How to open a bakery from scratch? What does it take to open a bakery from scratch?

Until recently, it was believed that own production can be organized only by large players in a segment of a certain sphere with considerable capital. To date, the situation has changed radically, which allows you to open your own business with minimal investment. In this regard, the production of bakery products is not only one of the most profitable enterprises, but also affordable for the organization. And yet, to understand how to open a bakery from scratch, you need to know certain subtleties in this area, and also take into account the technological and legal nuances. In the case of competent calculation, the created enterprise will bring high income, requiring minimal efforts to maintain the business.

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Registration Issues

As in any industry, it is necessary to open your own business by registering with the relevant authorities. But first of all, one should determine the legal status of the enterprise. For the bakery, it is advisable to choose the IP (individual entrepreneurship), but it is important that its category allows you to engage in restaurant activities, which include the manufacture of bakery products. If you expand the category and the possibility of retail, then you can safely think about how to open a cafe-bakery from scratch and expand it in the future as a network of points of sale. This is the best option if the business will be managed by one person without partners. However, if a large enterprise with several people is planned, it is better to register an LLC.

Tax system

Next, it is worth starting the choice of the form of taxation. If possible, it is better to prefer UTII. This tax format is provided by municipalities and can be applied to all types of activities provided for in the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Since UTII may not be available, it is worth immediately considering the possibility of working with the tax system of the simplified tax system, which all enterprises with an annual turnover of not more than 60 million rubles can use.

How to choose a room for a bakery?

It is advisable to focus your own bakery on the possibility of retail sales. The fact is that the supply of catering establishments is not always profitable for small industries, as they have to compete with larger organizations. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to open a bakery shop from scratch in a passageway accessible to a maximum number of people. Ideally, it could be a room near the metro, markets, as well as entertainment and shopping centers. But it should be borne in mind that the cost of renting such objects will be higher. If long-term work is planned, it is better to stipulate in advance the possibility of buying out the premises. In this case, you should not immediately buy it. No less important is the area of ​​the bakery. On average, private establishments have 150-200 m 2 . This is enough to organize both the production department and the area for the cafe or the store itself.

SES requirements for the premises

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The main difficulty in organizing food production lies in the fact that they are subject to high requirements of supervisory authorities. To enter this business, it is not enough to know how to open a bakery from scratch by providing premises with special equipment and furniture. You can start work only if the facility meets the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service:

  • The bakery cannot be located in the basement.
  • There must be a supply of hot and cold water.
  • The presence of sewage is required.
  • Mandatory presence of a ventilation system.
  • The list of available utility rooms should include a toilet and a warehouse.

In addition, the sanitary and epidemiological service further checks the production process, drawing up conclusions based on their results. Only a full set of permits will allow you to finally resolve all questions regarding how to open a bakery from scratch. Documents authorizing this activity include the following conclusions:

  • Conclusion on the production, which can be issued at Rospotrebnadzor. However, it needs satisfactory examination results.
  • Conclusion on manufactured products. Registration is made according to the same scheme.
  • Certificate of conformity. It is also obtained on the basis of inspections at the Federal Agency for Metrology.

Equipment for the production process

how to open your bakery confectionery from scratch

There are various approaches to the technical support of production facilities for the manufacture of bakery products. The list of equipment may vary, but if the question is how to open your own bakery and confectionery from scratch, which allows you to produce a full range of products in this category, then it is worth considering the following:

  • Dough mixing plant.
  • Flour sifter.
  • Dough sheeter.
  • Bake.
  • Table for work with the test.
  • Proofing cabinet.
  • Carts for baking.

At first, it is worth confining yourself to this equipment, having purchased it one copy of each type. In the future, based on work experience and sales success, it will be possible to purchase some units of equipment for the production of bakery products in large volumes.

Equipment for trading purposes

what you need to open a bakery from scratch

This category of technical equipment is often regarded as secondary. Usually, it has such a value if the enterprise is mainly focused on wholesale sales - for example, when supplying other shops and catering establishments. However, most private entrepreneurs in deciding how to open a bakery and confectionery from scratch, rely on retail sales. In such cases, it is necessary to provide the trading premises with the following equipment:

  • Special showcases for bakery and confectionery.
  • Cash register, which will also require registration with the tax.
  • Safes for storing money and documents.
  • Carts and mobile boxes for moving products.
  • Racks for storing released products.

Bakery staff

how to open a bakery from scratch

All personnel involved in the maintenance of the bakery can be divided into several groups according to their type of activity. You should start with the main figure of any bakery production - this is a technologist. It determines what the products will be and partly the range of the enterprise. This is followed by the working staff, which includes bakers. Their number in a small institution can be 4-6 people. Again, if the question is being decided on how to open a bakery from scratch for retail, then waiters will be required. The role of the accountant is very significant. To ensure its functions, large organizations conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company, however, in a small bakery it is more economical to hire an own accountant. Also required is the technical staff who will be engaged in the adjustment of equipment, its repair and, possibly, solve other related tasks.

How to form an assortment?

Despite the outward ease of this issue, the success of the business largely depends on it. Think over the assortment before starting the search for premises. Which products should be produced in a particular case will depend on the location, technical equipment and capabilities of the bakery as a whole. Of course, the wider the range, the better. But this is not always possible, and specialization in specific products often also brings considerable income. A win-win option is focusing on the needs of potential customers. For example, if we are talking about how to open a mini-bakery from scratch in the village, then the assortment may include a basic set of products in the form of 2-3 types of bread, rolls, cheesecakes, cakes, loaves and pies.

In the city, a similar list can be limited to metro areas and markets, where it is important for people to quickly eat without special culinary delights. However, if a bakery with a store is located near major shopping centers, parks or entertainment complexes, then the assortment should include cakes, biscuits, cakes, croissants, baguettes and always with a wide selection of fillings.

how to open a bakery from scratch documents

How to open a mini-bakery from scratch?

The peculiarity of the mini-bakery is that a minimal set of equipment is used, which allows to produce products for retail sales. This is the best solution if financial opportunities are limited and the organization of production is planned in a small room.

In response to the question of what it takes to open a bakery from scratch in this format, it is worth noting the feasibility of organizing production with an incomplete cycle. This approach to technical support saves money on the purchase of dough mixing equipment. In addition, the process of working with the finished test does not require a large area, which makes it possible to use small rooms. The main production operations will be baking products.

Raw materials for production

how to open a bakery shop from scratch

To begin with, it is important to note that the production of bakery products excludes the storage of raw materials "in reserve". By the way, the same applies to finished products, as they quickly deteriorate and lose their marketable qualities. When initially solving organizational issues regarding how to open a bakery from scratch, it is important to consider a clear supply system with further use of raw materials without delay. It is recommended to choose large plants. So, flour mills will provide the main components for the dough. In addition to flour, yeast, sugar, salt, butter and other ingredients will be required. The choice of stabilizers, thickeners and various food additives should be approached carefully - their number should be minimal. It is advisable to focus on natural products. In the long run, customers will appreciate the quality of products, and it will be a good advantage over competitors.


Despite all the difficulties in organizing the production of bakery and confectionery products, this business line is one of the most profitable. This is facilitated by the relatively low prices for the raw materials used, and the fact that products of this category are always in demand among the population. However, such favorable conditions of activity quite naturally contributed to the formation of fierce competition.

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