What is arrogance? This is one of the qualities of a person that is negative. This is understandable to almost everyone. However, not everyone knows exactly what this means. Some associate this word with a "splinter", believing that an arrogant is someone who "clings" or is imposed on others. Others think that this is a person who is often "brought" to the wrong place. In fact, the words “arrogance” and “arrogance” will be correct.
Dictionary Definition
Regarding what “arrogance” means, the teacher’s encyclopedic dictionary says the following. This is a negative moral and ethical quality inherent in the human person. It is expressed in the form of arrogance, swagger, arrogance. This quality is often generated by an overestimation of the personality of one's own merits and an underestimation of the disadvantages.
Arrogance is overcome through spiritual and moral education of a person and is compensated by activity, efficiency, responsibility. In general, the considered negative property is a hindrance in communication with other people and makes a person uncomfortable, non-living in the team.
Further, for a better understanding of what arrogance is, several examples of the use of this word will be given.
Examples of use
- Having carefully analyzed the situation, the school director came to the conclusion that the young teacher cannot find a common language with the students because of his arrogance and false self-confidence.
- Mother instructed Sasha, repeatedly repeating that she might suffer because of her own arrogance, so she needs to be more careful in communicating with people.
- Despite the good academic performance, Sergey was not highly respected by either teachers or classmates, as he was characterized by excessive arrogance, immodesty and self-confidence in judgments on many issues.
- The protagonist of the novel spoke not only with pride, but also with arrogance about his achievements in the art of gambling, which only instilled skepticism in those around him.
- This already elderly, noble, fit gentleman, who behaved with great dignity, could make a good impression if it were not for his arrogance, about which many have heard.
As can be seen from the above examples, arrogance is a very unpleasant property that does not allow a person to be positively perceived by others, sometimes even despite other positive qualities inherent in him. Which suggests that this shortcoming must be eliminated by all means.
It seems that the consideration of its synonyms and antonyms will help to appropriately understand the meaning of the word “arrogance”.
Words close in meaning
Among the synonyms for "arrogance" are:
- ambitiousness;
- boastfulness;
- bulging oneself;
- arrogance;
- importance;
- arrogance;
- bariness;
- greyhound;
- pride and pride;
- conceit;
- cockiness;
- megalomania;
- ambition;
- puffiness;
- swagger and swagger;
- bombast;
- fanaberiya;
- arrogance and arrogance;
- star fever;
- self-confidence;
- show off;
- force;
- puffiness;
- egotism;
- aplomb;
- selfishness;
- puffiness;
- importance.
Antonyms will be given below.
Words with the opposite meaning
These include:
- meekness;
- modesty;
- low self-esteem;
- shyness;
- self-doubt;
- lack of confidence;
- self-criticism.
As you can see, there are a small number of antonyms, in contrast to synonyms. Further, to correctly understand what arrogance is, it will be advisable to consider the origin of the word.
The studied noun comes from the adjective "arrogant", which, in turn, is formed from the verb "to be recorded." The latter “turned out” from the verb “wear” by adding the prefix “for” and the particle “sya” to it, and then from the form that is connected by alternating with the verb “carry”. It is formed from the pre-Slavic verb nesti.
Among other things, came from him:
- Old Russian and Old Slavonic "Nesti";
- Russian and Ukrainian “carry”;
- Bulgarian "Nesa";
- Serbo-Croatian “Nesti”;
- Slovenian nesti;
- Czech nést;
- Slovak niesť;
- Polish nieść;
- Upper Luzhsky ńesć;
Among related words are such as:
- Lithuanian nèšti;
- Latvian nest;
- Old Indian nác̨ati - “receives, reaches”;
- Avestan - nasaiti.
The studied linguistic object has one feature, which will be discussed below.
Pronunciation and spelling
Sometimes the word "arrogance" causes difficulty in writing it. This is due to the fact that the spelling is different from the sound. When pronouncing, we hear “arrogance”, but you cannot write like that. In order not to make a mistake in writing, you need to parse the word in composition. It looks like this:
- “For” - prefix;
- "Nose" is the root;
- “Chiv” is a suffix;
- "Aw" is a suffix.
Therefore, you need to write not "zanoschivost", but "zanoschivost".
Next, some of the signs of arrogance will be examined.
An arrogant person can be identified by a number of the following symptoms.
- He puts himself much higher than others, characterized by excessive pride, arrogance, selfishness, hypertrophied pride.
- Communication with people outside his circle is perceived by him as a heavy duty that offends his dignity.
- Arrogance is manifested in indifference expressed in relation to the opinions of other people.
- Making fun of others, disrespect for them - this is another sign of arrogance.
- Arrogantly expressing their point of view, arrogant people do not pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of others.
- They do not refuse their words, even if they indicate that they are far from the truth and require them to renounce, it may seem ridiculous to them.
- An arrogant person rarely apologizes even when he realizes that he is one hundred percent wrong, as this is below his dignity.
- Signs of arrogance can also be seen in the expression on the face, showing neglect, contempt, lack of compassion, indifference.
At the end of the study of the question of what arrogance, we will consider ways to get rid of this unpleasant quality.
How to get rid of arrogance?
For this, a person needs to put himself in the place of those who are forced to endure his arrogant, arrogant behavior from time to time. Try to understand how they feel.
If you are an arrogant person and have offended someone, realizing that your fault is obvious, apologize, but on condition that it is from a pure heart. No need to make excuses, you need to apologize. If you, contrary to the opinion of others, think that you are not to blame, you should defend your point of view, but at the same time “leaning” on the arguments, and not on demonstrating your superiority.
The believer should turn to scripture words that condemn the sin of pride, which is closely associated with arrogance and arrogance. Their meaning is as follows:
- The heart, captured by pride, kindles a quarrel.
- God condemns a proud look.
- Pride is the essence of sin.
- Pride is the mother of ingratitude, arrogance, discontent and fanaticism.
- It is unlikely that there is evil in the world that in any sense does not satisfy pride.
You can still quote the words from the Qur'an: “Verily, the Almighty does not favor proud people.” And also from the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad: "He will not enter paradise who has pride in his heart, even if it is equal to a grain of mustard."
You can also wish an arrogant person to remember that the Earth does not revolve around him, but around the Sun. And, if he thinks he is the navel of the Earth, then he should look into the atlas of the universe and try to find himself there.