Comedy actress Leslie Jones will be world famous at the age of 49 and will be at the world box office. She is unlikely to rely on an Oscar, but during her career, a woman on the screen made a laugh of millions of people with her scripts.
In 1967, Leslie Jones was born in the American backwoods, which was then and still is the city of Memphis in Tennessee. But soon, with her parents, the girl will move to the California coast and settle in Los Angeles. It is easy to assume that it is there that the future comedian actress will be inspired by many examples of success and herself will want to be famous. A tall, dark-skinned girl achieves her first success in basketball. So through a student team she goes to college and gets an education. But a little later, Leslie Jones will change the basketball court to the stage, the girl decides to become a stand-up comedian and work in night clubs in the colloquial genre. Since then, the source of her earnings will be the ability to make people laugh.
Following the example of many of the same newcomers, she will suffer a terrible collapse and will be booed in the first attempt. But it is worth noting her stamina, Jones will continue to make laugh.
The main role in the career
For Leslie Jones, Ghostbusters could be a good chance to upgrade their ratings. This was the only tape with claims to the top of the world hire in her career. The choice of such an inexperienced and not very successful actress for one of the main roles is clear. Leslie Jones, at that time already a middle-aged woman, could not boast of loud roles, a recognizable face or good reviews from critics, but she had some advantages in the frame. The former comedian and screenwriter of a comedy show on television was able to make people laugh. The team of directors was looking for a woman without a bright appearance with comedic experience and a career profile. According to the scenario, immediately 4 main roles are played by women.
Leslie Jones, whose photo and even whose name was unknown to anyone at that time, hoped to get new fans thanks to Ghostbusters. But the comedy failed miserably at the box office.
Her jokes in the mouth of others
Leslie relies on her good jokes in work, she was known as a screenwriter for comedy shows. The girl remained a sought-after author for a long time and gathered a huge audience with her jokes performed by the actors. In parallel with this, she managed to play secondary roles in comedy films with a different budget. Sometimes she was entrusted with episodes in decent films, but comedian Jones was hardly remembered by her rare appearances in the frame.
Moreover, at the very beginning of his career, even attempts to become a comedian with his own performance did not receive public recognition. The girl was booed, and since that time, the future actress and screenwriter writes jokes not for herself, but trusts them to others.
Career Leslie
The heroine of comedy films makes her debut on the screen in the ordinary role of a little-known film when she was only 20 years old. Since then, periodically with interruptions of several years, she receives new invitations to shoot (sometimes in short films). Full list of roles:
- "Home is where Hart is";
- "Guilty without guilt";
- "The little Mermaid";
- "National security";
- "Bachelor Party";
- "Internet dating";
- "Something like a business";
- "Lottery ticket";
- "The company we are trying to keep";
- "House arrest";
- "Top 5";
- "My crazy family";
- "Ghostbusters";
- The instigators.
It is worth noting her stamina, the failure in the career of a stand-up comedian did not turn her away from the goal. A woman begins to work on television and eventually will wait for her moment of fame. It can be assumed that the former basketball player and the failed comedian will still play several high-profile comedy roles. Now she is fifty years old, but she still has strength and inspiration.