When and how to water onion with ammonia

Each summer resident has his own secrets for obtaining an abundant and high-quality onion crop. Often used the so-called ammonia water to fertilize the planting of onions and other vegetable crops. This tool serves as a fertilizer for plants and repels many pests. With him, and productivity increases. Ammonia solution is also useful for flowering plants in the garden, so gardeners actively use it in their garden areas. How to water onions with ammonia will be discussed further.

What is the use?

Any garden plants need to grow green mass to produce the required amount of chlorophyll. For normal life, vegetables and other garden crops require nitrogen. For fertilizers, carbamide, ammonium nitrate and liquid ammonia are used.

Ammonia contains 82% nitrogen. If during the introduction of organic matter (manure) a long period is required for the decomposition and assimilation of nitrogen, then the use of ammonia makes it possible to saturate plants with nitrogen as quickly as possible.

Ammonia is a 10% aqueous solution of ammonia. It is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Ammonium chloride is bred with water in certain proportions and used for a variety of purposes. Since ammonia water is a nitrogenous fertilizer, it can be used for feeding garden plants and fruit trees.

Why pour onion with ammonia? The main advantage of ammonia solution is that it is well absorbed by any garden crops. For this reason, gardeners often use it instead of manure and other organic matter. But when fertilizing vegetable crops, proportions should be strictly observed and not exceed possible dosages.

Fertilizing onions is not the only benefit of ammonia water. Its pungent odor repels pests. If you water the onion with ammonia, the onion fly will not damage it. Also, the ammonia solution improves the soil composition and lowers acidity.

How to water onion with ammonia

When is treatment necessary?

The fact that the onion does not have enough nitrogen can be recognized by the sign that the greens turn yellow ahead of time. Of course, the cause may be not only a shortage of nitrogenous substances. Incorrect watering or adverse weather conditions will also lead to yellowing of the onion tops.

Onions can damage onion and carrot flies. Therefore, even before their appearance, preventive measures should be taken and onion beds processed. These harmful insects lay their eggs in the ground in early June. After a short time, larvae are formed from them, feeding on fruits from the ground, including onion. Larvae in the upper layers of the soil eat the base of the stems.

How to water onions with ammonia to prevent volatile pests? It is necessary to add ammonia solution to the row-spacing of the beds. Then you need to dig the earth.

Ammonia solution is applied once every two weeks in June and July.

Deadly for the onion insect is the crypto-beetle bug. It is dangerous for onion and garlic plantings. Its appearance can be seen in specific stripes on the onion. The larvae begin to develop inside the feathers, and they can be easily seen there.

How to water onions with ammonia to scare away the bug? To do this, water the onion beds with an ammonia solution prepared from 10 liters of water and a quarter cup of ammonia.

Watering is carried out starting from the 10th of June. After harvesting the onions, the beds are thoroughly cleaned of plant debris and dug.

Can I water onion with ammonia at another time? Experienced gardeners advise not to wait for an attack from harmful insects, but to use ammonia treatments, starting in spring, when the earth has warmed up enough. Then the pests will not be able to breed in the beds.

water onion ammonia onion fly

Signs of processing need

Processing with ammonia solution is considered a quick way to solve plant problems. As already mentioned, the yellowing of onion tops is the first sign indicating the need for nitrogen fertilizers. Thinned onion and garlic stems, the suspension of their growth, and the absence of flowering on garden plants will also tell about nitrogen deficiency. Not only onions and garlic, but also potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage are in need of large amounts of nitrogenous fertilizers in the garden.

The whitened tips of greens in vegetables can have various causes. One state should be distinguished from another:

  1. Onion feathers brightened and became yellowish. This indicates the need for nitrogen. You can pour onion with ammonia, this is the fastest way to solve the problem. It will help eliminate nitrogen deficiency.
  2. A white tint appeared on the feathers of the bow , and the tips began to twist. This indicates a lack of potassium. In this case, you need to apply any potash fertilizer. It’s okay if there are other components in it.
  3. The stalks of onions or garlic have turned white, the so-called freezing effect. This is a condition when the onion is in great need of ammonia. It should be watered as soon as possible.
  4. The tips of the onion green turned white, but the feathers did not curl and did not lose their normal color. In this case, nitrogen is not needed, it will not have any effect. In order to help the onion return to a healthy state, it is necessary to water the aisles with copper-containing agents.
  5. The whitened tips of onion feathers may indicate an increased acidity of the soil. Some gardeners make mistakes and acidify the soil too much before planting vegetables. To normalize the soil composition, it is necessary to add saltpeter or dolomite flour, in extreme cases - lime. Onions prefer slightly alkaline soil compositions, so you need to not only reduce acidity, but also water the beds with ash. To do this, prepare a solution from a bucket of water and two glasses of ash.

You can pour onion with ammonia

Preparation of ammonia water

The use of ammonia solution in the garden is a simple matter. It is important to properly prepare the ammonia solution for processing. The gardener can get a solution of ammonia in a pharmacy. Concentration varies depending on the purpose of the treatment:

  • for fertilizer, 1/3 cup of ammonia is dissolved in 10 liters of water, 1.5 liters are made under each planting;
  • to repel insects, prepare a solution of ΒΌ cup of ammonia in a bucket of water, this volume is enough for 2 square meters of landings;
  • to pour onion with ammonia, the proportions will be as follows - for 10 liters of water 5 tablespoons of the substance.

Some gardeners use a stick so that the active substance lingers on onion feathers longer. Such adhesives are sold in fertilizer stores.

Watering Method

We will analyze in more detail how to water onions with ammonia.

As a rule, they pour it under the root, avoiding contact with feathers. If the solution gets on the greens, a burn may occur and the plant will become ill. Watering is carried out in the evening, after the sun has set.

It is important to adhere to the established proportions when preparing the ammonia solution and not to exceed them. An increase in concentration can lead to a burn of the roots, and also burn out the beneficial microflora of the soil.

Is it possible to water onion with ammonia


Are there any downsides to this type of processing? It turns out that they are, although they are few. First of all, the considerable price of the drug. Therefore, it is possible to use a fertilizer and pest control agent only if there is no other alternative.

Ammonia caustic requires a certain concentration, otherwise such a treatment can do more harm than good.

Useful Tips

There are some nuances when growing onions and ammonia processing. Here they are:

  1. If the onion is grown for feathers, it must be processed. In addition to ammonia, an aqueous solution with dry mustard is used.
  2. Some gardeners use special adhesives so that the ammonia solution remains on the onion feathers. When using cat and dog flea shampoos as adhesives, it should be remembered that such an onion feather is unsuitable for food.
  3. If the onion top has turned dark green, this indicates a glut of ammonia. In this case, such dressing of the onion is not needed, and processing should be stopped.

How to water onions with ammonia

Terms of use of ammonia

A solution of ammonia for onions is a great type of fertilizer. But if top dressing is carried out using spraying, the plant will not receive the necessary amount of substance. It is better to water root vegetables from a watering can.

Consider how to water onions with ammonia properly. At the same time, simple recommendations should be followed:

  • It is necessary to carry out foliar fertilizer early in the morning on a sunless day or in the evening, at sunset.
  • First, a solution is prepared from water and ammonia, then, if necessary, other components are added.
  • When watering, the watering can is kept low to nourish the root crop as much as possible.
  • If the planting area of ​​the onions is extensive, special irrigation systems should be used.

When growing onions on turnips, the roots of young plants are first treated with a solution of ammonia, then feathers are sprayed, then root crops are fed again.

If the leaves began to dry, treatment with ammonia is stopped.

Pour the proportion of ammonia onions

Safety recommendations

Using any fertilizer requires safety precautions. Ammonia is a volatile gas, inhalation or contact with skin can lead to sad consequences. In order to prevent dangerous conditions, the following precautions should be observed:

  1. Before processing, wear glasses and an apron.
  2. Hair is covered with a hat.
  3. A respirator (or gas mask) is desirable.
  4. The presence of other family members during the procedure should be excluded.

Why pour onion with ammonia


We examined how to water onion and garlic with ammonia. Fertilizing root vegetables with a similar solution helps to grow a good crop. This fertilizer method is affordable and simple. It helps to feed onions and protect against harmful insects.

But, when applying an ammonia solution, you should always keep in mind:

  • the permissible concentration of the beneficial substance in the aqueous solution must not be exceeded;
  • such processing has more advantages than disadvantages;
  • ammonia solution can be bought at any pharmacy.

Keeping these nuances in mind, you can use ammonia solution in your garden plot and not be afraid to harm plantings.

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