What is included in the tasks of fire prevention: the concept, the implementation of preventive measures, the necessary instructions and materials

Often people hear at work, in public places such a phrase as fire prevention, but what is its meaning? Few people know about this. And its essence lies in a number of organizational, technical and engineering measures aimed at protecting objects from fire. The main goal of all fire prevention measures that are held nationwide is to maintain high level security in all settlements. In places of great concentration of people or material assets, at all business facilities due to the fact that requirements and norms established by law are perfectly observed. What is included in the fire safety tasks?

The concept of "fire safety"

Prevention is a whole range of measures that is aimed at preventing the spread of fire in the premises of a building or in open spaces, for example, through a forest. All these measures contain instructions on how to properly evacuate people and save all material values.

In short, fire prevention measures should include measures to help eliminate the possibility of fire, as well as do everything possible to limit the effects of the elements. To ensure good safety, it is necessary to know about the principles of fire protection, which implies the presence of all measures to help put out the fire. There are special rules for individual buildings, enterprises, transport, which are provided for by Russian legislation.

The safety of people and their property is guaranteed by the fire department, which is aimed at extinguishing the fire. For this, combustible mixtures are necessarily excluded from free access, it is imperative to secure ignition sources, guaranteeing the safety of the environment, areas where a large number of people, material values ​​are located.

Fire protection

It is only possible to protect against a source of ignition thanks to the fire safety of buildings, which must be protected from lightning, spontaneously combustible substances, high indoor temperatures, and sparks from open fire.

Safety implies timely and regular briefings on the proper operation of non-combustible substances, restriction of the use of combustible substances, isolation from fire sources, the use of means that will allow you to extinguish a fire, timely evacuation of people, automatic activation of an alarm when a fire is detected.

There are 5 principles that help to properly conduct fire prevention:

  • measures to help prevent injuries due to fire and panic during it;
  • creation of modern protection systems against any kind of fire;
  • timely inspection of buildings, premises to identify any malfunctions that could lead to fire;
  • detection of fires to their large scale;
    Timely fire detection
  • minimal loss of values ​​during a fire and extinguishing it.

What is included in the tasks of fire prevention, what are the goals of the person responsible for it? We will talk about this later.

Fire Prevention: Main Goals and Tasks

In order to effectively provide fire prevention, thorough work must be done. In order to implement all fire prevention measures as efficiently as possible, to fulfill its tasks, you need to follow a previously prepared plan:

  • To prepare a set of measures that will help to study the causes of the fire, as well as develop ways to eliminate it.
  • Use modern techniques and tools that will prevent the spread of fire over long distances. This may be special non-combustible means and materials serving the surfaces of equipment and structures of the facility as a whole.
  • Safe design of the main escape routes, people should have a free and convenient way to quickly move to a safe area, where there is no source of ignition and nothing threatens people's lives.
  • Installation of a modern alarm system, which is triggered by the slightest fire. This is the main task of fire prevention, which is assigned to special technical devices installed in all rooms of the building. Moreover, all such systems should be certified and meet all the requirements established for them.
    Fire alarm

What is the main task of fire prevention? They can list the whole complex at each specific object:

  • To ensure monitoring of all developed measures and their timely implementation at each specific site.
  • Carry out all fire maintenance activities. Organizations that oversee fire safety and the prevention of violations must not only write instructions, but also control how quickly and correctly all errors were eliminated.
  • Regularly monitor fire safety rules at all sites.
  • To control how good the equipment responsible for extinguishing a fire of the primary type is, it includes water supply nodes, fixed installations, warning systems.
  • Work on comprehensive training of staff, voluntary teams.
  • Equipping buildings with the most advanced fire fighting equipment.
  • Use of campaign resources.

To the question of what is included in the main tasks of fire prevention, the answer is found, but which bodies provide it?

What bodies provide fire safety?

At the enterprise, several departments take part in providing fire prevention:

  • fire department personnel;
  • State supervision;
  • fire technical commission;
  • voluntary fire brigade;
    Fire brigade
  • voluntary fire society;
  • safety department;
  • freelance fire inspectors.

The main tasks of fire prevention are aimed at identifying and eliminating all detected shortcomings immediately on the spot, and if this does not work out right away, then specific terms for eliminating all the shortcomings are specified. Regularly held events that help equip all the equipment of the production hall with automatic systems, replace hazardous combustible substances with less hazardous ones. If inconsistencies are found, then an act is written out and handed to the head, who must take all measures to eliminate all the shortcomings as soon as possible and notify the relevant authorities about all activities.

The Regulation on State Fire Supervision necessarily indicates how many inspections should be carried out, and their number depends on the fire hazard group of the facility. Every year, checks are carried out at the following facilities:

  • household and public utilities;
  • Warehouses
  • institutions;
  • technical schools and vocational schools;
  • high-rise residential buildings, if public service enterprises work in them.

All listed objects must be checked by employees of the State Fire Supervision Service, to which these objects are assigned.

Responsibilities of the fire safety officer

What is included in the tasks of fire prevention has already been decided, but what responsibilities are assigned to the person responsible for the safety of people at the facility entrusted to him, it is worth discussing. The list is quite large, but only thanks to this approach can solve a lot of serious problems at the enterprise:

  • comply with all standards and requirements for fire safety rules;
  • comply with all the requirements of senior employees in fire protection, prescriptions and regulations are necessarily taken into account;
  • carry out fire fighting actions;
  • organize training for employees and staff on fire safety rules;
  • monitor the equipment and fire extinguishing systems around the clock so that they are in good condition, suppress all measures that lead to inappropriate use of devices;
    Fire extinguishing systems
  • The main tasks of fire prevention (in Belarus and the Russian Federation) are to closely cooperate with fire departments and suppress all possible provocations and prevent the spread of fire;
  • at the first request of a specialist, provide information on fire safety and equipment condition at the enterprise;
  • if a fire occurs, then take all measures to extinguish it and ensure proper evacuation of people;
  • create conditions for the employee of the State Fire Inspection to be able to get to the facility at any time and conduct an appropriate check;
  • support the movement of voluntary squads;
  • properly manage the object fire department.

Those responsible for fire safety always have a lot of work. That is why competent people are always appointed to this position, most often with an engineering background, who will be able to quickly understand all the nuances.

Fire prevention measures at the enterprise

The main fire prevention for safety can be divided into 4 groups of measures:

  1. Measures ensuring safety and fire protection of the entire technological process and equipment, preservation of raw materials and finished products.
  2. Construction and technical measures aimed at eliminating the causes of fires and making every effort to create stable fences for structures and structures that help prevent the possibility of rapid spread of fire over long distances.
  3. Organize measures to ensure the organization of fire protection, personnel training in methods of preventing fire and using primary fire extinguishing agents.
  4. Measures for the effective selection of fire extinguishing methods, equip with everything necessary, equip facilities with fire water supply, alarm systems, create the necessary supply of all means to help extinguish a fire.

Success in fighting fires can be ensured only at those enterprises where the campaign and organizational work is excellently set up, where there are DPD and PTK functioning correctly.

According to statistics, more than 60% of fires occur due to human negligence, where workers do not know what fire prevention is, what is its main task. Most often, a fire occurs due to smoking in the wrong place, because of unattended heating devices, the use of blowtorches and torches to warm engines, pipes. To eliminate all of the listed causes of fire, you must enter a hard fire mode.

How to enter a fire mode?

We have already figured out what fire prevention and its tasks are, and now it is important to find out what a fire regime is. This is a set of measures and requirements for fire safety, which should be installed at each enterprise or in separate rooms, which must be constantly implemented. Such measures include the proper equipment of places for smoking, the organization of cleaning rooms from combustible waste, the strictest inspection of rooms after hours, the installation of circuit breakers to shut off electrical installations, and the organization of spacious escape routes.

As a rule, serious financial costs for organizing fire prevention measures are not required. They can be performed by staff who work in any of the premises.

All persons working at the enterprise should know the tasks of fire prevention, the causes of fires and undergo fire training. During her, such moments are studied:

  • fire safety rules and regulations;
  • fire hazard indicators of substances, materials that are used in production;
  • hazard characteristics of equipment, technology, buildings;
  • rules for storage and use of fire extinguishing agents;
    Extinguishing media storage
  • what actions and in what sequence need to be performed in extreme situations.

The training provides for briefings and classes, which involve the passage of fire-technical foundations. The procedure for conducting classes is established by the relevant order of the management.

Introductory briefing is carried out with all persons who get a job, including temporary, while the position and length of service do not matter. The briefing is also carried out with seconded persons, students who undergo practical training at the enterprise.

How does fire safety training go?

What is included in the tasks of fire prevention is understandable, but it is important to properly train staff so that they can not only put out the fire in time, but also prevent it. The main types of staff training are fire training. It is carried out according to general rules, depending on the time and nature it is divided into introductory, primary, directly at the place of work, repeated, unscheduled and target. In the introductory briefing that is conducted with any of the employees entering the work, answers to the following questions should be received:

  • what instructions, orders, rules, general fire safety requirements are used at this facility;
  • what are the main causes of fires;
  • general fire safety measures;
  • what should be the procedure for burning, the use of open fire, fire hazardous work;
  • organization of activities and functions of fire departments;
  • what extinguishing agents are used at a particular facility, their properties and scope.

The initial briefing on fire prevention at the workplace includes the following list of issues:

  • a brief description of the fire hazard of equipment, materials and substances with which it is necessary to work;
  • fire safety rules that were established for employees of the enterprise;
  • all evacuation routes and requirements for their maintenance are specified;
  • obligations in case of fire;
  • communication facilities and their location;
  • procedure for calling the fire service;
  • location of fire extinguishing means, methods of their use.

The second briefing takes place exactly as the primary one, within the deadlines set by this enterprise.

An unscheduled briefing is carried out if the technological process has changed, if the employee has moved to another place of work, or if there have been any incidents that require an extraordinary briefing. What will be included in it depends on the reasons and circumstances that led to its implementation.

Targeted briefing is carried out before the employee must perform a one-time job, which is in no way connected with his direct duties, before work requiring a special work permit.

Learning programs

Fire protection of the population, prevention and its tasks are very important not only in the workplace, but also in public places where a person relaxes with his family and makes purchases. That is why it is important to properly train all personnel so that they are ready for any unexpected events and able to adjust the crowd of people and quickly remove them from the building in which the fire occurred.

To train personnel, it is necessary to provide them with the correct training programs, which are compiled for each category of employees. At the time of their preparation, the specifics of professional activity, the particulars of fulfilling duties and the position of industry documents are taken into account.

During the preparation of training programs that help to know exactly what the main tasks fire prevention solves and many other nuances, special attention is paid to the practical component: the ability to use the primary means of extinguishing a fire, what actions should be performed if a fire is discovered, the rules for evacuation and assistance to victims .

If we take into account article 37 of the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", then all enterprises without exception are required to:

  • strictly comply with fire safety requirements, comply with all requirements, regulations and other requirements provided by applicable law;
  • to develop, and then to implement all measures to ensure fire safety;
  • conduct fire-fighting conversations, train all new employees on fire safety measures and regularly remind all other employees of their duties and caution when working with flammable materials;
  • monitor the order at the workplace, always keep in good condition the means and systems of fire protection;
  • provide any assistance to the fire brigade during extinguishing the fire, establishing the causes of fire and the conditions under which it arose.

Compliance with all these safety measures will save you from a fire at home and at work:

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    The ability to use fire extinguishing means

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What is included in the tasks of fire prevention? The answer to this question is received. But how is prevention carried out not in the workplace, but in the everyday life of every person? Fire safety experts advise people in their daily lives to follow some rules:

  • Do not smoke in the wrong places, and in specially equipped areas for this should always be present working fire extinguishers;
  • not exceed the established amount of spontaneously combustible raw materials;
  • timely remove waste that can easily ignite;
  • properly store oiled clothes;
  • timely de-energize any equipment if a fire has been discovered;
  • conduct regular training in fire fighting;
  • to inspect the territory;
  • everyone should know what they need to do if a fire starts.

Only by observing all safety precautions can tragedy be avoided and, if possible, quickly prevented if a fire has already occurred. No wonder they say that a fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish it later.

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