Sample filling time work hours. Timing Watchlist

Correctly monitor and take into account working hours helps timekeeping of working hours. An example of the use of these records can be found in almost every plant or enterprise where you need to normalize the working day. Measuring time using timing is a way of researching the time spent on an action. In this case, measurements include a description of the process, working conditions, production methods.

working hours timing sample

Measurements will help to fix working hours.

Timing as a way to study working time depends on the conditions of its conduct and the goals for which it is done. For example, the timing requirements, with which they will calculate the salary and price of services, differ from those that must be observed when compiling the timing to determine the level of staff load.

The correct measurement of the time spent on work helps to draw up the correct schedule for recording working time, as well as to bring to full load the unoccupied capacities of both manpower and the equipment used.

Who should be involved in normalization and measurements?

Usually this is done by professional standard-setters who study at enterprises. A well-trained and experienced standard-setter is an indispensable employee who helps management to control the staff’s working time and to distribute the load correctly.

What is the best place to start?

First, determine the timing goal. For example, you need it in order to draw up a schedule for recording the working hours of an employee whose pay does not depend on production, but is done simply at the hourly tariff rate.

working hours timing example

Remember that such personnel are not interested in working faster. There is no incentive to work more efficiently, since the level of wages does not directly depend on this. Therefore, the performance of such employees will also depend on the quality of the timing.

If we talk about large enterprises, then jobs for them are made for the working staff, which indicates the list of work that the employee must perform. Examine it carefully, see the types of work that will be carried out. If you don’t have an understanding about any type of work, you need to find a flow chart of such a workflow. Basically, every enterprise has either a technical department or a production department that deals with this. You can contact them with a request for a technological map, as well as consult on the work that will be performed.

Once you have decided on the list of works and the order of their completion, you need to make a description of the work processes that will be measured. Make up the criteria that you need to focus on when measuring: determine the starting point of the process and the point at which the process ends, the use of working time, the cyclic nature of the work, and other nuances.

After collecting all the necessary theoretical information, proceed with the measurements. You will need pre-prepared forms of timing or you can keep notes in a draft (it can be more convenient to make comments on notes).

The regulatory commission should observe

More than one person needs to fix the working time - examples of such a fixation will not be completely objective, since the employee, being without additional control, can drag out the work process. It is recommended to measure time with the participation of representatives of the technical department (production department). They will monitor the correctness and sequence of work. It is also recommended to invite representatives of the management of that service, whose employee measures the use of working time. Believe me, when he sees such a commission, he will immediately begin to work much more productively, and he will have less temptation to try to outwit you.

time schedule

When taking measurements, you need to be careful. There are works that are carried out on a cycle. And there are those that happen only once. In works that are done on a cycle (for example, cutting pipes), not all work can be considered for each such cycle. Preparation of the workplace, setting up the machine and other equipment, installing cutters - all these works will need to be evenly divided after measurements into each part that has been produced.

Workflow cycles

Then you need to correctly fill in the form with measurements. In order to do this, you can use the sample below to fill in the timing of working hours. It is not difficult to compose it if you understand the basic principles of measurements. At the same time, the process should be divided into periods of working time: operational, maintenance of the production process, the preparatory-final stage, and it is also worth considering the time for rest and personal needs.

Operational time - the period of time that a worker needed to complete assigned tasks. This paragraph takes into account the period of time that a worker would need if he did not leave the workplace, was not distracted, and all the equipment would be in one place and already in working mode.

The time for servicing the production process consists of the time spent on auxiliary work, which is necessary so that the production process does not stop. For example, replace equipment that has worn out, change a damaged drill, replace engine oil, and the like.

The preparatory and final stage includes preparatory operations, tuning of devices and other work on preparing the workplace. Correctly recording all the values ​​will help you the following sample filling in the timing of working hours.

After a detailed analysis of the records for measurements, you will find work that is not included in the workflow. Also, they can not be attributed to the listed types of costs.

use of working time

What does not apply to the process of performing work must be excluded. Basically, these are such moments as: talking on a mobile phone, performing related work, fulfilling urgent assignments from management and other actions not related to the performance of the work being measured.

How to fill in the form?

In order to grammatically display the measurements, it is necessary to arrange the timing of the working Time. The form and an example of filling it out are given below.

Job CodeWorkflow NameName and serial number of timingMean
Duration, s
1Get the job from the master40fifteenfifteenfifteen3824.6
2Bring a pipe from the warehouse612424245537.6
3Prepare a workplace652121217440,4
4Set up the machine411717176030,4
5Prepare the machine for cutting20nineninenine2514,4

Cut the pipe

7Put blanks in placeten12teneleven1211.0
eightClean the machine and clean the workplace35tententen2718,4
nineHand over the work to the master40171717thirty24.2

As the sample of filling the time of working hours shows, the type of pipe cutting work was measured. Three measurements were taken in one day. Since they were carried out in a row, the worker did not spend time on each part for receiving a task from the master, going to the warehouse for pipes, preparing a workplace, etc. Therefore, the time spent on the first part for such types of work is divided into the other two metering.

It is necessary to display the average value in man-hours

After measurements are taken, the average value is displayed. According to the data shown by this sample filling in the timing of working hours, the average duration of such work is 220 seconds. If you translate into hours, you get 0.061 people / hour.

When scheduling a working day, you can use this data. For example, if you want to 100% load an employee with this work, then you can calculate how much he has to cut pipes. Given that a working day consists of eight hours, then:

8: 0.061 = 131.15 pcs.

It turns out that the worker has to cut pipes about 131 times.

Consider all factors when doing work

This is a straightforward calculation and approach to measuring working time. But, when planning a work schedule for an employee, other factors must be taken into account. A person simply cannot physically, like a robot, stand behind a machine 8 hours a day. He will be absent for personal needs, rest, from which the timing of working hours may be distorted. An example is the following: during complex work behind the machine, at least 5 minutes of rest after each hour of work is necessary.

timekeeping form

The skill of one or another employee also plays a significant role. It is necessary to take measurements for several workers in order to derive a real average value. You can not focus on the results of one "experimental". If we talk about locksmiths, turners, repairmen, the following regularity is often observed: the higher his discharge, the faster he gets the job done. An important role is played by the experience of the employee.

Other temporary losses

There are different losses of working time. For example, a locksmith can cut plates, and they will come to him from another service and ask for some tools or help to do some urgent work that cannot be put off.

working hours

Typically, such losses are difficult to describe. It is best to derive the loss coefficient and multiply it by the norm of time, thereby giving employees the opportunity to take a breath during work.

For example, at enterprises engaged in the production of parts in workshops, rationing companies allow 8-10% loss of time during the normalization of the working day and take them into account in the schedule.

loss of working time

Also, before filling out the final timekeeping, it is recommended to read all the footnotes in the already approved standard time standards - usually those nuances that need to be taken into account are described there and the specifics of normalizing a specific work are described.

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