Japanese and Chinese women: a comparison of appearance

There are three races of people in the world: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Their representatives are distinguished by nationality, but for the most part they look similar to each other. Simply put, for a European, all Asians are on the same face, just like Asians, all Europeans seem alike. And one of the frequently asked questions: how to distinguish Japanese women from Chinese women. Therefore, in the publication you will find information about who are Japanese and Chinese women, a comparison of external features and distinguishing characteristics.

Japanese and Chinese women comparison

First difficulties

A few years ago it was believed that Asians can distinguish each other in a crowd. However, this statement is nothing more than a stereotype. When one Chinese woman was asked if she could distinguish a Japanese woman in a crowd of Asians, she replied that it was easy - by name. In fact, if we compare the Chinese and Japanese, the main differences are difficult to find. The thing is that 56 nationalities live in China. Representatives of some national groups are completely different from the Chinese. At least not as we imagine it. So to determine the phenotype of the average Chinese woman is very difficult.

The same situation can be observed in the Land of the Rising Sun. Japan, although it has been closed to foreigners for a long time, has survived more than one migratory stream of Koreans and Chinese. So the phenotype of Japanese women has also changed.

Mongoloid race

Before proceeding with the analysis of the appearance of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, a comparison must be made between the racial characteristics of the appearance. Representatives of the Mongoloid race differ from others in the following features:

  • Hair. Hard, straight, black. The growth of mustache, beard and body hair is weak.
  • Eyes. Like hair, the eyes of the Mongoloid race are black. Although the Mongoloids are called narrow-eyed in society, in fact their eyeball is larger than that of Caucasians. This opinion appeared due to the highly developed upper eyelid and a narrow section of the eyes.
  • Leather. A yellowish skin tone is another sign of the Mongoloid race. Depending on the habitat, the shade can vary from light to dark-skinned.
  • Height. Mongoloids have average growth rates, stocky with shortened (relative to the trunk) legs.
  • Face. Faces broad, flattened with prominent cheekbones. The nose is concave, the protrusion of the nose is small. The lips are medium thick, the mouth is small.

Chinese and Japanese comparison

Thus, Japanese and Chinese women, a comparison of which will be presented in the article, are similar because of their belonging to the same race. But at the same time, they have their own distinctive features.

Skin color and facial features

What is the difference between Japanese and Chinese? The comparison can begin with skin color. Chinese women have a more pronounced yellow tint. Because of this, they do not like to sunbathe on the beaches. Japanese women have a lighter skin. In addition, Japanese women zealously use cosmetics to rid their skin of congenital yellowness.

It is also believed that Japanese women have elongated faces, while Chinese women have round faces. Often the cheekbones are wider in Chinese. But the Japanese woman has a wider mouth. As for the shape of the nose, the Chinese woman is flat, and the Japanese woman is pointed. The article presents (to demonstrate the features that a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman have) a photo. The comparison of representatives of two nationalities does not end there.

Chinese and Japanese appearance comparison


They say that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, but in the case of Asians, it is also a way to determine their nationality. Therefore, special attention is paid to the eyes when analyzing the appearance of a Japanese woman and a Chinese woman. Comparison of the features of the section will best show the difference. Despite the fact that the Chinese and Japanese have a narrow eye section and a developed epicanthus (fold of the upper eyelid), here you can also find several differences. For example, Japanese women have a little bulging eyes, like fish, and the incision is wider. In a Chinese woman, her eyes with a narrow incision and the outer corners are raised higher.

As for the eyebrows, in Japanese women they are more direct, and the girls have to give them the desired shape. In Chinese women, the eyebrows have a natural bend, so they can do without cosmetic tricks.

Chinese and Japanese photo comparison

Clothing and makeup

Studying the distinctive features of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, a comparison can be made according to one more criterion - clothes and makeup. Japanese women always have makeup on their faces. A girl can be dressed in home clothes, over which an apron is thrown, but makeup is sacred. Chinese women do not pay much attention to this.

As for clothes, Japanese women have a subtle sense of style. They wear exclusively branded things, even if it is a tracksuit, then it will certainly be a well-known brand. In this matter, Chinese women are much inferior. Their clothes can be called peculiar and inappropriate. A resident of China doesnโ€™t have to go to the store in the evening almost in pajamas. The Japanese will never allow herself such a thing.

But it is also worth noting that Japanese women never iron their clothes, if a blouse or T-shirt is wrinkled, this will not bother them at all, although otherwise they are very neat.

comparison of Chinese and Japanese 5 differences

Language and behavior

Considering the distinctive features of a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, a comparison of appearance can be supplemented by behavior. The Chinese are the most talkative and noisy among all Asians. Their conversation is held in high tones with active gesticulation. They are impulsive, not restrained, and can commit a reckless act while in a public place. The Japanese are reserved, their speech is polite and calm. The behavior is fundamentally different from peers from China, as it is imperative to follow the rules in Japan.

If someone once heard a few words of the Chinese or Japanese language and knows their meaning, they can easily determine from a randomly heard conversation who is who. When there is no such knowledge, you can pay attention to the sounds that are most often found in a conversation. The Japanese language is more "hissing", in addition, at the end of each sentence you can hear the prefix "des".

comparison of Chinese and Japanese main differences


Thus, although it is difficult to distinguish between a Chinese woman and a Japanese woman, it is possible. And if there is no way to hear a conversation or follow the behavior, you can take only external characteristics as the basis.

Comparison of Chinese and Japanese (5 differences):

  1. Eyes. Japanese eyes have a wider incision and are slightly bulging.
  2. Leather. Chinese women have a richer yellow skin tone.
  3. Face. Chinese women are chubby with pronounced cheekbones and a flat nose. Japanese faces are more elegant: a slightly elongated oval, less pronounced cheekbones, an acute nose.
  4. Makeup. If an Asian girl doesn't wear a single gram of makeup, then this is definitely a Chinese woman. Japanese women are always made up.
  5. Clothing. The harmony of color and style in clothes distinguishes Japanese women from Chinese women. The latter do not really pay attention to what they are wearing.

Only those who are familiar with the people of Japan and China from pictures on the Web, it seems that they are all on the same face. In fact, these are two different nationalities that differ in culture, mentality and appearance. With due will and practice, to determine where a resident of Japan, and where - of China becomes quite real.

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