In order to quickly get rid of excess weight, it is not enough to go on diets, you still need to play sports. So the effect will be achieved faster, and the skin will not sag, but rather tighten and become firm and elastic. In order to bring your figure in perfect order, it is not necessary to go to the gym or attend classes at the fitness club. It is enough just to do exercises with a rope. Jumping rope for weight loss is very effective. They have a huge effect on our body. With the help of such exercises, you can improve dexterity and mobility, as well as establish metabolic processes and coordination. And what can we say about the cardiovascular system, which we train in this way. Jumping rope for weight loss is very important, because they help burn fat and train muscles. They effectively support the skeletal system of the body. It is also very important that in order to engage in such exercises, it takes only a little space and a good jump rope, as well as comfortable sports shoes.
These exercises are one of the best in cardio workouts, with their help you can quickly defeat body fat and get rid of them forever. It is known that if you skip the rope at an average pace, a very positive effect is observed for weight loss. It is estimated that, on average, a person makes an average of one hundred and twenty jumps per minute and burns eleven calories. If you jump faster, then about twenty calories can be lost per minute.
But, unfortunately, itβs not always possible to jump rope. Those people who have cardiovascular diseases cannot jump on a skipping rope for weight loss, because for them it is a very intense workout. With such training, an increase in pressure and heart rate is possible , and this is unacceptable with such diseases. Also, you should not jump rope for those who have problems in the spine, since during the jump on the spine there is a certain load. People who are too fat and who have a lot of weight should also not start losing weight by jumping rope, as this will put extra weight on the heart .
The more convenient the rope will be, the more effective will be jumping rope for weight loss. Therefore, take enough time to choose a comfortable and easy jump rope. It is very good if she has a length adjustment. Thus, you can choose the length most suitable for jumping. The optimal length is considered to be the length, which when folded twice, is equal to the length from socks to chest level. If the length is longer, then there is a chance to touch the floor, and if the length is less, then you will have to tighten your legs while jumping. The wrong length can even lead to injuries, so jumping for weight loss should be done only with the right rope selected for the length.
You must be able to jump on a skipping rope correctly. Do this by rotating your hands and pressing your elbows to your body. At the same time, your back must be straight, you should never hunch. Try to tear your feet off the floor as easily as possible. You can jump on one leg, make double jumps or jump forward and backward, in addition, you can jump on a twisted rope. So, start jumping, enjoy it, because it's only hard at the beginning, then you quickly get used to it, and you will definitely start to like it.
Do not forget that you need to jump on a skipping rope some time after you eat. Do not do this right after eating. Let at least an hour pass after you have had lunch or breakfast. Before you start jumping, be sure to consult a doctor who will tell you whether you can jump on a skipping rope.