Films about business and success from scratch: a list of the best motivating films for entrepreneurs

In order to start doing business, some people need not so much to read specialized literature as to look at the example of successful people. Those who were able to reach career heights due to their determination, ambition. Films about business and success from scratch help people find inspiration to fulfill their dreams and become equally successful people.

"The wolf of Wall Street"

Many people dreamed of a luxury villa, a luxury yacht and millions. One of the films about business and success from scratch is Martin Scorsese's “The Wolf of Wall Street”. This picture received good reviews from critics and spectators, and the talented and charismatic Leonardo DiCaprio was able to convey the character so accurately that the viewer thinks that this is not a famous actor at all, but a successful financier from Wall Street.

This film tells the story of Jordan Belfort - the story of a man who became the epitome of success. He was not just a dreamer, he was a man who achieved everything thanks to his determination and ambitiousness. Wall Street is not a place for weak-minded people, you must have great potential and self-confidence.

Jordan Belfort at the beginning of his career was not very lucky in work because of the collapse of the market, but he did not give up and was able to achieve stunning success. The protagonist was not only decisive, ambitious, he was a wonderful speaker who inspired others with his example.

But this film about business and success from scratch is not a guide to how to become rich, but rather shows what side effects such a dizzying career can have. After all, any person should understand that it is important not only to become rich, but also to remain a person.

the wolf of Wall Street

"Silicon Valley Pirates"

The list of films about business and success from scratch also includes the film "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It talks about how dreams can become projects that go down in history and affect humanity. This film shows the confrontation between the two main computer empires - Apple and Microsoft.

But these projects were created in small utility rooms, where unknown programmers had dreamed that their projects would become popular all over the world. The viewer will see what path Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have walked, how the heroes did not stop at nothing to achieve their goal, how they overcame their complexes, which combined with genius.

This film is worth watching not only to see the creation of Apple and Microsoft and their confrontation - this is an example of how your fantasies can become successful if you not only dream, but also act. After all, even a brilliant person must be purposeful and ambitious. And then even the dreamer from the garage will become a famous and successful person around the world.

Silicon Valley Pirates

"Wall Street"

This motivating film is about business and success, which tells about the broker Bad Fox. This young man represented a generation of those who had a pragmatic character, received a university diploma and wanted to become rich and have a quick career. Bad's idol was Gordon Gekko, who was a trading genius.

Mr. Gekko agreed to collaborate with Fox. The young man managed to interest the famous Gordon Gekko, and they established friendly and business relationships. Bad Fox, having begun to communicate more with his idol, realizes that he takes part in various frauds. At the same time, he attracts a young partner to this.

Wall Street praises one of the most important concepts in business - self-creation. Having watched this movie, the viewer thinks that mentors and idols do not always use honest methods to achieve their goals. Also in this film tells about the various subtleties in the world of trading.

Wall Street movie

Billion Teen

This film is not about how to get rich quick, and not about the cruel world of Wall Street. This film is about how important it is for a person to get an education. The main character Top quickly became rich: at 16 he began to receive the first income from online games, and at 17 he organized a business for trading roasted chestnuts.

Everyone was talking to Top about the importance of getting an education, but the young man thought it was not important. But at the age of 19, he tries to get a loan from a bank, and here the main character realizes that sometimes one desire to succeed is sometimes not enough. Topa is not taken seriously because of its age, the young man gets into debt, faces the difficulties of many beginning startups.

But all this did not prevent him from succeeding and becoming rich. The 2011 film "Teenager for a Billion" teaches the viewer that education will help a person achieve success in business faster. And young people need not only to say that education is important, but to explain exactly what benefits it will bring. It is also useful to watch this film for novice entrepreneurs.

"They smoke here"

This film does not show the promotion of smoking. This motivating film about business and success shows how important it is to keep humanity in the pursuit of money. The protagonist Nick Naylor is lobbying for tobacco.

Against him, public opinion, statistics and all the data on the dangers of smoking. But Nick Naylor continues to confront everyone, engaged in the promotion of tobacco through the media. On the example of the protagonist, viewers can see that with the gift of persuasion a person can defend any position, which is especially important for an entrepreneur.

"Social network"

The list of modern films about business and success also includes the 2010 film Social Network. It talks about how the popular Facebook platform was created, and how Mark Zuckerberg became one of the youngest billionaires.

The film shows what all startupers should understand: there will always be those who will support your idea, and those who will envy your success. But, despite this, you must move forward to achieve your goal. Only then can you succeed.

Social network movie

"The man who changed everything"

This film is not about sports, but about the fact that a purposeful person can change the system. And this is illustrated by the example of baseball. The film was shot on the basis of a book about the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its manager Bill Bean. This man managed to create a competitive team with limited financial capabilities. The film “The Man Who Changed Everything” (2011) says that you don’t need to be afraid of difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.

Bean met with Peter Brand, who created a special methodology for selecting players based on mathematical analysis. In addition, the film “The Man Who Changed Everything” (2011) shows the relationship between the protagonist and his daughter, which distinguishes this picture from other films about success.

Brad Pitt

"Jobs: Empire of temptation"

This film tells about the life of one of the most famous and successful people of our time - Steve Jobs. The way of becoming him as a well-known entrepreneur, from hippies to Apple CEO, is shown. The director showed how a student who was expelled from college due to financial difficulties created a real empire.

Apple was created in the garage: it was there that young geniuses discussed and generated various ideas. At the same time, the film "Jobs: Empire of Temptation" does not show the story of quick and dizzy success, but how a person, overcoming the difficulties and side effects of success, could become successful. You can achieve certain heights in your career through hard work, and even if you have difficulties, you should not give up - and then you can realize your dream.

film about Steve Jobs

"This free world"

This is not just a motivating film about business and success, it is about the fact that sometimes a person in the pursuit of power and money begins to change, even if initially his intentions were good. The main character Angie, having lost her job in a large recruitment agency, opens her recruitment agency together with her friend.

They use immigrants as labor. In order not to pay taxes, Angie decides not to register her company. The company is becoming more successful, and one large client comes to Angie. After meeting with him because of a large reward, Angie agrees to employ illegal immigrants who agree to any job.

Then the position of the main character becomes more and more rigid and she already perceives immigrants not as people, but as labor. Angie argues with a father who does not agree with his daughter's position. Then the main character has the opportunity to register her company officially, but Angie is used to working according to the old scheme, and her companion does not support her in this. Angie continues to develop her agency.

The film “This Free World” (2007) raises important questions for the viewer: is success really important if a person needs to sacrifice his relations with relatives and humanity? It is important not only to be ambitious and purposeful, but also to treat people around with respect and understanding. Indeed, in life, it is important for a person not only to succeed, but also to create and save a family.


The film takes place in California in the 1920s. The main character is Plainview, a greedy capitalist, ready to do anything for his oil company to succeed. Plainview only believes in its strength and ambition. Plainview has a conflict with Eli Sandai, one of the brothers who showed him a rich oil field. The entrepreneur has only one goal: to become the richest man, his adoptive son is not even important to him.

This film shows the viewer how difficult it is for a person to maintain his human qualities in the pursuit of money, and what he is willing to do for the sake of profit. Such works should be included in the list of films about business and success from scratch, because they show everyone who dreams of becoming successful entrepreneurs the difficulties they may encounter. And the importance of always being human.

Big Big Me

This film tells about the successful business lady Margot Flor. As a child, little Margot dreamed of becoming a explorer of the deep sea or a conqueror of unknown planets. But, becoming an adult, she made a successful career, concludes millions of transactions and lives on schedule.

But one day, Margot Flor meets an elderly notary who gives her letters that she wrote to herself as an adult at the age of 7 years. Rereading them, the woman recalls all the promises she made to herself in childhood. The 2010 film Big Big I talks about how sometimes a person loses himself in the pursuit of success. And sometimes it’s important to just stop and remember what you dreamed of as a child.

The film "Big Little Me" (2010) is a picture not just about business or success, but about the fact that you need not to stop dreaming. It is important not only to become a successful person, but to what you wanted to become, and to do what brings you joy.

"Erin Brockovich"

This is a film about the success of a woman in business. Erin Brockovich is the mother of three children, who had no prospects but to work in a small law firm. A woman begins to fight with an influential corporation that polluted groundwater with a dangerous carcinogen.

Thanks to Erin, hundreds of families managed to get compensation. This film tells about how a woman with a strong-willed character was able to defeat the corporation, even without education, but possessing a wonderful mind and energy.

Erin Brockovich movie


Useful films for entrepreneurs not only inspire people, but also talk about some of the intricacies of working in the business sphere. Such films allow people to get acquainted with strong-willed, interesting personalities who, thanks to perseverance and determination, reach great heights in their careers. Watching such films, people understand that for them there is nothing impossible in the realization of a dream.

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