Body scrub "Clean line": composition, advice of cosmetologists, results of use and reviews

Every modern lady wants her skin to be smooth, delicate and simply beautiful. But the lack of proper care, a crazy pace of life and poor nutrition quickly spoil her appearance. This is where the fragrant body scrub “Clean Line” comes in handy, which not only brings the skin into excellent condition, but also tightens and renews it.

  • Tip: to achieve greater efficiency, you should prefer an integrated approach. Fortunately, the experts of this company are specially working on the creation of entire lines for comprehensive body care.

What is good about "Clean Line"

The Clean Line trademark is so popular among consumers precisely because of the special approach to creating each of its product. Indeed, the true mission of the brand is to present natural, natural beauty to women. This effect just presents the body scrub “Clean Line”: turns the skin into a smooth, velvet, smooth and clean “canvas”.

  • The main idea of ​​specialists involved in new developments is the use of natural components.
  • The minimum amount of synthetic substances present in creams, scrubs and other personal care products is one of the company's top priorities.
  • Most preservatives and flavorings are either of natural origin or a synthetic structure similar to them.
  • All natural extracts and decoctions are made from flora growing in Russia, and in ecologically clean areas. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in Russia.
  • Almost every body scrub “Clean Line”: phytobath or massage can boast of the perfect balance of regenerating, moisturizing, nourishing and immune components in its composition - exactly what the skin needs.

Despite such a detailed and attentive approach to the selection of components, a safe, ergonomic production process, this product belongs to the budget and is available to all categories of users.

Three girls

Why Use a Clean Line Body Scrub

Almost all the girls are well aware - an attractive appearance requires regular care. But for some reason, many forget about the beauty of the body. But the skin of the whole organism has the same structure, and epidermal cells are regenerated in the deep layers.

Dead surface particles exfoliate poorly on their own. Hence, tightness, peeling on the body are manifested, especially in the elbows / knees, which is difficult to eliminate with moisturizers - they will not be able to penetrate the barrier of dead particles. Keratinized cells should be regularly removed with gentle, non-traumatic surface agents.

  • You need to know: coarse bath sponges are not able to sufficiently cleanse the skin of small scales of the dermis, they will only damage, scratch the body.

Solve a similar problem will help the body scrub "Clean Line", which is recommended to use a "duet" with moisturizing / nourishing cream.

Girl puts a mitt on a scrub

"Fitobanya" - what is the highlight of this scrub

A gentle universal scrub for the body of the phytobath from the "Clean Line", reviews of which can be found on the Internet, is not quite ordinary. The specificity is that it gradually provides several types of effects on the skin.

  • Scrubbing natural particles of apricot kernels cleanse dead cells, thereby preparing the skin, opening the pores.
  • Essential oils of pine nuts provoke increased sweating. Well, along with moisture from the deeper layers of the epidermis, excess fat is released (smoothing effect), toxins (lymphatic drainage).
  • Improvement of blood circulation, acceleration of lymph movement is observed almost immediately - the body turns pink, the tone of the skin "canvas" evens out.
  • Thanks to the coniferous aroma, it relaxes, tones the whole body, and soothes the nervous system.

Terms of use and reviews about the scrub "Fitobanya"

Use: a small amount of scrub must be applied to clean, moist, preferably slightly steamed skin with hot water. In order for the lymphatic drainage effect declared by the manufacturer to manifest itself as best as possible, it is necessary to massage the body for a quarter of an hour (for sensitive sensitive skin - about 10 minutes), moving up from the ankles. Particular attention should be paid to the roughest areas on the body - elbows, knees and shoulders, but the stomach / chest should be massaged very easily, without pressure. After - wash everything off with water, dab (do not wipe) with a towel and finally apply a nourishing / moisturizing cream or gel.

Almost unanimous reviews: the body scrub "Clean Line" from this line copes well with the task (4.7 points out of 5 maximum). But this is not all: many ladies noticed that this dense, fragrant and pleasant to use product, in addition to the qualities declared by the manufacturer, also partially removes shallow stretch marks - more than a worthy result. In addition, a large volume of cans (400 ml) allows you to use this scrub for a rather long period.

Body scrub Phytobath

“Massage effect” - is the scrub effective enough

Body scrub “Clean Line”, the massage effect of which, according to the manufacturer, not only cleanses the skin, but also helps to deal with irregularities in the figure much more effectively, is really very popular. After all, it is intended for all skin types without exception (even sensitive) and at the same time copes with many tasks.

  • Natural phytocomplex (94% of the total composition) allows you to use the product without worrying about potential irritations and allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • The hard shell of apricot kernels, crushed to the required size, acting as abrasive particles, gently, without damage, cleans the keratinized layer of the dermis.
  • Essential nourishing oils help tone, smooth and moisturize the epidermis, even in the most difficult cases.

Advice: according to the manufacturer "Clean Line" - a body scrub massage is a preparatory tool for a more intense anti-cellulite complex. Therefore, it is better to purchase it in combination with one of the products offered by the company: a figure-modeling cream or gel-like anti-cellulite agent.

Terms of use and reviews about the scrub “Massage effect”

Usage: squeeze a small amount of the scrub from the tube and apply on the moistened clean surface of the body with slightly pressing movements. Special attention should be paid to the most problematic areas of the figure - to massage these areas more actively, then rinse off with slightly cool water.

Reviews: body skin care product, which is very popular among girls, has a rather high rating. If you collect together and analyze information from various "otzoviks", you get incomplete 5 stars (4.8, to be more precise). This scrub is especially good for use in the summer, when the body is constantly exposed to UV rays and requires increased attention. Many note a pleasant aroma - more universal than that of the Fitobanya scrub, as well as a texture that is pleasant like a cream. True, not very convenient packaging and a small volume of the tube (only 200 ml) leave some users with some doubts about the purchase.

Body scrub Massage effect

The main thing about the body scrub "Clean Line" "Fitosalon"

Incredibly fragrant, pleasant when applying the scrub 18+ “Fitosalon”, the “Clean Line” trademark, is made on the basis of medicinal extracts from berries and herbs. It has beneficial effects on the skin, performs 3 main functions at once.

  • The pleasant texture of such a product makes it easy to distribute the scrub on the surface of the skin, clean it and open the pores.
  • A “bouquet” of herbal infusion and berry extracts gently smoothes the dermis, removing excess fat and sweat from its deep layers.
  • The spa effect is achieved almost after the first short exposure of this drug - a dull and uniform tone, lack of peeling, velvety body.

Terms of use and reviews about the scrub "Fitosalon"

Usage: squeeze the required amount of scrub into the palm of your hand and distribute it with gentle massaging movements (from stop up) throughout the body, paying attention to problem areas. After a short exposure of 10-15 minutes (time to absorb the creamy component of the scrub), rinse with water and apply to the body a specially selected cream from the same or another line (depending on the preferences of the girl).

Reviews: the smallest rating of all the scrubs listed above has this product. Although in general, everything is not so bad - 83% of consumers consider it “fit” (out of a potential 5 points, it is estimated at 4.5). According to the majority of beauties, it really smoothes and slightly tightens the skin, but visible results are achieved only in combination with other drugs - creams and gels from the "Clean Line". But the pink mass, thick in consistency, is very pleasant to the body; it does not damage the surface of the skin when used, while cleaning it very effectively. The smell also leaves a pleasant impression - berry with dominant notes of red currant. In general, this scrub “fulfills” the full amount of money spent.

Body scrub Fitosalon

Important notes and composition

  1. All scrubs after opening have a limited shelf life of 6, a maximum of 6.5 months. Further use of this product is not recommended, because even the presence of natural / synthetic antiseptics and preservatives cannot completely stop the degradation of the composition of the scrub.
  2. As was said a little earlier - a full-fledged effect is achieved only with the integrated use of each of the scrubs with appropriate creams and gels.
  3. If the product is purchased exclusively to cleanse the body of dirt, keratinized dead cells and dust, then it is enough to purchase a scrub without additional care products.
Body scrub

As for the composition of scrubs, it is almost identical - the exception is only the special natural components that characterize each individual product. For example, you can take the composition of the Fitobanya scrub for consideration.

Scrub composition on a beautiful background

What experts will advise

First you need to understand that not all scrubs are equally good for certain types of skin. According to most dermatologists, it is necessary to select products of this type very carefully, being guided not only by their preferences, but also by the corresponding inscription-tips on the package.

  • That is, for a dry and sensitive dermis and scrub, you must acquire the appropriate one, otherwise you can damage the excessively sensitive surface with coarse abrasive particles intended for oily skin.
  • Here is another example - a scrub intended for sensitive skin or delicate areas (face, chest) can be used for the oily dermis of the body - it certainly will not do any harm, but it will be of little use.
  • It is recommended to apply the product on previously steamed skin - so the effectiveness will be an order of magnitude higher.
  • It is very important to carefully use such aggressive substances after shaving your legs, laser / wax depilation, applying biotatu to the body - the epidermis, already cleansed of dead particles, is more susceptible to external factors. Inaccurate use can lead to damage to the surface layers of the skin, even subsequent infection of the wounds.
  • Ladies with sensitive skin should apply the composition to the body with minimal pressure. The same applies to delicate areas of the figure.
  • The frequency of application of the scrub should be calculated taking into account the characteristics of the dermis - the drier the body, the more often it needs to be cleaned. Do not forget about the time of year - in summer, scrub can be used a little more often than in cold periods.
  • Additional subsequent care is very important - moisturizing, protection from external factors (UV rays in the summer, frost in the winter, etc.). After all, simply cleaned, unsupported skin will quickly lose moisture, dry out and crack.

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