What is a loan shark? Detailed analysis

The article tells about what a money-lender is, what they do, and what is the relation to this type of activity of law and religion.

Ancient times

what is a loan shark

With the development of a civilized society, the need for a universal exchange equivalent - money, gradually arose. Prior to this, the whole calculation took place in kind, and often it was not very convenient. In addition, it was difficult to determine the value of this or that thing, or not to agree with the seller or borrower. It is because of this that silver and gold banknotes came into use.

With the development of the economy, wealthy people appeared who could lend money, for a while, with the condition of repaying by installments in installments or all at once. Naturally, they needed their own profit, and therefore, they assigned interest. For example, if a person took 100 rubles, then in a month he should have returned 150, and in two - 200. Such people were called loan sharks. So what is a loan shark?


According to the dictionary, usury is the provision of money in debt at interest. And such people were called usurers. They were at all times, and could issue loans also on the security of any valuable things or other material means. Usually it was a wealthy citizen who lived at the expense of interest, and could afford to risk a large sum, because sometimes they did not repay debts. In this case, authorities or assistants came to his aid, who, by physical or other pressure, β€œreminded” the debtor that it was time to pay off. So now we know what a loan shark is.


Naturally, at all times there were those who condemned such activities. After all, the purpose of the moneylender is personal gain, and sometimes, seeing the hopeless situation of the borrower, he appointed very large percentages or unfavorable conditions, because of which a person who borrowed fell into debt slavery. In the Russian Empire, there was a well-established opinion, and when asked what a loan shark was, many immediately represented an enterprising Jew. But in fact, everyone who could was doing it.


loan shark value

In a number of countries, such activities are prohibited. For example, in Pakistan and Iran. And bank loans are granted on an interest-free basis or on conditions that exclude abuse of the borrower's position. And in Ancient Russia, the assignment of too high interest was legally prosecuted, and in general such an occupation was considered immoral and incorrect.

So we sorted out what the moneylender does, the meaning of this word and the attitude to such activities were also considered.

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