The film "Earthlings", (2005) according to the authors of the picture, is one of the most realistic documentary projects of the brutal exploitation of animals by humans. Viewers gave their own name for the tape - the creator of vegetarians.
The story of the creation and release of the film on screens
It took the writer and director Sean Monson 6 years to shoot the film and launch it. The film was produced by Maggie Kew, an American actress of Vietnamese descent.
Interesting fact! In the United States, only the Laemmle cinema chain has agreed to screen the film on a wide screen.
According to the author, the release of the film project in wide distribution was hindered by the lack of interest of distributors, as well as the resistance of pharmaceutical giants and food production enterprises. The film was first presented to the viewer on September 27, 2005 at the San Diego Film Festival.
Short story
The film "Earthlings" (2005) is not the first and not the only film dedicated to the problems of cruelty to animals. But in this picture, the ethical problem of the exploitation of the animal world by man is revealed from all sides.
In the introduction, the director talks about the difficulties and dangers that accompanied the creation of the film and its further promotion on a wide screen.
Thematically, the plot of the main plot of the tape is divided into several independent parts, some of which are divided into smaller episodes:
- Pets - the plot addresses the problems of breeding and breeding animals, ill-treatment in shelters for homeless pets, and an irresponsible attitude to tame animals.
- Animal food - tells about the unethical attitude of humans to animals when they are bred for consumption.
- Clothing production - the plot of the violation of animal rights to life in order to use them for the production of consumer goods.
- Entertainment - about unacceptable measures used by a person to force an animal to participate in circus performances, races, races, etc.
- Scientific experiments are about cruel methods of testing drugs and cosmetic products, the effects of nicotine and other dangerous substances.
The conclusion of the film is a story about the negative impact of man on the environment. Also at the end are recommendations for each of the viewers. They provide information on how to help eradicate the issue of species discrimination.
The value of the documentary "Earthlings" (2005) is that it allows you to consider the problem of ethics in the relations between people and animals from all sides. It does not affect a single aspect of the exploitation of animals, but talks about all the possible options for human domination over the animal world.
Thanks to the positive reviews, the film "Earthlings" was repeatedly reprinted and was translated into several languages of the world.
Actors work
The main actors of the film, they are also the main characters, are animals.
Interesting fact! Everyone who took part in making the film is a strong vegan activist.
The only human actor to appear in the film, Sean Monson, is a screenwriter and director. An off-screen voice commenting on what is happening belongs to Joaquin Phoenix, an American actor of Puerto Rican descent.
For the entire duration of the picture, the commentator never appears in the frame.
Director's work
Successful directorial work brought a lot of positive feedback to the film "Earthlings".
The film consists of disparate audiovisual excerpts of various lengths, shot in a variety of conditions. According to the director, about two-thirds of the film are documentary filming. The low quality of the footage, the trembling picture, the details of the clothes falling into the frame give the impression of being hidden camera.
The voiceover comments on what is happening. Periodically, a text is displayed on the screen commenting on the main points of the film or containing calls to action. In separate scenes, statements of famous personalities are displayed on top of the video recording, as well as information about where and under what circumstances the shots were filmed.
For a more effective presentation of the material, Sean Monson alternates scenes of cruelty with shots demonstrating the beauty of the wild and the harmonious existence of animals. The author achieves a contrast between the image of a cruel person and natural harmony. Thus, it helps the viewer cope with emotional stress, creates a feeling of liberation and non-acceptance of violence towards animals.
It is difficult for the viewer to distance himself from what is happening thanks to the reception of the inclusion in the newsreel of the Holocaust. He is forced to draw a parallel between this tragic event and animals that have become victims of human violence.
With this format of the film, the role of the operator of the picture is minimized. No scenery or special effects are used.
Despite the positive reviews and reviews of the film "Earthlings", there are some flaws in the presentation of the material.
The main idea of the film is in the title. Earthlings - a concept that unites all life on the planet. Such a concept should make the viewer perceive animals as equals. Showing the suffering of animals, the director makes people empathize, feel rejection of what is happening and the need for change both in society and in himself.
The film begins with a description of life on Earth, while man and the natural world are opposed. This does not contribute to the perception of mankind as an equal part of all life on the planet.
The author manages to achieve an emotional reaction, but in this context it is not clear what purpose the director pursues, demonstrating everyday shots of atrocities against animals. If the activities of pharmaceutical and food companies have legislative justification, then cruel treatment of animals by individuals in most cultures of the world is considered immoral, and often illegal.
Music in the film
A variety of scenes of the film are united by similar musical themes in sound, specially written for the film by the composer and performer Moby.
Also in the film, the works of the following lesser-known composers and performers are used: Libra Max, Brian Carter, Natalie Merchant, Gabriel Maunsey, Barry Wood.
The main features of the film
The main features of the film are documentary and non-profit orientation of the project. The director openly announces his intention to change the attitude of man to the animal world. He is trying to achieve this goal by showing brutal paintings collected around the world.
It should be noted that the director does not use the technique called “talking heads” in the film. Such a move is actively used by authors of similar paintings. The lack of comments by experts, specialists and ordinary people allows the viewer to draw conclusions from what he saw.
In addition, in the course of the plot, alternative points of view on the issue are not voiced and are not considered.
Critics rating
Joaquin Phoenix was awarded the Humanitarian Award for voice acting on comments. The film "Earthlings", according to viewers, causes a strong emotional reaction, largely due to the work of the actor. Presentation took place at the San Diego Film Festival.
Interesting fact! At the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States, the director and creator of the film was not recommended to represent it at film festivals.
At the 2005 Boston International Film Festival, the documentary "Earthlings," according to film critics, was awarded the Best Content Award (Best Award) movie award.
At an art festival in 2005, the filmmakers received an award for the best documentary in defense of animal rights.
Impression of watching a movie
The film "Earthlings" is a legendary picture for vegans from around the world. Her viewing makes an extremely painful and depressing impression. Documentary footage of animal suffering will not leave a single viewer indifferent.
Watching the film is not recommended for pregnant women and children, since it can cause a strong emotional reaction, adversely affect physical and mental well-being.
The picture may be interesting not only to vegans, but also to people who are only thinking about abandoning animal products.
Reviews of the film "Earthlings" can be left on the official page of the film. The tenth anniversary version of the film, which differs from the original shortened plot, is also presented there.