Low hemoglobin

Everyone probably knows that in our blood there is a protein that contains iron. It is called hemoglobin. This protein binds to oxygen and transfers it to the tissues, and also takes carbon dioxide and carries it to the respiratory organs. Thus, oxygenation of cells and tissues of the human body is carried out. Hemoglobin is located in red blood cells.

Decreased hemoglobin is a fairly common occurrence these days. Shop shelves are full of various products, but this does not save.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood is associated with an element such as iron. Reduced hemoglobin reflects a clear lack of this substance in the body. Iron is involved in oxygen enrichment of the entire human body. The daily dose is one and a half milligrams for a healthy person.

Blood transfusion and heavy blood loss also cause a decrease in hemoglobin levels. A factor of blood compatibility is very important. For this, it is necessary to take into account not only the group, but also the value of the Rh factor. The incompatibility of the donor and the patient by blood in the latter can cause not only a decrease in hemoglobin level, but also a fatal outcome.

Folic acid or vitamin B9 plays a major role . It helps to restore hemoglobin levels, and also takes an active part in the growth of the circulatory and immune systems. With a lack of folic acid, megaloblastic anemia can develop. During pregnancy, a lack of this vitamin increases the risk of a defective development of the neural tube.

Reduced hemoglobin is manifested primarily in the dysfunction of the body. Poor and monotonous nutrition contributes to this. Before choosing this or that diet, you should consult a doctor and, of course, take a complex of vitamins. Pallor, dryness, roughness of the skin, brittle nails and hair indicate that hemoglobin is reduced. Human immunity weakens, the risk of infectious diseases increases. A person may feel tired, exhausted, experience headaches.

Low hemoglobin levels can lead to anemia or anemia. Often this entails irreversible consequences and even death.

In infants, low hemoglobin indicates malnutrition of the mother and, as a result, the child. It is necessary to use as many products as possible that supply iron to our body. Most of this element is found in the liver, buckwheat, meat, fruits, berries, beets. Dishes prepared from them will become a good support for the medicinal effect on the disease.

Regular physical activity will also help to increase hemoglobin levels. The degree of intensity should be determined individually for each. It is best to practice outdoors. It will not only give vitality, but also help relieve symptoms of malaise.

In addition, decreased hemoglobin causes may be more serious. This is a kind of signal from our body about an increase in the number of red blood cells and a thickening of blood, which is very dangerous.

Low hemoglobin levels may indicate weak intestinal patency, heart or lung failure.

Reduced hemoglobin can be treated not only with medications, but also with a balanced diet. Medications usually have a high concentration of iron. They should be taken through a tube or so that the drug does not get on the teeth. Iron contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Low hemoglobin does not always manifest externally. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to take a blood test.

For a growing child's body, the presence of all the necessary substances is especially important.

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