Cleansing face mask. Apply correctly

Facial skin care should be an integral part of every personโ€™s daily morning toilet, regardless of gender. It is considered in vain that this is a purely female privilege. No, this is a natural procedure for everyone. And the very first step is a simple wash with clean water. And what helps keep the skin really clean and fresh? A cleansing facial mask with various components.

facial cleansing mask

Expanding pores

The most common problem is black dots. They appear due to the fact that our environment is not clean enough. Pores on the face are clogged with microscopic dirt, which ordinary washing cannot remove. Even if it is with special gels. Here, a facial cleansing mask with small abrasive particles that not only expand the pores, but also remove all the dirt, is more suitable. You can make such a mask yourself, from improvised ingredients. Required:

  • sour cream;
  • crushed grape seed or ground apricot kernel;
  • boiled water.

All components are mixed in an amount that should be enough for one application. A cleansing face mask is never procured for the future, because it must be fresh. Otherwise, there is a risk of "picking up" harmful bacteria that will successfully develop, making themselves felt in the form of acne or acne.

facial cleansing mask

Before applying the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to the components. Just brush a little skin on the temple. If within half an hour there is no rash or redness, you can safely apply to the entire face, leaving it for 20 minutes. Rinsing, you need to lightly massage the skin. Such a mask combines several effects: a mask, and peeling, and hydration (sour cream + water), and rejuvenation. You can do it at any age, at any time of the day, on any skin. After applying a moisturizer suitable cream.

facial cleansing mask recipe

Anti- age

Skin aging can begin regardless of age. A lot of factors influence this: smoking, lack of sleep, caffeine, harmful working conditions (like cooks, for example). Anti-age facial cleansing mask helps to cope with this. That is anti-aging. It can be purchased in the store, focusing on your skin type, age, or you can do it yourself. The recipe for a facial cleansing mask is simple:

  1. Mix honey, bran and yogurt in equal proportions in a container.
  2. Let stand for 5 minutes.
  3. Apply on skin for 25 minutes.

The lifting effect is carried out due to the honey in the composition. Pores are cleaned with bran, and yogurt moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Such a mask can be made by absolutely anyone who is not suffering from allergies. Moreover, for men it is also useful in that it slows down the growth of facial hair. And this, accordingly, allows you to resort less often to the help of machine tools. A cleansing face mask film at home will not work, but it can be purchased ready-made. Its advantages are that all the removed toxins completely remain on the film, not lingering on the skin. Always choose cosmetics, focusing only on the reaction of your body. No super-brands will help if your skin rejects the component masks.

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