Lice bites: how they look, features and methods of treatment

Lice are probably the most famous parasites that feed on human blood. They may settle in hair or clothing. The disease associated with the appearance of lice is called head lice, and lice bites are an integral part of this pathology. It is worth noting that the place where this parasite has stuck, then heals and itches for a long time, so you need to know how to deal with lice and alleviate symptoms.

lice bites

Head lice

Most often, a person has a head louse that feels great in his hair. Also, head louse can live in a thick beard or mustache of men.

There the female lays her eggs. They are attached next to the hair roots, but at a safe distance. For added protection, the eggs are coated in white. They are also called nits.

How can I get head lice:

  • upon contact with an infected person;
  • through the patient’s personal belongings, for example, a hat, towel or pillowcase;
  • when swimming in the same pool or in a reservoir with a peddler of lice;
  • when using shared bedding.

The risk of contracting is much higher in crowded places.

It is worth noting that head lice bites are more common in children. After the lesion, the skin becomes covered with bright red spots that itch. A strong allergic reaction is also possible.

If there are a lot of lice in the head, red spots can take on a blue tint. This form of lice is considered very dangerous.

Lice Bites

Second place in prevalence. Linen or clothes louse. The bites of this parasite are also quite dangerous for the human body.

The affected area is very itchy. Sometimes a person simply cannot control the process of combing, so in the future deep and non-healing wounds appear on the site of bites. There are also forms with ulcers.

However, this is not the only danger that a louse bite may pose. Sometimes these parasites are carriers of typhoid and fever. At the same time, the risk of infection increases with the active combing of bites. Particles of dangerous parasites fall into deep wounds.

It also happens that a person for a long time does not even notice the existence of body lice on his body. This occurs only with patients whose skin sensitivity is below normal. And only after the bite of the linen louse is covered with a blue coating, and the insects have already bred to the size of an army, does a person begin to fight lice.

It is worth noting that such a pathology is treated at any stage, but with the advanced stage, the patient must undergo a full examination in order to make sure that the body is not affected by the active development of parasites.

linen lice bites

Pubic lice. A big problem

Lice bites on a person can appear almost anywhere, including in the intimate area, as well as in the armpits. Parasites that live and breed in these places are called pubic.

Symptoms of pubic lice are as follows:

  • red small spots on underwear;
  • nits found in the pubic hair;
  • persistent itching in the intimate area;
  • swelling of the skin around the pubis or armpits.

It is worth noting that sometimes pubic lice crawl onto a person’s eyelashes. In this case, pediculosis can already be harmful to the person’s eyesight, since constant combing of the skin in the eye area can lead, for example, to the formation of conjunctivitis.

louse bite

What is moose louse?

Moose louse is a small insect that is not particularly known among the population. In fact, many met this bug, but confused it, for example, with a tick. They are especially numerous in forest areas. There they sneak into a person’s hair, bite their scalp and drink blood.

When a person, after going to the forest, discovers bites of lice on his body, or rather, on his scalp, most likely he suffered precisely from such an insect.

However, doctors are strongly advised not to panic when they detect such a louse and not to run to the clinic for specialized care. Moose lice are absolutely not interested in people. They often live on the body of moose, from where they got their scientific name "moose bloodsucker." In human hair, they appear completely by chance and do not multiply in such an environment.

Are elk louse bites dangerous?

But if a bloodsucker still found herself in a person’s hair and bit him? What to do? The question is, is a bite of elk lice dangerous? What is it fraught with?

elk louse bite

From a medical point of view, not a single disease has been recorded that could be transmitted from a bite of a moose bloodsucker. But these insects can deliver a very unpleasant sensation to a person. The lesion can hurt and itch for a long time. Redness and swelling are also very likely.

In this case, a person can provide first aid to himself by taking an antihistamine, and use a calming gel.

Doctors also recommend protecting oneself from moose lice in the forests with headgear, since the insect most often jumps to this area.

How does a louse bite? Process

So, what the bites of lice look like, has already been taken apart. But with what does this parasite do this?

When it enters the scalp, the louse is equipped with sharp stilettos, which are located around its mouth. It is worth noting that fleas have the same stilettos, so their bites are often confused.

Further, the louse begins to advance into the deeper layers of the skin until it reaches the blood vessel. That is why when examining lice, often its body is in an upright position, and the head is completely recessed into the skin.

At the same time as a bite, the parasite injects a special enzyme into the blood. He keeps her from curling up quickly.

Allergies to the bite of the parasite itself, in principle, do not occur. Itching and inflammation can occur precisely because of the injected enzyme, which is a foreign body for the human body.

For a person, bites of adult lice are much more dangerous, despite the fact that larvae can also damage the skin. The fact is that in the saliva of the larvae there is very little of that enzyme, therefore their bites are almost invisible.

what lice bites look like

As for the nits, they are completely devoid of sharp stylet, so they can not bite. However, patients with pediculosis very often complain of itching, which is caused precisely by nits.

First aid for bites

Finding parasites on the human body is not so difficult. One has only to remember that lice live and breed on the hairy parts of the human body.

Things are a bit more complicated with bites of linen lice. In this case, you should, first of all, inspect the clothes of a person. Most often, larvae and nits can be found in the folds of tissue and immediately after detection proceed with the first safety measures.

A person even without medical assistance is able to process the bites of lice himself, thus providing himself first aid. What is recommended to do:

  • first you need to thoroughly wash the affected surface with a soap solution;
  • then the surface needs to be decontaminated and dried. This is recommended to be done with propolis tincture, but in its absence, any alcohol-containing liquid, for example, medical alcohol, vodka, etc .;
  • to relieve discomfort, bites can be treated with a "Rescuer" or "Fenistil". Also, itching is excellently removed with menthol ointments.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is advisable to consult a doctor, and before that take a suitable antihistamine.

lice bites on a person

Drug treatment

The treatment of pediculosis with drugs is indicated only if the patient has encountered a severe form of the disease.

The help of a specialist is needed if the patient has a fever from lice bites, fever, headaches or nausea.

Most often, dermatologists prescribe such drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of affected areas. It dries bleeding wounds, accelerates healing and eliminates the risk of infection;
  • balm "Rescuer", which perfectly eliminates skin itching;
  • hydrocortisone.

The doctor must also explain to the patient that pediculosis is a contagious disease. Throughout the treatment, it is recommended to limit contact with family members and comply with basic personal hygiene standards.

Preventative measures

To protect yourself from bites of lice, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis, in which there is nothing complicated:

body lice bites

  • Do not use someone else's underwear and bedding;
  • It is recommended to take a shower daily and put on clean clothes every day;
  • after returning from a trip, the head and other hairy parts of the body must be carefully examined;
  • things should be washed well and ironed;
  • keep clean and tidy in the house.

Such simple preventative measures can protect both children and adults from head lice.

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