Regecin gel for wrinkles: reviews of cosmetologists, application features and effectiveness

To combat the problems of appearance that arise both due to natural causes and related to health problems, medical and cosmetic products, such as Regecin for wrinkles, help. Reviews of cosmetologists and users about such a tool are quite good.

Wrinkles and acne - appearance problem

Appearance plays an important role in the field of human communication and self-awareness. A well-groomed, tidy interlocutor evokes more respect and a desire to communicate than sloppy. Therefore, some problems, such as acne, acne or wrinkles, must be tried to correct without losing time. In order to correct skin imperfections, cosmetics with a therapeutic effect are used. They most often have the ability to eliminate the inflammatory processes that cause the appearance of acne, acne and acne, have the ability to improve the turgor of the skin, which helps to reduce visible wrinkles. One of these preparations is Regecin gel for wrinkles. Application, benefits, reviews about it will be discussed below.

wrinkle regecin reviews of cosmetologists

In what form is Regecin available?

Both cosmetologists and ordinary people often leave good reviews about Regecin (wrinkle gel). The price of such a tool is quite affordable, different sellers vary from 150 to 200 rubles. The product is available in tubes packing 15 grams. The manufacturer "Regecina" is the company Dionis LLC, located in St. Petersburg.

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What properties does the gel have?

Many users say that Regecin is the best facial wrinkle treatment that is used at home without visiting a beauty salon. But this tool works much wider than just eliminates wrinkles. The gel has an antimicrobial, regenerating skin (regenerating) and anti-inflammatory property.

What is part of the drug?

In almost any pharmacy and department of care and medical cosmetics, you can find Regecin gel for wrinkles. Reviews of cosmetologists about him are quite positive and often are advisory in nature. This is due to the effect that the gel has on the skin due to the components that make up the drug:

  • zinc hyaluronate;
  • sodium hyaluronate ;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • carbopol;
  • purified water;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • zinc chloride.

regecin from wrinkles reviews of cosmetologists price

How do components work?

The main working component of Regecin is zinc hyaluronate. This substance is a derivative of hyaluronic acid, which everyone has probably heard of, because cosmetics based on "hyaluron" are actively advertised in all media. This substance is the main component that helps the skin maintain elasticity. It is actively involved in metabolic and recovery processes.

This remedy for acne and wrinkles has a complex effect on the skin, due to the presence in it of such a component as zinc. It is included in the form of two compounds - zinc hyaluronate and zinc chloride. This allows this drug to have a mild antibacterial effect, the drying effect is offset by a hyaluronic compound. Due to its composition, Regecin is also used for wrinkles on the neck. He receives recommendations from cosmetologists for recommendations.

It should be said that this tool has a cumulative effect, it does not work instantly, eliminating problems with the appearance gradually. Daily course skin care, including this gel, allows you to get a clean face and neck without acne, blackheads, acne, wrinkles and blemishes. Yes, due to regular replenishment of the skin balance with a hyaluronic zinc compound, the skin will actively recover, acquiring a natural color, firmness, elasticity, and purity.

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In what cases is the agent used?

For many who seek to maintain natural beauty, the acquisition of medical and cosmetic preparations becomes commonplace. And it would be nice to know the opinion of cosmetologists before buying Regecin gel from wrinkles. Reviews of experts about him are very benevolent. After all, the active composition of the drug, although small component, but it works for a qualitative result, allowing you to maintain a decent appearance at home. The manufacturer in the annotation to the gel indicated the following indications for use:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • dermodecosis;
  • wrinkles;
  • tissue regeneration after the laser correction procedure;
  • acne.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists and patients, this remedy allows you to solve the problem of post-acne - small scars and spots left after acne.

the opinion of cosmetologists about the benefits of using regecin

If the gel can not be used?

Like any therapeutic agent, Regecin gel is just one of these cosmetic preparations, it has contraindications for use. This is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, determined by preliminary testing. How to carry it out? Apply a small amount to the wrists or elbows on the skin on the inside, where it is thin and delicate. If after a few minutes redness, burning sensation, itching and peeling appear in this area, then this gel should not be used. In this case, contact I am consulting with a dermatologist or cosmetologist for the selection of another cosmetic and therapeutic drug.In addition to hypersensitivity, the gel can not be used if the patient has:

  • asthma;
  • deep wounds;
  • neoplasms;
  • extensive lesions of the skin;
  • chemical burns.

The manufacturer mentions in the instructions to the tool that its use is undesirable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

regecin from facial wrinkles how to use gel

Side effects

The therapeutic and cosmetic product that can be purchased at the pharmacy network is Regecin for wrinkles. Reviews of cosmetologists about this drug are recommendatory in most cases. It should only be remembered that this remedy can cause the following side effects:

  • dermatitis;
  • burning sensation in the area of โ€‹โ€‹application of the gel;
  • itching
  • hives;
  • a feeling of tightened and dry skin;
  • redness of the skin (hyperemia).

In a severe case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, development of Quincke's edema is possible.

What do the experts say?

Very important information can be obtained by studying the opinion of cosmetologists about the benefits of using Regecina. The most important thing is a worthy preparation to be among the home care and medical cosmetics of each person. It is non-aggressive if there is no allergy to the constituent components. The gel acts gently, having a cumulative ability. The work of the compounds of hyaluronic acid and zinc causes the tissues of the skin to regenerate more actively, removing inflammation, structural changes, cleansing of unwanted substances, toxins, brightening the skin, making it more elastic and elastic.

Most cosmetologists recommend this tool for home use, although it can also be used during salon procedures. The only โ€œbutโ€ that many mention is the course use of the tool to obtain a visible result. But a big plus is the stability of achievements when using the gel.

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How to use the product at home?

One of the high-quality, with good reviews means - "Regecin from wrinkles" on the face. How to use the gel so that the result is high-quality and stable? First you need to check if there is an allergy to the components of the product. If everything is in order, then the drug is used according to the following algorithm:

  • high-quality cleansing of the skin of the face and neck - washing with warm water with a neutral agent;
  • application to problem areas of the skin with a thin layer of gel;
  • rubbing with light massage movements along the massage lines.

When the product is absorbed, you can use cosmetics.

As a remedy for acne, the gel is applied to the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, cleansing the skin is an obligatory step. In this case, "Regecin" is used as monotherapy, and as an additional tool. For preventive purposes, this drug can be used 2 times a week.

For the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, the gel is applied 2-3 times a day also with the prerequisite for thorough cleansing procedures.

The use of the Rececin therapeutic and cosmetic preparation for wrinkles, reviews of cosmetologists also mention such an effect of it, involves a two-time daily application for several months. The course of treatment with these drugs is from 1 to 4 months, depending on the complexity of the defect and the characteristics of the patient's skin.

wrinkle gel regecin gel use reviews

Features of the use of funds

"A worthy remedy for home cosmetics" - say cosmetologists about Regecin gel from wrinkles. Its price is affordable, and 2-3 tubes of gel are enough for the course of treatment. A feature of this drug is its absolute neutrality, because it does not contain aggressive components that instantly suppress inflammation. This product is mild, with a cumulative effect, like a system of bonuses - as a result of a long process you get clean healthy skin, without acne and wrinkles.

It must be remembered that this tool can not be applied to the area around the eyes, on the lips and on open injuries of the skin. According to experts and ordinary users, it is Regecin that is the most gentle means to eliminate skin problems. There are not enough similar products on the market of cosmetic and medical preparations. Hyaluronic acid, if contained in such products, such drugs are either aggressive due to additional components, or very expensive.

regecin is the best remedy for facial wrinkles

If there is a need to correct the appearance of the skin, the desire to get rid of acne, acne, small flaws in the form of acne or small wrinkles, then you can buy Regecin gel from wrinkles in the pharmacy. Reviews of cosmetologists and those who have already tried this tool on themselves are positive, recommendatory in nature.

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