Social regulation and its types

What is social regulation? Why do we need it? What goals and objectives does it fulfill? What types of social regulation exist?

general information

To begin with, we need to understand what social regulation is. So called a certain streamlining of existing social relations. Social regulation is necessary in those cases when the laws of social development apply and the fatality of human behavior is not assumed. In other words, when society operates in a normal mode.

In this case, it is envisaged that people will act according to their desires within certain reasonable limits. They have the opportunity to choose among certain behaviors. In this case, people will proceed from objective circumstances, subjective preferences and opportunities. A large number of options for solving a specific problem creates the basis under which the regulation of social development by public institutions can be carried out.

social regulation

the main goal

The following can be said about it: in this way society is trying to get a correspondence between the behavior of an individual and a whole society. At the same time, their interests, goals and objectives are balanced, which stem from the available objective capabilities. The regulation of social relations in this case is carried out thanks to a number of methods and means.

It should be noted that without the existence of an appropriate mechanism of interaction, the very existence of society is in question. Its component is the presence of the main goal. It contributes to the maintenance of discipline and the development of individual groups of society, as well as its individual parts and elements. The most important of the latter is personality. But how is this achieved? Normally, normative and casual (individual) social regulation is distinguished. What are they?

social legal regulation

Types of regulation

First, let's look at the normative direction. In this case, it is implied that a specific group or even an individual is given a certain type of behavior. Its form is being worked out, ways to achieve goals and accomplish tasks, realize intentions, and so on. Pre-set the nature of the relationship between people within society. Such social legal regulation provides for the use of norms and patterns of behavior. These leverage must be general. And they are addressed to a predetermined circle of persons. In addition, the created norms and behavioral models do not provide for temporary restrictions on use. Also, regulatory regulation is created with an eye to a large number of similar life situations.

Other features has an individual approach. In this case, regulation is carried out only after the formation of requirements for the result and ways to achieve it. Therefore, it is natural that it is performed in relation to certain individuals or groups of persons (often also named). That is, its feature is the personification of the recipients. It should also be noted that individual regulation is often created in order to solve one specific life situation.

regulation of social relations

Most popular approach

It is clear from the previous subparagraph that normative regulation is used on a more permanent basis than individual. This state of affairs is logical, since it allows society to save a significant amount of its resources and capabilities. This becomes real due to the fact that the mechanism is based on typical situations and behavior patterns. Therefore, it is the normative social legal regulation that will receive the main attention. What is its basis? How is the mechanism implemented?

state social regulation

Normative regulation

An important sign of the effectiveness of its work is consistency. This should be taken care of by a set of technical and social norms that have a beneficial and orderly effect on relationships in society. It should be understood that in this case an integrated system operates, and not the individual components of regulatory regulation. Integration of parts allows to obtain new qualities and a greater level of efficiency. It should be noted that social relations change under the influence of certain social norms; therefore, one can observe a certain subordination within the system. This indicates the presence of hierarchical relationships between its individual elements, which only confirms the holistic nature of regulation.

Now, let's talk a little about terminology. Technical norms mean certain rules of behavior that program the attitude of people to tools, objects of nature, means, and so on. An example is job description. Social norms are formalized rules of behavior that are general in nature and regulate relations between different people in different situations. They are studied by every person from the moment of his birth.

Individual regulation

This is a very simple type of situation correction. Thanks to him, it is possible to solve emerging problems taking into account the currently existing features and personal qualities of people. Also, the nature of the relationship has affected individual regulation.

With all the flexibility, it is necessary to note the inherent disadvantages of this type. Thus, individual regulation is not economic in terms of managing public resources. Also, it is not possible to ensure the strict organization that is necessary in repeated processes: people's livelihoods, production, exchange, and so on. If a problem occurs, each time you have to re-find a way out of the situation. The effectiveness of decisions made with this approach is affected by subjectivity and a number of other negative factors.

Consider socio-economic regulation. This approach will be useful if it is necessary to solve the problem that arose for the first time. Or when it is a consequence of force majeure circumstances with specific features.

social and economic regulation

What is meant by social norms?

As previously mentioned, these are certain rules of behavior, the purpose of which is to regulate the relationships of people, as well as their associations (societies). The following areas of their activity are distinguished:

  1. The rules of law. This is the name of generally binding and formally defined rules of interaction established or authorized and protected by the state.
  2. Norms of morality (morality). This is the name of the rules of conduct that have developed in society. They are necessary for the formation of concepts about good, evil, justice, honor, duty, dignity. To ensure their effectiveness, internal convictions, public opinion and various developed measures of influence work.
  3. Norms of customs. So called certain rules of behavior that have developed in society due to their repeated repetition. In other words, they are executed by virtue of an existing habit.
  4. Corporate Standards. In this case, the rules of conduct are implied, which are independently established by public organizations and enshrined them in their charters, regulations and so on. True, they act exclusively within the framework of a certain subject, which monitors their execution.

In addition to those considered, there are also political, religious, aesthetic, cultural, organizational norms and many others. As an example of practical implementation, we will consider the regulation of social security. This is one of the most important issues of modern society. Therefore, everyone who wants to know their rights should understand this issue.


But before considering subjective issues, let's pay attention to the subject. What is society? This is the name of the system of relations and life activity of people historically formed in a certain territory. Society is made up of individual individuals. Such a systemic education is a self-developing integral social organism. The efforts of institutions, groups and individuals are used to maintain it. All this is aimed at solving the problems that face both the whole society and concern only individual individuals.

social security regulation

The state as the main mechanism

There are many different theories that offer their visions regarding the emergence of this social entity. Be that as it may, now state social regulation is the most important component for solving problems and conflicts in those cases where the parties cannot reach consensus. Or when there are certain factors that prevent this. This is all, of course, ideally. Indeed, real life often does not correspond to the theoretical scheme.

The state carries out legal regulation of social security for various categories of people: pensioners, disabled people, large families and so on. It reduces / increases the size of payments, provides benefits and ensures that its orders are carried out. To fulfill obligations to society and control, a whole system of social regulation is being created. Alas, now it cannot be said that it is perfect. But there are certain positive changes.

Organizational development

It should be noted that over the past century there has been a tendency for the state to lose its role as the sole supplier. Of course, areas such as legislation and the judiciary are still under its control. But, for example, pensions can be formed without his knowledge. Who else 50 years ago in the USSR could have imagined such a scenario?

Now non-state pension funds offer guarantees and a higher level of income than the state itself. Therefore, many workers refuse government assistance in favor of NPFs. Of course, all this should be taken with some caution. Across the world, there are frequent cases where NPFs turn out to be fraudulent schemes. Nevertheless, such a mechanism allows people to be responsible for the formation of the capital that they will have upon retirement.

legal regulation of social security


As you can see, the mechanism of social regulation is an important component in any society. It allows you to find a balance between the needs of different people and groups. It also positively affects the stability of human society, giving a sense of confidence in tomorrow to each individual. Of course, now it is impossible to say that the mechanism of social regulation turned out to be ideal for at least one state. But he is gradually improving. And everyone can speed up this process, it is only necessary to work for the good of society and make sure that it moves forward in its development. Since this largely depends on each individual citizen and the state as a governing structure, we need to be more active in defending our interests. And for the greater efficiency of this process, you must have knowledge.

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