Withdrawal of alcohol from the body

As soon as they do not call alcohol! And the enemy number 1, and poison, and evil. However, his presence in our lives cannot be ignored. Holidays and feasts are traditionally accompanied by the reception of spirits. Everyone decides whether to use it or not. Motorists have a harder time.

In a separate red line I want to emphasize that even if your body contains normal (0.3 ppm alcohol) in the morning, in no case do not drive. The body is not in an adequate condition, and your attention may be scattered or reality will be perceived differently. In order to avoid the tragic consequences for both yourself and others, refrain from this rash act! Try to at least one day not give in to the desire to "steer". Sobriety must be the norm for everyone!

But since there is a norm of allowed alcohol in the blood, I would like to understand what it is, how to calculate it, and what the indicator that exceeds it leads to.

The withdrawal of alcohol from the body of each person occurs in different ways. This factor is influenced by various indicators. This may be the composition of food, full sleep, the presence of stress. Clinical manifestations will vary greatly. How much alcohol is excreted in these various situations? The answer will be ambiguous.

A glass of wine roughly corresponds to the norm of 0.3 ppm. But do you remember the attendant negative or positive circumstances? Stress, sleepless night and the lack of a full snack lead to rapid intoxication. High-calorie food and a calm state - a feeling of euphoria will come after a large dose of alcohol.

If you are not an inveterate teetotaler and you just need numbers and data to know the time of alcohol withdrawal from the body, we will provide you with the following visual table:

  • for 1 liter of beer, the required withdrawal time is approximately 2 hours;
  • the same time is required for 200 gr. dry wine (it doesn’t matter - red or white);
  • the same 2 hours will go to fight with 50 gr. vodka (respectively, for 100 grams it will take 4 hours);
  • brandy exceeding 5 stars will require the withdrawal of alcohol from the body for about 4.5 hours.

Counting happens this way. If before 23 hours you drank the total amount of alcohol in the form of vodka 250 gr., Then this amount must be divided by 50 and multiplied by the time that alcohol is removed from the body, that is, 2 hours. It will look like this: 250gr / 50gr2h = 10. These simple calculations can be summarized - you can get behind the wheel in no way before 9 o’clock in the morning.

In addition, do not forget that there is an elementary danger to which you expose yourself and the lives of strangers. The calculation made above does not take into account the moral and safety standards on the road, but only dry indicators for the traffic police, which may deprive you of a driver’s license.

Do not forget about other parameters that affect the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, such as a person’s gender, physical fitness, health status, weight and more. Example: in men in different weight categories of 60 kg and 100 kg, 4% beer in a volume of 500 ml is excreted from the body in 2.54 and 1.44 hours, respectively. Half a liter of brandy is for them: in the first case - 30 hours 27 minutes. and 18 hours 16 minutes.

Asking the question, how much alcohol is excreted in their body, one can definitely only so slowly. The average rate of breakdown of alcohol in the blood of a middle-aged man weighing 80 kg and with an absolutely healthy liver is about 1.5 ppm.

Another situation in women. According to the competent opinion of narcologists, the female body delays the withdrawal of alcohol from the body. Their physiological characteristics slow down its processing by about 20%. Therefore, all tabular data on the breakdown of alcoholic beverages must be multiplied by these percentages.

Do not forget the fact that any human organ is subject to destruction by insidious alcohol. Loss of memory, drowsiness, incredible thirst, and that's not all that threatens us from an extra dose of alcohol. The alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and destroys the cerebral cortex, and this process is irreversible. It may be worth considering 100 times before reaching for a glass. Watch your health and be careful on the roads!

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