How to remove a mole at home without harming the skin

Each person has a certain number of moles and birthmarks on his body . Moles are areas of the skin that have changed color under the influence of melanin, the pigment responsible for color. Someone has a lot of moles, someone has very few. Most often, a large number of them are present on the body of people with fair skin. There is a good omen, noting that if a person has many moles, then a lot of happiness awaits him.

how to remove a mole at home

Moles on the face, as a rule, add zest to it, adding charm. But often they bring not only positive emotions. It often happens that a mole that appears on the face or on some other open area of ​​the body looks unaesthetic, violating harmony and spoiling the appearance. Is it dangerous to remove moles? It is widely believed that yes, it is dangerous. Doctors do not recommend performing this procedure on their own. Self-removal of moles threatens skin inflammation, can cause blood problems and even cancer. If the mole that bothers you looks unhealthy, appears or enlarges suddenly, if you feel pain when you touch it, do not even think about how to remove the mole at home. Show this education to a dermatologist or oncologist, even if you do not plan to get rid of it. Do not take measures that involve removing moles at home by physically damaging the skin. In no case can they be torn off or cauterized!

If the mole does not cause any concern, then you can try to remove it at home, without going to the doctor. In this case, you can use the advice of traditional medicine on how to remove a mole at home without damaging it.

mole removal at home

The best medicine in this case is garlic. Various recipes for getting rid of moles are common, containing it. Here are some of them:

  1. Squeeze the garlic using a press. Put the resulting garlic gruel on a mole, trying not to get on the skin. To do this, the skin around it can be sealed, covered, or just greased with petroleum jelly. Seal the treated area with a band-aid and leave it to act for no more than 4 hours. Repeat daily. After 3-4 days of the procedure, the first results will be noticeable.
  2. Another way for those interested in how to remove a mole at home is to use garlic juice. To perform the procedure, you need to apply the garlic juice, filtered through cheesecloth, on a cotton pad, and attach to the place in need of processing. The tool must be held for about 5 minutes. The procedure should be repeated daily until a result is obtained.
  3. Another, no less effective, means is a mixture of garlic juice and vinegar or lemon juice and garlic in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting lotion should be wiped a mole several times a day.
  4. It is permissible to use vinegar in a volume of not more than 1 drop. Do not forget to protect the skin surrounding the mole - the treatment of each of the above tools that help in solving the problem of how to remove the mole at home can be a burn hazard. The use of vinegar is acceptable for a week, after which you should take a break of 4-5 days, and after this procedure can be repeated.
    is it dangerous to remove moles

In ancient times, in Russia, the following method was often used to get rid of unnecessary moles: in the field with a stalk, they pulled out a grain of wheat, pricked a birthmark with a formed tip, and then buried the ear in the ground with the stem up. It was believed that the mole will disappear as soon as the spikelet decays.

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