What diabetes tests are needed?

Diabetes is considered the scourge of the 21st century. He gained this “fame” due to its wide distribution among the population, while absolutely all categories of citizens are at risk. What diabetes tests are needed to diagnose a disease?

What is diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a pathology of the endocrine system, which is characterized by a deficiency of the hormone, which is normally produced by the pancreas - insulin. Due to the development of the disease, all systems of the human body begin to suffer.

There can be many reasons for development: heredity, hormonal disruptions, obesity, unstable mental states. There are two types of diabetes - insulin-dependent and insulin-independent. They differ in the need to administer a hormone in the first case and simply by an increase in blood sugar in the second.

You can suspect a disease by having the following symptoms:

  • sharp weight loss or, conversely, weight gain;
  • constant thirst;
    diabetes tests
  • causeless itching of the skin.

When these signs appear, it is necessary to conduct the necessary tests for diabetes to determine the cause of the disease state.

Why diabetes is dangerous

Complications may be more dangerous than the disease itself. They may be as follows:

  • ketoacidosis - increased production of ketone bodies, which negatively affects the body and can lead to diabetic coma;
  • hypoglycemia - a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood, while the patient feels weak, he has a cold sweat, convulsions may develop, and urgent hospitalization is required;
  • hyperglycemia - an increase in blood sugar concentration, which is characterized by increased weakness, headache, indigestion, fainting. This condition is considered much more dangerous than hypoglycemia;
  • diabetic foot - deformation of the foot, the appearance of hard-healing ulcers. With insufficient or no treatment, amputation of the limb may be necessary.

What tests for diabetes are necessary in order to timely begin treatment for diabetes and avoid its unpleasant consequences.

Glucose determination

You can correctly determine the presence of glucose in the blood in several ways:

  1. Fasting - most often blood sampling is performed in the morning, when the patient did not have time to have breakfast. At the same time, about 12 hours should pass from the previous meal.
    get tested for diabetes
  2. The glucose level is determined 1 hour after a meal. This blood test for diabetes is needed to control the body's absorption of food eaten. This analysis is necessary for this disease.
  3. The analysis for glycated hemoglobin is carried out twice a year for non-insulin-dependent patients and 3-4 times a year for patients receiving artificial hormone.

A patient with diabetes should keep a diary in which the results of these blood tests will be regularly noted. They can be carried out at home using a glucometer.

Fructosamine Assay

This study aims to monitor the level of fructosamine in the blood. With its help, you can easily control the course of the disease, the appearance of complications. In the absence of diabetes, the indicators should be as follows:

  • up to 14 years old - 195-279 micromol / l;
  • after 14 years - 204-284 μmol / L.

In diabetes mellitus, this level rises to 286-320 μmol / L, and in severe conditions it can be 370 μmol / L.

Elevated fructosamine levels in diabetes have a bad effect on the urinary system, renal failure, hypothyroidism may develop. Doctors recommend repeating this laboratory test every 2-3 weeks to monitor the patient's condition.

tests for diabetes what

General blood analysis

This blood test for diabetes helps determine the amount of one or another component of the body fluid, identify pathology, and also determine foreign matter. Blood is taken for diagnosis by piercing the skin on the ring finger. People with suspected illness are advised to donate blood on an empty stomach or after a light savory breakfast, while those with diabetes take blood twice - on an empty stomach and an hour after a small meal.

In the laboratory, blood is examined according to the following indicators:

  1. Hemoglobin is an important component of blood. Reduced hemoglobin levels may indicate internal bleeding, anemia. Increased hemoglobin most often indicates dehydration, at which time the blood thickens, as a result of which the concentration of components increases.
  2. Platelets. A small amount indicates poor blood coagulation. Most often this happens against the background of infectious diseases. An increased platelet count indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  3. White blood cells are white blood cells. An increase in their level may occur due to various inflammations. The decrease also indicates the inability of the body to fight the disease.
  4. Hematocrit is the volume of red blood cells in the blood. A decrease in hematocrit can be observed in pregnant women, as well as with anemia. An increase indicates erythrocytosis.

A general blood test for diabetes is recommended annually, especially for people who are at risk.

Biochemical blood test

What other diabetes tests do people with suspected illness take? A blood test for biochemistry is common not only for diabetes, but also for many other diseases, since it gives complete information about the composition of the blood. Blood sampling is carried out traditionally on an empty stomach or after 8-10 hours after eating.

This laboratory test determines the amount and concentration of the following blood components:

  • protein;
  • glucose;
  • creatinine;
  • urea;
  • bilirubin;
  • cholesterol;
  • amylases;
  • lipases;
  • AST;
  • ALT.

A biochemical blood test is performed as prescribed by the attending doctor. Healthy people are advised to conduct this study once a year to monitor their health status.

what tests to take for diabetes

Glycated hemoglobin assay

This laboratory test helps to identify the disease in its early stages. In addition, the analysis for glycated hemoglobin may indicate a person’s predisposition to the disease, therefore it is recommended to do it once a year even for healthy people.

Glycated hemoglobin is present in the blood of all people, regardless of the presence of diabetes. However, the difference lies in the number: in patients with diabetes, its concentration in the blood is significantly increased, which indicates the presence of the disease. This study can be carried out both on an empty stomach and after eating, its performance will remain unchanged.

General urine analysis

Urinalysis for diabetes plays an important role, with its help you can evaluate the following indicators:

  • urine quality - color, transparency, the presence of sediment and impurities;
  • the ability of the urinary system to retain urine;
  • chemical composition;
  • the presence of proteins, acetone, sugar.

It is recommended to take the analysis every six months; for these purposes, morning collection is carried out in a special container. A general urine test is considered a rough study, which gives only a superficial picture of the presence of a disease or inflammatory process, since an increase in normal rates is also observed in other diseases.

blood test for diabetes

Microalbumin urine test

Using urinalysis for microalbumin, diabetes is diagnosed. The analysis is as follows - all urine is collected per day, except for the first morning. Part of the resulting fluid is delivered to the laboratory for further research.

In a healthy person, albumin is present in the urine in an insignificant amount. In the presence of diabetes, its concentration increases significantly. At a concentration of about 300 mg / day in urine, one can speak of a severe stage of the disease and the prerequisites for the development of nephropathy - impaired renal function.

Ultrasound of the kidneys

Most often, diabetes affects the kidneys. If there is a disease, an ultrasound scan is recommended to be done regularly to monitor kidney function. The study reveals structural changes in the organs. In parallel with ultrasound, it is recommended to take urine tests for a comprehensive study of the excretory system.

latent diabetes tests

Fundus examination

First of all, in the presence of diabetes, blood vessels suffer, especially the capillaries of the eyes, as the most delicate and fragile ones, are affected. An examination by an ophthalmologist helps to determine the degree of eye damage in diabetes. In addition, against the background of diabetes, complex diseases such as:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal damage.

A comprehensive inspection is also important at least once a year.


The cardiovascular system is often affected by diabetes. In addition, changes in the functioning of the heart muscle may also indicate the development of latent diabetes. The electrocardiogram is included in the list of mandatory annual diagnostics, which are recommended for everyone.

Doppler ultrasound

Hands and feet with diabetes have a tendency to swelling, as well as to clogging of veins, which develops against the background of worsening blood outflow. Dopplerography helps to identify complications in the vessels of the limbs, which can occur as a result of the disease.

Diabetes during pregnancy

Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an important event in the life of every woman. However, this special condition requires the most careful monitoring of health. What tests to take for diabetes during pregnancy?

urinalysis for diabetes
Diagnostic measures for pregnant women are no different from tests for ordinary people. However, there are some features.

Pregnant women have special screenings that show blood sugar. In this case, normally, the indicator should not be more than 5 mmol / L on an empty stomach, 10 mmol / L 1 hour after drinking sweet water, and 8.5 mmol / L 2 hours after drinking a glucose solution.

A pregnancy diabetes test may be needed if a woman notes the following symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • a feeling of fog in the head;
  • thirst;
  • cramps
  • hunger soon after eating.

Normally, tests for latent diabetes mellitus are recommended annually to monitor health status. In addition, in this way it is possible to identify a disease at an initial stage.

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