Marina Razbezhkina: biography, works, school of documentary films

They say little about Marina Razbezhkina, but the contribution of this woman to documentary films cannot be underestimated - this is confirmed by the awards. Of course, this director should learn from someone who decided to master the world of cinema.

short biography

Marina Razbezhkina was born in Kazan, July 17, 1948. She was raised by her mother and nanny. Marina's mother, despite being from an unsecured peasant family, became addicted to reading early. Books became her bridge, which helped her move to the level of a new social circle, where it was possible to communicate in the same language with technocrats of that time. Mom chose the profession of an aviation engineer.
Of course, Marina Razbezhkina absorbed this passion for books. At six years old, she could already write the word "intelligence" without making mistakes, which her mother was very proud of. Only the nanny did not really approve of the reading and often cursed about this.
However, this only increased Marina's attraction to books. There is nothing strange in the fact that in the end Razbezhkina chose the philological faculty at Kazan State University, having received a diploma of linguist-Russian scholar.

Marina Razbezhkina
After graduation, Marina found a job in the farthest region of Tatarstan and went to work as an ordinary teacher. After working there for some time, Razbezhkina took up journalism. At this time, her mother dies, and her father strongly recommends moving to Moscow, right away they call Marina to work in Moscow newspapers, but she decides to stay.

The first steps on the creative path

Kazan film studio invites Marina to work as a screenwriter in 1986 - this can be called a point of reference in her formation in film art. Her career in Kazan is developing rapidly, and since 1989 she begins to make films.

The year 1990 was mixed. The commission from Moscow comes to Tatarstan to deal with the sudden strike of creative people, layoffs began. Marina was also among the victims. The commission considered Marina Razbezhkina, whose films were so highly valued in Tatarstan, "insolvent." But Alexander Pavlov got acquainted with her works, and he liked them so much that he even invited Marina to work in his Sovremennik studio.

Moving to Moscow, a new round in Razbezhkinaโ€™s career

Having moved to Moscow, Marina Razbezhkina was not idle. Three applications from Goskino and the Sovremennik studio immediately come to her name, but the films are dedicated to her land, so Marina must constantly move from place to place. It finally "entrenched" in Moscow only in 1997. One of the most outstanding films in the career of Razbezhkina was born in 1991 under the name End of the Road. The original idea was to make a film about people in the Mari Republic, in a small village in which they lived out their days, freed from the zone. The name seemed very appropriate. But almost reaching the place, at the Marina station with the operator they find out that the whole village was liquidated in connection with the construction of a hydroelectric power station and further flooding. Engineers made a mistake
in their calculations, water did not reach the village, and people were evacuated. They found out that there was one old woman left on the outskirts, and decided to shoot about her. Moreover, she turned out to be an interesting person - her name was Baba Zina, she lived completely alone, and her view of the world was biblical. Filmed all year: summer changed in autumn, autumn in winter, but everything remained the same - there is a real apocalypse around. As a result, this film was invited to the IDFA (Amsterdam Film Festival).

school of marina razbezhkina
In 1997, when Marina finally moved to Moscow, she was asked to participate in a film dedicated to the capital of Russia, entitled "100 films about Moscow." She was invited to work on this project by Savva Kulish. Here, each small film was dedicated to an interesting place in Moscow.

Fiction film by Razbezhkina

Marina Razbezhkina has a rather rich filmography. Many films deserve special attention. So, the film "Yar" marks the departure of Razbezhkina from documentary films to feature films, but only for a while. The script for the picture is the story of Sergei Yesenin. Few know him as prose, and his prose is often criticized.

However, Marina Razbezhkina was not afraid to take up such work. The name at first seems simple, but if you connect it with paganism, then the yar from ancient times is a mysterious place that is in some kind of recess, this is a temple where Yarila is worshiped by the sun god.

marina rabezhkina movies

Ordinary peasants hold on to their small homeland, and only the main character of the film - Karev - decides to part with it. For this, he bears severe punishment in the form of the death of his relatives.

Documentary Film School

In 2008, with the assistance of Mikhail Unarov, a film school was opened - the workshop of Marina Razbezhkina. The main objective of the organization is to teach us to see reality as it is. Graduates of the school have the opportunity to exhibit their diploma works at film festivals.

So, young directors exhibited about 15 works at the festival "Artdocfest" - this is the main festival in the field of documentary films in our country. The work entitled "Message to the Man" has earned special recognition among critics and spectators of the festival.

All this is the merit of our heroine. The school of Marina Razbezhkina conducts both theoretical and practical classes. At the same time, cinema
combined with a documentary theater. A lot of effort on students spends Marina Razbezhkina. The documentary school is always open to talent.

marina rabezhkina documentary school

The results of such an experiment are very successful and interesting. To enter, you must complete a creative task. Successful completion of this test can provide free training (as a rule, these are two free places), for all other classes paid.

Razbezhkina's students

The famous director Valeria Gai Germanika considers Marina Razbezhkina to be her only mentor. Also, her school was completed by Denis Shabaev, Madina Mustafina, Askold Kurov.

workshop of marina razbezhkina
Together, students in the school of Marina released the film "Winter, go away." This picture is still being discussed, it has warmed up international interest thanks to an urgent topic - political protest in Russia.

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