Open your own restaurant - probably every entrepreneurial person at least once in his life visited such an idea. However, a million questions immediately appear. On what to make advertising, how to attract a client, interior, menu - many options, and not one offers a guaranteed result. Although no, it is. This is a franchise, a ready-made brand, a promoted brand, which you can use, of course, by paying the owner company.
This business was born relatively recently. The idea to feed people with cheap but tasty dishes from the beloved chicken of many came to the mind of H. Sanders. Translation of the name gives even more understanding of the essence of the institution. Literally, it sounds like Kentucky Fried Chicken. The secret of success is a special breading recipe in which chicken is fried. It includes 11 herbs and spices and is a company trade secret . Business quickly went uphill. The manufacturer has ensured that chicken products have become associated with delicious fast food, along with traditional hamburgers.
What you need to know
Today we are interested in the CFS franchise. Restaurants of this chain open in every city, but demand is still higher than supply. You have every chance to find your place in the market and try yourself in the restaurant business. What attracts you to this option? The CFS franchise is a ready-made business. No need to rack their brains and invent how to surprise a client. The company gives you the opportunity to cook under a well-known and promoted logo, use recipes that have already received consumer approval. The combination of low competition and wide advertising coverage allows you to quickly make a profit.
Main advantages
The CFS franchise is an opportunity for continuous business development. Moreover, you will not be able to slow down this process, since it is already prescribed in the contractual conditions. That is, the requirements of the parent company are quite stringent. On the one hand, they give you everything for profit, but on the other, they don’t allow you to stop when you want. Following the starting point, it will be necessary to build the next, then in the neighboring city, and so on to infinity. The network is growing, it gives you and the company as a whole a chance to flourish.
Quick profit
Another indisputable plus that gives the CFS franchise is its high profitability. Such fast food restaurants are very popular. The average check of visitors is not too high, that is, the institution is accessible to all segments of the population. At the same time, attendance is very good, which means that the percentage of net profit is high.
Information support
The KFC franchise is a great option for a person who is looking for a ready-made and win-win scheme. The parent company provides complete information on how to build your business. Almost steps outlines how to accept and train staff, organize customer service, prepare certain dishes and drinks. There are even sets of packages and napkins that you will use. That is, everything is already painted to the smallest detail. In addition, a personal consultant constantly provides information on how to attract customers and increase your income.
It should be noted the famous name of the company. CFS is already a fairly promoted brand that is widely advertised on television. Therefore, you do not have to convey to each client that your institution offers.
Franchise Terms of Service
In fact, the company is conducting a serious selection of candidates. You can open a CFS on a franchise only if you meet a number of requirements. First of all, it will be necessary to confirm the experience of successful management activities. After this, the candidate will be checked for personal qualities. It is very important that a person combines the qualities of a leader-leader and hard workers who are ready to stand behind the counter at any time.
Important experience in marketing and sales, excellent negotiation skills and a love of the restaurant business. The candidate’s investment opportunities are also assessed, as investments will be rather large. Now we turn to the most important question: how much does the CFS franchise cost in Russia.
Starting investments
Open a restaurant CFS is not cheap. You will need substantial investments. The initial fee is about 50 thousand dollars. At the same time, keep in mind that this amount will go as payment to the parent company for using this brand. In addition, you will be given a complete list of what you will need to buy and pay. This applies to equipment, construction works and technological maintenance. In total, about 700 thousand dollars come out, this is not counting the down payment. The amount is very impressive, but a quick profit will make it possible to recoup the costs. And the hardest thing is to open the first restaurant. Then the proceeds will allow launching the second and third, and the revenues will begin to grow exponentially.
This is a question that worries all novice businessmen. When will the investments begin to return and make a profit? Moreover, the parent company carefully monitors the quality of its products, its reputation and profit depend on it. Nobody will allow you to reduce raw material costs and jeopardize quality.
Subtract monthly deductions from the amount earned per month, which is 6% of the profit. It may already seem to someone at this stage that it is easier to promote a business from scratch than to fulfill all the requirements of the parent company. In addition, one percent of revenue is required to be postponed for advertising expenses and another 4% will have to be paid to the company's marketing fund.
Even a cursory examination of these figures indicates how costly the CFS project can be. The franchise, the cost of which is so high, pays off in large cities, where there will certainly be a consumer niche. However, the hope for large profits can be based on your own managerial talent and entrepreneurial acumen, as well as the enhanced development of the CFS network.
Current situation
To make or not investments - each entrepreneur evaluates independently. However, is the KFC franchise the best option for a Russian businessman? The conditions and cost are extremely serious, so you must definitely weigh the pros and cons well. However, market analysis shows that, despite intensive advertising, this network is still popular only because consumers consider it an alternative to McDonald’s. However, this network has not gained wild success. Today, more and more people are inclined towards a healthy lifestyle, so it is quite possible that the most profitable business lies in a slightly different direction.