Shellac: reviews. Shellac for nails. Shellac Bluesky: reviews

Over the past few years, shellac varnish has become the most popular type of nail procedures . The reviews of a large number of women give the highest praise for innovative technology. However, there are among the clients of nail centers and those who were not very satisfied with the new service. The article suggests studying various reviews about shellac.

What is the problem of any manicure

shellac reviews

High-quality manicure is an important part of the female image. Hands are difficult to hide, they are always in sight, and the overall impression of a person depends on how the nails look on the fingers.

Having been to a manicure session in a professional salon or having worked on it independently, any woman wants him to serve without loss for as long as possible. But in life this happens infrequently. Household chores, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, activities with children - all these inevitable activities cause irreparable harm to the fingers.

So it turns out that lovely ladies rejoice in the beauty of nails in a matter of days. Bright varnish quickly loses its freshness, pristine shine, begins to crack and exfoliate. Even newfangled protective equipment does not help. You can, of course, do all the housework with gloves, but this helps only for a short while.

How to help your nails

The quality problem of manicure is as old as the manicure itself, so professionals at all times have tried to find a way out of the situation. First came the technology of silk nails, which was designed to hold a layer of varnish with a piece of delicate fabric. The next discovery is acrylic and gel building. The funds seemed reliable, formed nails and protected them from external influences, retaining an attractive appearance for a long time.

A significant drawback of these types of coatings was the negative effect on the nail plate. To hold the synthetic layer more firmly, it was necessary to regularly clean the top layer of the nail. This procedure leads to a gradual weakening and destruction of tissue. In addition, microorganisms that can cause fungal diseases easily fall into cracks.

shellac bluesky reviews

Shellac CND - the best solution?

The tireless American researchers in the beauty industry have developed a miracle formula for an ultra-durable product that can prolong the life of a woman's manicure for a long time - this is shellac gel.

Customer reviews suggest that the first acquaintance with a new tool in most causes a steady feeling of mistrust. The statement that not very successful nails (soft and brittle) will be reliably protected for two and a half weeks seems very implausible!

A wonderful tool is a mixture that combines the best properties of a gel and varnish at the same time. But the main feature is that the varnish gel does not increase the volume, but is, in fact, a color coating of long duration.

Therefore, the tool and receives the following reviews. Shellac makes it possible to rest your fingernail, reliably protecting it from aggressive effects. An additional protection of the plate is that there is no need to cut off the top layer. The natural surface and shape of the nail lasts a long time. If the nails used to often peel off, then thanks to the varnish-gel coating, the destruction process stops.

Is it possible to master shellac at home?

To admire the beauty of your nails for a long time, it is advisable to do a manicure using a new tool in a professional salon, but the high enough price does not allow many to decide to get acquainted with a wonderful tool. Some people have the idea to master the technique on their own: surely they will get significant financial savings. Of course, it is quite possible to study the technique yourself and apply shellac at home. Testimonials about the procedure, however, are not too flattering. When mastering the application technique, it becomes clear that it is important to take each step carefully, using many available tools. It turns out that it is inconvenient to do a manicure for herself.

pedicure shellac reviews

Application Technology. Where to begin?

The first stage of manicure includes the processing of a softened cuticle and the formation of a nail plate of a given model. Special tweezers, scissors with rounded tips and a nail file are used.

Next comes the grinding process. The big name of the procedure is actually not quite true. A small block of delicate bagaf is used to slightly displace horn fibers. This is necessary in order to enhance the adhesion of the surface of the nail with a coloring agent. Buff does no harm to the nail, it only makes its surface matte. Sawn dust particles are easily removed with a soft brush.

Reliable grip is the key to a perfect manicure

The next step is a degreasing procedure using a special Nail Fresher. This is a very important point, because the reliability and duration of its adhesion to shellac depends on how clean the surface of the nail is. To enhance the adhesion properties, the plate is coated with a special tool - a primer. The solution is applied along the contour of the nail and dries naturally.

And what will the reviews tell us? Shellac continues to amaze with its variety of colors. Among the huge number of colorful bottles there are several means that differ from others. The inscription on the label says that it is Magneto varnish. The result is simply overwhelming with an unexpected effect. After applying gel polish, a small magnet of a certain shape is brought to the nail. The metal powder contained in the varnish, under the influence of a magnet, is fantastically located on the surface of the nail in the form of a strip, wave, asterisk. It turns out extraordinary beauty!

shellac varnish reviews

Start to create coverage

The base is a polymer layer, which is applied as a regular varnish, but with mandatory sealing - the so-called painting of the end of the nail with a squeezed brush. Drying of the main layer occurs within two minutes under a lamp with ultraviolet rays.

After drying, the surface of the hardened gel remains a little sticky. This is normal and necessary for a reliable connection, which forms the polymer and shellac CND.

He comments on him as follows. Removing an obsolete layer is not easy. No traditional nail polish removers will help here. To dissolve shellac, a special liquid is used, which is moistened with cotton pads and applied to each nail. A finger is wrapped on top of a piece of aluminum foil. After five minutes, you can remove the exfoliated varnish with a manicure scapula.

The application of colored shellac is made on the base base with a thin layer with the obligatory sealing of the tip of the nail and drying in the UV lamp for at least two minutes. The second color layer is applied and dried similarly to the first.

Approaching the finals

The completion of the coating process is the application of a transparent thick layer of the finishing agent. It should completely cover the varnish layer, as well as securely seal the nail end. The final layer under an ultraviolet lamp dries in the same way as shellac varnish.

Reviews say that the drying procedure for each layer looks quite long and tiring. On each hand, four nails are dried first, and the thumb is separate. And so with each coat! Trying to dry all fingers at once to reduce boring time will lead to a sad result. UV rays get unevenly on the thumbnail; as a result, the varnish on it begins to peel off after a few days.

Some features of shellac

An adhesive film remains on the finish layer. You can get rid of it by wiping the surface with a cotton pad with a degreasing solution. To strengthen and nourish the cuticle, it is advisable to apply nutritious oil. This is the final stage of manicure. So, what kind of reviews do they leave about him?

Shellac really does not like contacts with any creams. On the day of the manicure, it is better to refrain from using moisturizing or nourishing hand products. If a drop of the agent penetrates under the varnish, then you can say goodbye to it soon.

A series of shellacs also provides coatings for a French manicure. The main shades are presented in a variety of colors, including the addition of small sparkles. Saturated white color is suitable for classic French manicure. In this case, the main color is applied with only one layer, and the French "smile" is painted twice. At the same time, each new layer must be remembered to be fixed in the lamp.

Take care of the legs

Stylish hairstyle and fashionable clothes can decorate any woman. Beautiful shoes and a high heel can make any leg more elegant and slimmer. But if at the same time the nails are groomed, then the whole image can immediately collapse, and in the eyes of those around the lady will look sloppy. Caring for your fingernails, of course, you can not forget about the legs. Pedicure shellac is also quite suitable for them.

shellac bluesky reviews

Reviews report that gel polish can also be applied to the legs. Thanks to proper care, the legs always look one hundred percent.

It is known that toenails grow much more slowly than toenails . In addition, they almost do not suffer from external influences. The optimal frequency of pedicure is once a month.

The technology for applying gel polish is the same as described above, but with the only difference that the pigment coating can be done in only one layer. Shellac on the legs reviews is the most enthusiastic, because it helps the female legs always look neat and attractive.

How can you save on shellac

Shellac's proprietary innovative technology is CND (Creative Nail Design), an American corporation . Super-resistant product has many advantages, thanks to which it has gained great popularity around the world.

However, a wonderful varnish has one significant drawback - the high price, which not everyone can afford. Resourceful Chinese experts came to the rescue. It was they who created the shellac Bluesky, reviews of which you will find in our article. The first acquaintance with expensive shellac usually makes a good impression, but many are confused by the cost of the procedure. In an attempt to save money, some women buy all the necessary Bluesky products and take care of their nails on their own.

shellac reviews

Features of the Chinese counterpart

The main difference of the new product was not only a low price, but also a simplified process that Bluesky shellac requires. Reviews indicate that many are not very good at coating themselves. It’s very convenient to train with your girlfriends: it’s both a good experience and a small income, which will fully justify the costs of Bluesky materials.

When working with a Chinese counterpart, the number of process steps is reduced. Firstly, after grinding the nail plate, there is no need to apply the base foundation. It is enough to treat the surface with a degreasing solution - and you can begin to cover with the “Bluesky” shellac varnish.

Reviews say that the coating of the Chinese manufacturer is easy to apply, but is removed with great difficulty. It is advisable to use the original solution to remove the varnish, but still a lot of time is spent on getting rid of the old gel.

The disadvantages of "Blueska" include a modest palette of colors. Of the shades proposed by the manufacturer, only pearlescent varnishes lie in an even and dense layer.

Gelcoating is repeated twice, followed by obligatory drying in a UV lamp. And that’s all! The manicure is completely ready. It is not necessary to remove the sticky layer and apply a protective coating. At the same time, you get the perfect glossy manicure that can last at least two weeks. Even a beginner can easily cope with the Bluesky shellac manicure.

Reviews of many fashionistas report that the coating with Chinese gel polish is a very thin layer, so any color looks translucent. To get a rich shade, you have to apply an additional color layer to the nail.

The choice is yours

shellac legs reviews

The clients of the salons leave the following reviews. Shellac amazes with the palette of offered shades. By the beginning of each season, new items are sure to appear. You can constantly use bio-varnish for a year and never repeat in color.

Which remedy is still better, each woman will have to decide on her own. Those who are not very worried about the increase in manicure costs should use the original CND shellac. For those who want to save money and are not very demanding on the impeccability of manicure, the Bluesky varnish will be a good helper.

The final choice can be made by trying all types of varnish-gel coatings. But first, it is recommended to find out what women think, and what reviews they give for shellac manicure and pedicure . The choice is yours!

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