at school. This is a subject designed to teach children to act correctly in any life situations, to be able to act correctly in any danger. A person who has attended the OBZh course is able to avoid the consequences of emergencies of a man-made or natural nature. In the framework of this subject, children receive elementary knowledge about the defense of the state, the military duty of men.

what is obzh at school
In addition, the subject of life safety at school is necessary in order to teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Schoolchildren must understand what kind of threat to the state of their body can be caused by such bad habits as drug use, alcohol, smoking. As a result of studying this subject, children know how important it is to play sports. Students receive information about the most common diseases. In the case of a successful study of the subject, they will know about preventive measures and treatment of diseases. Children will be able to independently help themselves and loved ones.

School Life Program

When did these useful knowledge begin to be taught to children? In 1991, the subject of life safety was introduced at school. It is intended to teach schoolchildren the basic safety rules, the ability to recognize dangerous situations, to evaluate them.

school curriculum
In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the school life program includes several large thematic sections. First of all, schoolchildren get acquainted with the concept of “security” and learn the rules of behavior in emergency situations.

The next thematic block includes obtaining medical knowledge. Schoolchildren have the opportunity to receive information about problems with the main systems of internal organs, about the features of the prevention of widespread diseases. Knowing what OBZH is, at school or at home, children can help themselves in the event of the first painful symptoms.

Next, students learn the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Within this block, children can learn how to organize their day in order to live as long as possible. The teacher must explain to schoolchildren the features of the organization of sports activities, proper nutrition.

school subject
After that, a modern set of global security problems is studied. We are talking about environmental disasters, the demographic crisis, the world's nuclear security. Consideration of all these issues affects the future life of all mankind. In accordance with state requirements, the life safety program at school ends with an introduction to the basics of military service. This topic is relevant, since every boy is a future man, a defender of the fatherland.

Teaching life history in elementary school

According to educational programs, the study of life safety at school begins in elementary school. At the moment, in elementary grades there is no separate subject on human security. Initial knowledge from this area is gained by the kids during the study of the subject “The World Outside” and extra-curricular activities. Younger students should learn about the basic rules of the road, fire safety. They are obliged to learn how to use household appliances, household chemicals. Kids should know what life safety is at school.

teaching obzh at school
The assimilation of the material should be carried out using visual receptors. Children well remember the information presented in the form of tables, pictures, multimedia presentations. It’s useful to show the guys the movies. At primary school, CDs and audio tapes can be used.

Speech Methods for Studying Life Support in High and High School

The teaching of life safety at school is carried out using primarily speech methods. When learning new material, a lecture can be given. This method helps to transfer a large amount of information to students as quickly as possible. A lecture must necessarily be informative, logically constructed. It’s good to use conversation elements. However, such material can only be submitted in high school.

methods of teaching obzh at school
As part of the conversation, the teacher can update the knowledge of children acquired earlier. This form of work involves a lot of student activity. It provides a high degree of assimilation of the material. The school often uses heuristic conversation. Then, under the guidance of a teacher, students can independently discover the properties of a particular phenomenon or process.

The report refers to effective methods of independent work. This form of work provides for the teaching of life safety at school. Students can familiarize themselves with the teaching material if they prepare a series of reports.

Practical methods of studying life safety

For those who do not know what life safety is at school, it is necessary to understand that the main goal of this subject is to teach children to act correctly in a given situation. Therefore, it is necessary to use practical methods. Schoolchildren must practice their skills. To do this, you need to solve situational problems. In the textbooks on life history there are always problems for the solution of which it is necessary to paint an algorithm for the correct behavior of a person in a particular situation. For example, during an earthquake, flood.

study of obzh at school
Practical methods can be used in the classroom while studying the thematic section related to medicine. Pupils can try to do a dressing right in the classroom, to put on a tire.

Equipment OBZH office at school

For students to successfully learn the basics of life safety, the classroom should be well-designed. In particular, the equipment of the life safety cabinet in the school should include a computer with a projection board. This will help to actively use visibility: diagrams, tables, photographs, films. For lessons on which the basics of civil defense are considered, it is necessary to use a gas mask, an automatic machine for assembly and disassembly.

school equipment
Ideally, the OBZh office should contain special equipment, which is a human model. On it you can clearly demonstrate the rules of first aid. The use of such modern equipment will help not only clearly explain to students how to help a person, but also hone practical skills.

Design information stands

In the office of life safety should be information stands that make it clear what life safety is at school. Information can be presented in a bright interesting form. A person crossing the threshold of an office should immediately pay attention to the stands. They can provide basic information about the rules of the road, behavior in a particular situation. It is necessary to submit the most important information, without the assimilation of which it is impossible to study the basics of life safety. The information provided must fully comply with applicable law.

Learning life safety is the key to safety for students

It is important for teachers to approach teaching life safety with full responsibility, since the life of students depends on this subject. The basics of life safety can protect children from many problems in the future. Therefore, the lessons should be as interesting as possible so that children are happy to approach the study of this subject. This will help them to acquire knowledge in the framework of the educational process, be interested in global problems that humanity has to face. Therefore, the study of life safety should help ensure the safety of not only a single person, but also the universe. This should be remembered.

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