Canned meat and fish have a long storage period. Their nutritional value is quite high. These products are convenient to transport. The country has special plants producing them for a wide range of consumers. However, many prefer to make homemade canned meat. Depending on the contents, products manufactured in factories can be stored for up to 3-5 years without significant changes.
Production of canned meat
For the manufacture of using various products. In particular, production is carried out from all types of meat, fat, offal, finished products, various raw materials of plant origin. In the manufacture of spices are also used, the blood of animals. Canned meat is placed in different containers. These can be containers made of tin or glass, aluminum or polymers. In industry, a special unit of measurement is used. It is necessary to calculate the volume in which canned meat (stewed) is produced. GOST sets the parameters for this unit. A conventional bank is accepted as it. It is a cylindrical tin container. Its volume is 353 cm 3 , diameter - 102.3 mm, height - 52.8 mm. When converting physical cans to conditional, coefficients are used.
Canned meat is presented on the market in a wide variety. Products are classified primarily by the raw materials used in the manufacture. So, there are canned foods from meat products, poultry and cattle, lard, legumes, meat and vegetable and others. Depending on the destination, the products are distinguished:
- Dietary.
- Used after processing.
- Dining.
- Eateries.
The industry also produces canned meat for children. These products have special requirements.
Canned meat is made from raw, fried or boiled raw materials. In the manufacture of used: fat, salt, pepper, bay leaf. The most common canned meat is stewed beef, pork, lamb. The salt content in such products is 1.5%. The proportion of fat and meat is about 55%. These products are usually used in the preparation of second and first courses. Canned from offal - these are all kinds of pastes ("Hepatic", "Special", "Nevsky"), fried kidneys, liver, brain, tongue in jelly, heart and so on. They are consumed mainly for breakfast or in the form of cold snacks. Products from meat products are made from sausage meat ("Separate", "Amateur", "Pork", "Sausage" and so on.).
These include smoked bacon and bacon products. They are cut into small slices and pasteurized at a temperature of 75 degrees. They also produce canned poultry meat in their own juice, sausages in tomato, fat and broth, creams from crushed ham. Additionally, the banks may have a side dish. Canned meat and vegetables vary in type of raw material: bean, meat and vegetable, meat and pasta and others. They are used in the preparation of second and first courses. These products are ready to eat after heat treatment.
A wide assortment of dietary and baby canned food is presented. So, for six-month-old kids produce homogenized products. For children 7-9 months, puree canned food is made, 9-12 months. - coarsely ground. The main raw materials for the release of products are: poultry, tongue, liver, veal. Beef is also used. Among the most popular products can be called such as "Fairy Tale", "Kid", "Health".
Canned meat must comply with established standards and sanitary standards. Product quality is determined in the course of organoleptic research, physico-chemical, and in some cases (if necessary) - bacteriological analysis. In addition, inspecting structures pay special attention to the condition of containers. Inspecting canned meat, they check the condition of the paste, the content of the label, the presence / absence of defects, rust spots on the container, marking, the size of the solder influx. Blue areas may appear on the inside of the containers during sterilization. Dark glass from sulphurous iron can be detected on glass containers. It is harmless to humans, but significantly spoils the appearance of the product.
Organoleptically, canned meat is checked in preheated or cold form. Experts evaluate the taste, appearance, smell, texture of the contents. If the broth is present in the container, check its transparency and color. Assessing the appearance, attention is paid to the number and size of the pieces, especially their styling. Physico-chemical analysis of products involves the determination of fat and muscle tissue, sodium chloride and nitrite, broth, copper, tin and lead. The maximum allowable concentrations are set by the standards for each type of canned food. Depending on the quality and type of raw materials, as well as organoleptic characteristics, one or two types of products are produced. The first, for example, include canned food from fried meat, boiled beef. Spiced pork is also produced in one class. Braised lamb and beef are made of the highest or first grade. For them, raw materials are used, respectively, of the 1st or 2nd category of fatness.
How is canned meat labeled?
GOST establishes a strict procedure in accordance with which mandatory information is applied to banks. Marking is present on the lids of the containers. Application of information is carried out in a relief way or using indelible paint. On the covers of non-lithographed cans, information is indicated in the following order:
- The number and month of production - 2 digits each.
- Year of release - 2 last digits.
- Shift number.
- Assortment No. (1-3 digits). If canned meat is labeled premium, the letter "B" is added here.
One or two letters also indicate the index of the system to which the manufacturer relates. It could be:
- And - the meat industry.
- K - horticulture.
- KP - food industry.
- CS - consumer cooperation.
- LH - forestry.
- MS - agricultural production.
The plant number is indicated by 1-3 digits. The marking is arranged in two or three rows depending on the diameter of the cover. Information may be indicated only on the cover or on it and on the bottom (from the outside). On children's canned food should be written "Approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation."
Canned meat should be kept in a ventilated room with minimal temperature fluctuations. Relative humidity should be maintained at 75%. At the same time, the air temperature should be in the range of 0-5 degrees. Negatively affects the safety of products reduced t (below zero). At temperatures above 5 degrees tin begins to pass into the contents of the container. This can reduce the length of the product storage period.
It has a significant effect on the condition of the contents of the cans. Sterilization causes the formation of stable protein bonds. This, in turn, reduces the digestibility of canned food by about 20%. In addition, some amino acids and vitamins (threonine, methionine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine) are lost during sterilization. An amino acid such as lysine will be less absorbed after pasteurization at a temperature of 70 degrees. Extractive, in particular nitrogen-containing substances, partially decompose.
During sterilization, creatine is destroyed by 30%, which is involved in the formation of taste. With its breakdown, uric acid and sarcosine are formed. Some vitamins lose their activity, and ascorbic acid is completely destroyed. Partially disintegrate B vitamins. So, B is destroyed by 80%, and B2 - by 75%. Vitamins D and A break down by 40%, gzitamin N - by 60%. Released sulfhydryl groups form hydrogen sulfide in the presence of oxygen. This leads to sulfitation of the walls of the tank. In addition, the iron ions present in the product form ferrous sulfite.
Content Features
The most stable during storage are canned stews. Products from ham, sausages contain at a temperature of not more than 5 degrees. The shelf life of canned foods in which vegetable oils are present is shorter. Over time, corrosion begins on the inside of the can. In them, a significant increase in the tin content is observed already after 3-4 months. When canned food is frozen during storage, the tightness of containers may be broken, the varnish on the tin surface may break down. In addition, low temperatures negatively affect the appearance and texture of the contents.
Preparation for implementation
After the manufacture and release of canned food from the refrigerator in the summer season, they must be placed in chambers with a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees. To prevent moisture and the subsequent appearance of rust on the banks, it is necessary to strengthen the ventilation. After manufacturing, canned foods should be kept for 3 months. During this period, the alignment of organoleptic indicators. This process consists in the uniform distribution of spices, salt, fat and other components, as well as in the exchange of compounds between a dense and liquid mass.
During storage, swelling of cans may occur - bombing. It can be microbiological, physical or chemical. Moreover, spoilage of canned food can take place without any external signs. The reasons in such cases may be: acidification of the contents, accumulation of heavy metal salts. Canned goods are stored in storehouses until the expiration date. It is indicated in the technical / regulatory documentation or in the supply contract.