What are manifestations: goals and directions of a social phenomenon

What is the manifestation, you can find out from print media, from television screens, their correspondents constantly inform people of news from around the world. Groups of dissatisfied citizens gather in the squares, chant slogans, express their opinion on the actions of the Government of their own country, a state located in the neighborhood or on another continent.

Hundreds of protesters

Concept and definition

What manifestations are, one can understand if the Latin translation is interpreted in detail as an explicit, public announcement of the discovered action. Usually this social phenomenon manifests itself in solemn street processions, where like-minded people gather to:

  • protest against a political fact;
  • cause sympathy in the whole society for the incident;
  • defiantly emphasize a common opinion on a government decision;
  • call for solidarity among the population;
  • demand from the authorities to satisfy a request.

What are peaceful groups striving for?

Citizens gather at the demonstration when their patience is full of discontent from:

  • Inadequate financial situation;
  • unfair pay for labor;
  • exorbitant tax collections;
  • increased cost of utilities;
  • high food prices and necessities of livelihood.

At the demonstration, citizens urge the Government to think about their own people.

Rally against the political system

Relation to protests of constitutional law

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, as the main guarantor of the protection of citizens of the Russian Federation and the main legislative act, in article 55 indicates restrictions on unauthorized demonstrations, their conduct is possible on the basis of federal laws. Constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen are emphasized in article 21, which indicates the procedure for holding peaceful assemblies.

Article 31 affirmed the right of citizens:

  • collection is possible only with peaceful intentions to unarmed people;
  • meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets are allowed.

Gathering and rallying in groups, citizens discuss problems, express their attitude to politics, protest against illegal, in their opinion, government decisions, seek to bring their position to the public. It’s difficult to put into practice such events; public processions should not disturb public order. Rallies and demonstrations are held on the avenues, in the area of ​​streets and squares. Such actions should be agreed in advance with law enforcement agencies so as not to create difficulties for traffic and people who are far from demonstrations.

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